How To Know What's My Energy Vs Theirs? | #askchristina

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If you’re an empath or highly sensitive person, you probably absorb the emotions of other people. So when you experience a negative feeling, how do you know if it’s yours? In this Ask Christina, I explain how to tell the difference between your emotions and another person’s (hint: it’s not what you think!). Then, I’ll teach you how to release these emotions so you can come to a place of peace and groundedness. When you’re done listening, you’ll know exactly how to stand in your power as the powerful sensitive and alchemist you are!






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I agree with Christina 100%. The more u grow in awareness the more subtle it is. If I’m resistant at all, I always go within and deal with it there. My focus is on me and how I’m doing. I stay in the moment. I learn a ton that way and stay away from blame. It took me some time to be in this place, but I love the changes that take place within me that surprise me. Heart wide open!


I agree, I remember when I was around a narcissist I was triggered a lot eventually I took ownership of my emotions and I sat with it to find out where it was coming from and the trauma then changed the vibration of it and polarised it, it really worked. I used to change the thoughts of it but I love the idea of polarising it in the heart thank you


Totally agree with the idea that once you are feeling the energy of another (positive or negative) it is YOU who is sending and incorporating it onto your soul….what you decide to do with that energy is entirely up to you…


I think the question had two parts, the first part is of discernment to know if this is your energy that you had before the encounter or if it was someone else's energy... It might make a difference to someone's practice to know this, and maybe it's more important when starting out, for example, me! I'd like to know who, what, when, why, etc. It might help me or the other person to catch it in the moment it is happening... What occurred to me to know this: is to practice meditation and you'll feel your energy so you know the "baseline" so that when it changes you can have an inner knowing that this _might_ be someone else's (would you say that is fair way to do it?) The second part of the question of how to handle it, you answered beautifully, that regardless of where it came from, it's yours now... like when the wind blows the neighbor's trash over into my yard... Grrrr I hate that! LOL... But the solution is to transmute the energy through the heart chakra... I don't do enough energy work, if at all, so I forget about this step... I need a reminder... Again I learn so much watching your channel. Thank you so much. Love and Light!


I like that! Own the feeling or energy, empower yourself by addressing it and asking your heart and energetic systems to transform it to calm, peace, love. When we look at it this way it is another way to grow and strengthen ourselves. Next level thinking!


Exactly what I needed to learn ! Thank you for clarifying Christina. It makes so much sense - once I’m feeling it, it’s mine. What a privilege to be able to transmute it on behalf of another (as well as myself)! The stress of trying to understand and the emotion disbursed as soon as I accepted and transmuted!🙏🙏🙏💞


Thank you for an incredibly helpful video on an issue that I've been struggling with for years. I'm 100% convinced God led me to find this today. Bless you Christina for all you do for others.


Yes, many types of emotions are contagious.
Sometimes rooms hold energy imprints for awhile.
Standing and breathing with trees helps me clear.
I'd really like better discernment and better transmuting if that is part of my role as empath.
I'd probably be crying more.
I feel another's grief or even anger and I don't want to be angry, yet underneath that is often pain too.


Totally agree on the feeling things. I have realized that other people's thoughts pop into my mind and that is a little weird to understand, because when it happens it feels like it's coming from my own mind but it's nothing I would have thought on my own. And seems to happen with all living things, not just people. I think it's just a matter of practicing noticing what is coming from my brain. My antenna is picking up and reporting things that aren't originating from my awareness.


In love, light and gratitude for this transmutation of energy, Christina!


Definitely! Take it in, transmute it, and send it out!


This is probably the most important episode on my path! Thank you for that with all my heart! 🙏


Thank you for this 🙏🏻 I have been hibernating away from most people as I can’t seam to distinguish how to not absorb others energy. Even when I am on my own now I am getting so much energy from the collective consciousness that I feel so overwhelmed.
I asked my guides for some guidance and was told to look this up x thank you so much for sharing


Hi Christina - Thank you for these wonderful insights. There is something very healing about placing attention on a feeling, as you point out. Sometimes in doing that I ask the feeling "How long to you wish to stay here?" I assure it that I will hang out with it as long as it would like. Then the question arises- "Will I be different after this feeling leaves?" The answer is always no. The feelings come and go, and I remain the same as the one who is aware of the feeling. Just wanted to toss this into the field! xxx


Thank you Christina. Beautifully said. God bless you and yours.


This is the best theory I have heard yet. It makes a lot more sense that we are able to do some good with our empathic abilities. Rather than seeing it as a weakness and something that drains us. Great video, I will definitely use these tips 🙏


My gosh ! I spent my entire life catching on other peoples emotions and my brain started making up stories to justify it. It was Not enough my life was so sad and full of unbearable pain, violence and betrayalsI also picked up other sadness. Lately I started having suicidal thought like it had no meaning that I should die already when I’m manifesting so many great things and happiness out of a sudden I’m sitting feeling suicidal (I never really felt that one in my life) . But now tarot and my guides told me where was coming from, it was hard processing but I knew my life is finally good and I had been feeling so hopeful and thankful lately. It is like a super power! My gosh! We can feel what people are going thru it’s like we can read minds and hearts


Great question...and its so true..I absorb all the energies around me, particularly from family. I integrate and physically feel any all discomfort that they may be experiencing. I am slowly learning to distinguish and identify my energies and create boundaries. Thank you're wonderful and inspiring. Peace, Light and Love to you and all here.


I clicked do fast :) but i want to say 2 things:
* finally i started to learn all the different meanings that feelings can show/tell me. Its important to understand them and not just feel them. So when its not ours its harder to understand sometimes why am i feeling it. What is it trying to tell me? Thats a point that is sometimes chalanging.
* for example one iv felt a "positive feeling" coming out of a "friend" when something bad happened to me, that showed me that she is a frienemy.
When i came to work and was working quetly while feeling my mannegers supressed anger - i didnt know why and what to do about it, but now i know - protect my energetic boundaries. I was to absorbing like a black hole. Healing my heart is hellping me be more protecred and get over anger episodes quicker.

Thanks for you perspective, always inlightening 🙏

Can you make a vid about how body pains related to emotions and how to release them from the body? 🙏 ttapped emotions 🙏💖🌺


YES! Thank you so much for making this even though it’s an unpopular opinion. I’ve been looking for support on this topic!!
