Why Men Cheat on Women They Love

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This video covers why men cheat on women they love.

The subject of why people cheat is never a pleasant one to cover, but it's worth discussing insofar as it brings you peace, clarity and an ability to move forward to whatever comes next.

Do most men cheat? How many people cheat? How often do people cheat?

In this day and age, it's as if you can't watch a show or movie without married men who cheat and men that cheat on women who love them.

The thing is, shows, music and movies offer a very warped view of reality. The true reasons people cheat and why married men cheat, is different than what you see portrayed in popular culture

If you're wondering, "Why do married men cheat? Why do men cheat and lie? Why do men cheat on their girlfriends? Why do men lie and cheat? Why do people cheat in relationships?", then watch this video and you'll learn the truth.

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Those aren't actually reasons to cheat, they're just excuses. If one doesn't feel connected to their partner, they can speak to her, or suggest going to a counselor, if they really care about her. Anything else is just a cop out. And if it's not working, end it. Nothing justifies breaking someone's trust. You don't just destroy the relationship, you also destroy their chances for a healthy relationship moving forward because they'll always doubt their partner even if the new partner is wonderful. P.s. this goes for men and women, I just wrote it this way for ease of expression.


Date/marry a man who communicates. If he feels undervalued, he will TELL you, not CHEAT on you. Caring partners will work it out, but that who doesn’t love you enough will cheat. There! Never, ever accept cheating.


This is why one should never get involved with a narcissist, because they always feel like losers and they will always cheat on their partners. There's nothing you can do to make them feel appreciated or enough, so that's a big red flag to avoid in getting with someone in the first place.
Stay away from people that have victim mentality.



If a man TRULY loves his woman, he wouldn’t allow himself to go there! So in other words, if he cheats he doesn’t truly love you


"I just felt like I couldn't win" - pretty much the exact words that my ex said to me. She's right - but it's also combined with poor character, narcissism, low self esteem, and neediness. A guy who is healthy will communicate with his partner and make an effort to work on the relationship rather than cheating.


Never stay with someone who has cheating as core values. A cheater has no business with a non-cheater. We are different. Cheating is psychologically rooted. Accept those in your life who will communicate when things get rocky in a relationship.


Find a high quality man who appreciates you and knows your worth and they will never cheat in general!! Know your worth


Men cheat for one reason and one reason only, because they want to. No matter what reason he may state for his cheating, all he was doing was putting an excuse in front to no have to take responsibility for his action.


🙄 cheating is a choice Respect would be to say it’s over and not spread STD’s to the innocent 😢


Cheating is a choice, immaturity, being not contented, being unhappy,


I happen to be a man who does a lot of my work (vetting) BEFORE getting into a relationship, therefore cheating for me is not what I subscribe to. By the time I get involved with someone, I'm in it to win it, thus no woman I have been in a relationship with has ever inquired about me cheating. That being stated, I was EXTREMELY interested in hearing what you had to say.
Once again, you hit the nail on the head. As a man, the first two reasons you gave would be the reasons I would even think of straying, but since I really do a vetting process before I decide to get involved with someone, I usually catch these issues while in the vetting process, thus I don't get involved with them. As for the 4th reason, I fully agree with you, however, once again, the vetting process has always protected me from this.
As for reason #3 (some men see cheating as ok)... Again you are correct. I just just don't see it as ok. I believe that one should just either stay single and see whomever they want, or break up if it's not working out. I think that is simply just being fair.

Again... You are amazing! Thank you for sharing such accurate and relevant analysis. 🏆


This was good and helpful. My marriage ended because my he felt like I didn't appreciate him. We have kids, so I still talk with him about it. This is the main reason. I was so unaware that this was how he felt until it was too late.


Down to earth. True realistic points. Good vid


Spot on. It happened to me for all the reasons and it was the worst! Especially because i thought we had established in the beginning that everything was forgivable except for betrayal. YES please do record the follow up video about recovering after betrayal.


Please do a video on how to show your man affection and show him that he is appreciated and understood
Thank you ❤


Just watched your video, my husband cheated in 2012 to 2017, I just found in April during covid, we’re going to counseling now, but I’m having a hard time healing, I’m 59, and married since 1984, I know I can’t throw it all away, but he really really hurt me, I’ve been faithful to him all these years, he tells me I did nothing wrong in our marriage, and my counselor said the same thing, that it wasn’t me, I truly think my husband was entitled to his affair, he worked out of town and met her working at the restaurant he always went to, she was divorced and kept telling my husband how bad her life was, and he felt sorry for her, and my husband does have a soft spot for people who have sad stories, eventually she moved to our city and he saw her in the mornings and went to work, I saw no red flags, he has that gift to compartmentalize, he shut her off after the booty call is what he explained it to me, he cut all ties with her in 2017, because she started to get controlling with him, and my husband felt like he was caught in a spider web, he told me he was never ever going to tell me about the affair, because he knew how much it was going to hurt me, my husband is very remorseful, ashamed, he wants to help me recover, he is doing everything in his power to win me back, he tells me it was the biggest mistake of his life, his reinsurance is over the top, But I can’t stop thinking about the affair, I keep asking him, WHY! and he says he doesn’t know why, that’s why were going to counseling, he had a soft spot for here, I understand, but to continue the affair for 5 years! that really bothers me, he keeps telling me he told her that he would never leave me for her, it was just sex for him, so why would this women hang on to him, yes please do a video on healing and use my story if you have too, every day I’m crying, and my husband comes over to hug me and says how sorry he is, please help


Because they are douche bags! I’ve never cheated never will! Loyalty and honesty are the most important things!


This was a REALLY REALLY GOOD VIDEO. People don't like truths. Men are men. A lot of women feel like a man is suppose to love and act like a woman...they don't. Not at all. I say...Love them, support them, nurture them, sex them and REPEAT. But sometimes you can do ALL THIS and they still mess up. What you do IS YOUR CHOICE. To me there's no perfect answer because every situation is different.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!! 🙌🏽 This was allll I needed lol
