Why We Should JAIL P*rnographers w/ Seamus Coughlin @FreedomToons

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Seamus makes the case for why the government should imprison everyone who produces adult films.

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"We should be as protective of marriage and the family as we are of banks."



My prayers go out to everyone fighting this horrific addiction. You're not alone ❤✝️


Porn destroyed so many years of my life that I’ll never get back. The enemy made me believe I was in control and that I was happy, but in reality, I was extremely depressed and lacked all purpose and control. It ruined relationships, how I viewed women, and intimacy for me. Had I not dedicated my life to Christ I would have never stopped. Even motivational speakers and other religions failed me, but Christ never did. All praise goes to Father YAHWEH, Son Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit Ruach for saving my life.🙏


As a single father that desperately desires a wife & more children, Seamus hit the nail on the head about the feeling that we won't even be able to get married & have a family these days.


This is so absolutely true.

I'm 23, making good money, have managed to quit porn and am getting really good at dealing with the lustful thoughts that come. I am quite involved in my church and chant for every high mass.

Half the time I get home from church in tears because all I see are beautiful Catholic families and wonderful fathers that I look up to and want to be like someday, but it's incredibly hard to hang on to hope that I may someday have a family.

Despite having finally gotten onto a couple dates, I still find it incredibly difficult to interact with women after spending so many of my development years addicted to porn with absolutely zero IRL female interaction (studied engineering...) Probably so doesn't help that I don't really have any siblings to speak of.


Pornography, prostitution, strip clubs, and slavery is attach to these evils .


Porno is super bad for society yes. Onlyfans should at least be adressed legally because it's pornographic extortion. It's like legal drug dealing.


Absolutely we should. This rhetoric is so needed, thank you Matt and Seamus!


Spot on, bubbe. Lock up pornographers.


I am married with no children, and can relate to the comment on the feeling of hopelessness. I was diagnosed with a rare form of male infertility called globozoospermia a few years ago. There are 0 confirmed cases of natural pregnancy with this form of infertility. My wife and I were devastated when we found out. We've shed many tears, and spent lots of money on stupid things, but after attempting to foster to adopt and having our hearts crushed when the children went back with their mother, we have found comfort in realizing we are blessed to be able to suffer, and to place that suffering on the cross with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


"Instead of bread and circuses, it's Uber Eats and porn" 🔥 🔥 🔥


Pornography has ruined my life and has twisted my soul since I was 11 years old, I'm now 37. I agree with this. Lock them up!


I love how Matt has changed over the years (for the better)
How it started: "Here's my presentation on why you maybe should think on giving up porn"
How it's going: "We should put pornographers in jail"


As a woman who had a husband with this addiction... (he did come a long way in our 20 years together but so sadly he died 12 years ago from an unknown heart defect at the young age of 45)
Our 3 kids are adults but....

I have some insight for men who struggle with this....

The lure of pornography is a strong one because of how men are wired, but it comes with an EMPTINESS at the end.

I think we ALL want to be loved, (both men AND women) and have our needs met, but we need HUMAN CONNECTION and porn isn't that. Even if you are with live women who get paid for it, they aren't REAL in one's life.

So it's like always being hungry, eating a huge feast but realizing at the end that you are still starving.

I'm NOT saying that it is easy to find a good relationship. It takes wisdom and knowledge of one's self to make wise decisions about the person you choose, and COMMUNICATION with each other and the WILLINGNESS to communicate about everything... Even about sex, (especially about sex) even about ALL the difficult things that come up in life.

NO ONE can read your mind, so it needs to be talked about if it's something that is a problem. That involves some vulnerability, but the other person should be doing the same. There is a joy in a REAL RELATIONSHIP that can never be had from any false promise that is what the entire $€x industry is. False promises that can never live up.

In the end, it is cheating yourself AND your wife/girlfriend if you keep consuming the false, empty promise of a product that can never give a person what they think they will get.

And, if I can mention God, He loves us all and will help us to be who He wants us to be IF WE ASK HIM FOR HELP.

I wish everyone (who read this far) to have FREEDOM and peace and happiness in their lives and to get to an END to being slaves to this addiction. AMEN.


So happy to hear this conversation. God bless you both for the bold proclamation of truth.
In response to the commenters below who want to ignore the supply side of the equation, I want to remind you of the argument from authority Seamus makes at 0:26. If you're a Catholic, then the question of whether to impose *prohibitive* legal restrictions has already been settled. The Catechism has lots of content to deal with the demand side of the equation as well. This is not an 'either/or' matter. We can -- and should -- deal with both the supply and the demand. Also, when talking about addictive materials, it's just cruel to think that we should only care about decreasing demand. Those who struggle with this issue deserve better support through legal remedies.


“People living in despair are perfect consumers.”

Wow that’s so true


They deserve much worse. I’m 32 and my brain/dopamine system feels destroyed


We should also jail everyone involved in the fast-food and processed food industries.

Why stop there? Jail everyone involved in the smartphone industry.

Also, jail everyone involved in the alcohol and cigarette industries and so on.

And, of course, emprison everyone who doesn't follow roman catechism, because what could be a worse habit than not obeying the Catholic Church?

Only stop when everyone only has perfect habits and we have attained Heaven on Earth.


Thanks Matt for what you said at 6:08. Been struggling a lot with feeling like a hypocrite for years because I struggled with forms of it while advocating in my personal and public life against it. I needed to hear that.


So glad Matt interviewed Seamus. These are two of the best cultural figures now days, and their conversation overflows with truth.
