Meth Withdrawal and Detox: How You Can Safely Quit Meth | Dr. B

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Today we start our Methamphetamine series discussing what meth withdrawal is like and how you can safely quit and detox off meth. Recover from addiction by calling me: (800) 779-4715

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In this video I discuss:
1. What meth withdrawal symptoms are and what it's like
2. How long do meth withdrawal symptoms last?
3. how to safely detox and quit meth

I you have additional questions please let me know in the comments and I will do my best to answer them ASAP.

#methwithdrawal #methdetox #Methamphetamine
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Im in recovery and the withdrawals are 99% psychological. You will have severe mood swings, feelings of depression, irritability and restlessness. You dont get dope sick like when you're withdrawing from opiates. Its all psychological but dont underestimate the power of that. Its been months now and the psychological chains are still just as strong. I had to completely move to a new area where I didn't know anyone just to help prevent a relapse. The biggest hurdle for me was that "random encounter" where someone might have some or offer it. Im not out of the woods by any means. Go with GOD!


1. Do not contact the meth
2. Put the pipe down
3. Stop scraping it for
another hit
4. Dispose of paraphernalia
5. Even though you have
done this a 1000 times
keep trying


If you are here, then you are in the right direction. You got this, nobody knows what it’s like unless they go threw it. If your reading this know you are not alone you will find the light again. I pray we all beat this demon, it’s like 1 in 400 million that you were born, you are here for a reason. Keep your head up an take it day by day starting now! You got this you beautiful soul. Stay strong.


To all of you on, or recovering from meth, I love you! You are loved.


57 days today guys! I'm not giving up thank you Dr B


Thank you for posting this video. I went through this and I have to say it was difficult and I can describe it as 99% psychological but it’s really hard to push through but I am here to say that it is possible! Everyday you get through is another day forward and over time you begin to feel more normalized. Every day that you resist you continue to grow stronger and stronger and stronger. To anyone who is getting the strength to do this I want to tell you that you can and I’m sending you love and strength ❤


I was a heavy user for 13 years injecting the drug several times daily, the hardest part about quitting was leaving behind the friends and people that were the circle of friends in my life.the withdrawals weren’t exactly withdrawals, I stopped because I was tired of being without money, once I owned my addiction and posted my intention to all family and friends on social media, I stopped cold, ive been off meth for 6 months, I still have vivid dreams where I’m with old friends mixing up meth ready for injection, I always wake up just before I inject, I think my brain sees it as a type of mental death that it shields me from.


Increased anxiety and the psychosis is the worst thing ever! Pay attention to everything he has to say this is by far the best video I’ve ever seen and I am just so Impressed by the fact he explains everything in detail


It's so refreshing to see a doctor with human compassion and a doctor who doesn't have their head up their ass. A doctor with empathy and patience. And, importantly, a doctor who doesn't categorize by societies stigmas.


A doctor that's non judgmental and really cares helping others! Wonderful video.


For the VERY first time in my life, my entire life...I feel as if someone TRULY knows "me".
I'm actually in tears as I type this comment because my feeling of being alienated has FINALLY released me! A sense of relief! I can't begin to thank you enough, it's a debt I could never pay off...but I had to let you know that I just had a life changing moment and that was all thanks to you, Sir!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! ❤


I quit cold turkey when i was 17 weeks pregnant (despite knowing i was pregnant way before). I developed anxiety, anger issues, mood irritability and even asthma over the course of my pregnancy. It took so much effort and time for me to fully overcome the change/pain but i had to remind myself im doing this for my baby. Now I’m 40 + 2 weeks into my pregnancy. I’m grateful and proud to have carried my baby to full term, at over 8 pounds and we’re only left with waiting for his arrival.


To stay clean one needs to move away from triggers and something positive to look forward to while keeping busy doing something REALLY rewarding.


I safely stopped using meth 3 years ago. I had been a meth head for 30 years and quit because it became "old" just as I had become! It wasn't that hard. The difficult part was realizing I could function at work with out it as I had always relied on it's effects to keep me working through the day. I weaned myself the first week only using 2 "issues" one in the AM and another after lunch. After a week I used caffeine pills for another week. After that week I was able to function normally and without any drugs. Walking and exercise helped a lot also. As of right now I'm probably in the best condition and health I've ever been in for many many years. Good luck to any one seeking a healthy life style. I can answer any questions posed to me about my drug addiction and how I quit.


I really appreciate the people who unselfishly devote time in their life trying to help others, and those ppl include this Dr as well as the ppl in comments, staying positive is key to being the best you can be as well as being with like minded ppl, And when ready? You can do anything you put your mind to!🙏🏽


This made me cry. He genuinely cares. I feel so called to help people with addiction. And I agree with everything he says.
My dad is an addict (opiates). My mom (with food). My two sisters (alcohol). Four of my friends (meth and heroin).


You are the first doctor I have ever heard speak of this with such knowledge and compassion. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


The withdrawals were the worst, but I quit cold turkey after almost a year of addiction, I can say that I've been the happiest I've been in a while since then, stay strong guys! It gets better.


Don't ever get complacent in your sobriety! You are going to be recovering for the rest of your life. Its HARD AS HELL but u can do anything you put your mind too! 4 years on January 8th ♡ loving every minute of it. I STILL struggle with handling emotions but that is what therapy is for! Ill also give a shout out to CELEBRATE RECOVERY for connecting me to my sponsor and more importantly the Lord.
Take the time you need to get back to you once you decide this is the direction you want to go its only up from there 😊
(Remember; it won't happen overnight)


He hits the withdrawal symptoms on the head. For me I started using to numb past experiences in my childhood. From what I noticed, alot of drug addicts have been abused sexual and physically. It helped mask my pain and helped me with my confidence. When I hear people talking about drug addicts like we are less than them only fires me up. Most drug addicts are different from regular people spiritual. Spiritual, we are on a higher level than others. We see and hear things others can't wrap there minds around. Pls never feel like your alone because there are so many of us and we share your experiences. I love all my brothers and sisters ❤️ 💙
