David Sinclair On NMN vs NIACIN - Low Cost NAD Booster? | Vitamin B3 | Nicotinic Acid

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NMN is not the only NAD+ booster.

Another is niacin, also known as nicotinic acid.

It's much, much cheaper. But is it truly an NMN alternative?

In this video, Sinclair shares his views on this supplement
as part of a longevity protocol.

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Credits: Scott Buckley
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Рекомендации по теме

✅ Watch David Sinclair’s 2022 UPDATED Supplement Protocol:

✅ Brad Stanfield vs David Sinclair on RESVERATROL


I used to take NMN but now I just take niacin. Niacinimide should also be ok because that's how we get it in the diet. You might not get as much absorption but you don't have to worry about the source being fake or underdosed. The flush is also possibly a helpful mechanism for healing as well. It's not pleasant at first for most people but the flush goes down dramatically as you get used to it.


From the secondary research I have done, slow release niacin to prevent flushing is actually NOT healthy for the liver and you are better off taking regular niacin and living with the flush for a short period of time - easier on the liver. Sounds counter intuitive, but that is what the research shows.


It would be great to see a video on the differences, benefits? of NMN vs NR for NAD booster. Can you please make one for this since NMN is being restricted on the market?


This is such bs. Niacin raises NAD levels to an even greater extent than NMN, but it raises NMN levels as well. SInclair is obviously biased as he wants to take full advantage of the NMN hype


I wouldn't be surprised if NIACIN will be very effective. Basically not the blood level of of the NAD is important, rather the NAD level in mitochondria. On the basis of the classical mitochondriology we could not exclude that niacin directly increase the mitochondrial NAD level.


Thanks. FYI, there is good work (Riekelt H. Houtkooper, 2021 - Jason Howitt, 2022) which shows that execise upregulates pathways which increase NAD+. Probably by improving the salvage pathway. Adam Antebi PhD shows that low insulin upregulates NMN. Nicola Conlon, PhD gives a good summary of the salvage pathway on her Nuchido site (or Youtube channel), but bascially, she shows how certain substances which are found in foods can improve the salvage pathway to the point that NR and NMN are not needed. Her contention is that focusing on the salvage pathway makes more sense, There is also the issue of CD38 which increases with age or with poor gut barrier function and delpletes NAD+. Apigenin helps with CD38 but so does a good diet which maintains gut barrier function and lowers inflammation. MIchael Lustgarden PhD at Tufts U has some good short talks on CD38 and NAD" on his channel I stopped taking NR a while back (direct supplement budget elsewhere) and rely on exercisse, TRE, good diet with plenty of fiber, and making sure my diet includes the natural substances (Quercetin, EGCG, Apihenin) which help with NAD+ salvage pathway. Am working on monitoing insulin to assure it is kept low.


Please keep in mind that dr david sinclair look young because of the intermitent fasting in the first place


You dont hear about niacin because Sinclair cant corner the market on it like he’s trying to do with NMN. No $$$


Hi Dave ! What the Huck is NR ?
Medical treatments should be based on CLARITY and PRECISION.
The english/ merican language does NOT allow precision and fosters errors ( name of the product, dosage etc)
Unfortunately the AI transcription is even worse than anglomerican language.
The TRANSCRIPTION should be CORRECTED by the AUTHOR of the videotic
presentation !


From what I remember as a layperson, excess niacin is "irreversibly converted" and excreted in urine. I discovered this while looking up how much of the excess is excreted and if it can be recovered by drinking ones urine (taking the cheapness to a whole new level). The answer seems to be no...? I'm not sure, since passing it through the digestive system exposes it to stomach acid and different enzymes than are available in most cells. Does anyone know about this?


he's downplaying niacinamide so he pdrofits off his nmn. 50mg of niacinamide is cheap cheap.


Why isn't apigenin raising NAD via blocking CD38 being discussed more than it is ?


i'm hoping some new info about recent info of risk of heart disease with niacin, now i'm taking low dose niacin 2 or 3 times a day..


Niacin in high doses can make glucose control worse. Also could cause liver issues especially if you take drugs (alcohol, prescription, etc)


Would nad boosters help with certain or any illnesses or diseases.
In other words, would a person in 60s who is ill, benefit from nad boosters?


Ive heard this “more efficient, I think” so much, but haven’t seen it in a study. Evidence please. The recent Niacin study had similar multipliers. Buy the time released, 6-8 hr Niacin, not sustained.


does nicotinamide( no flush niacin) is good for improving NAD level?


It's a matter of getting enough NAD I suppose you mean NHN pills is enough - Please tell us exactly what to buy: when you search for it it's very unclear if it's enough NMN. Where is your book for sale?


Is NR safer to take than NMN because of a mouse study that showed a possible link to pancreatic cancer when taking NMN?
