'She is SO RUDE!' Maddie is Mortified and Melissa Is TOO COMFORTABLE (S4 Flashback) | Dance Moms

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Maddie and Mackenzie both win first place, but that's not enough for Abby, and Melissa crosses the line when she does a major Dance Mom no-no in this flashback from Season 4, Episode 3, "Abby Strikes Back."


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"Dance Moms" follows Abby Lee Miller and the nation's favorite tween dancers as they take on Hollywood while new auditions, new competitions, and new studios raise the stakes.

The road has not been easy for “Dance Mom’s” star Abby Lee Miller. After completing her prison sentence last year, the famed dance instructor was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But if anything, Abby has proven she is a fighter and is not ready to hang up the dance shoes. The new season of Dance Moms follows Abby as she rebuilds her dance company while battling the after-effects of cancer that has left her confined to a wheelchair. Abby is ready to get back to her life and do what she loves most…teaching students to dance! With the goal of putting her life, health and dance studio back together, Abby returns to where it all began – the Abby Lee Dance Company in Pittsburgh.
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Abby: “you’re not good enough, you’ll never be as good as Maddie”

Also Abby: “I feel like you don’t believe in yourself”


It's so disgusting how Abby tries to make Mackenzie feel so bad about her dancing by using her sister to intimidate her. It's so toxic.


I felt so bad for Mackenzie when she was still on that show. Abby always compared her to Maddie and Asia. That is the worst feeling in the world to be compared to not only someone else, but your sibling. Yet at the same time, she wondered why she didn’t believe in herself. Kelly and Christi reacting to Melissa running across the stage was hilarious 😂😂😂


Maddie was only 4 points above Kenzie, I don’t see why Abby made such a big deal about how much better Maddie was than her sister


I love how calm Holly is whenever the moms are having an argument lol


“What on earth possessed you to not walk around the back of the stage?”
Kills me everytime


In my opinion Kenzie’s number was so much harder. She had a lot of gymnastics elements and she did really good!


Abby’s saying she doesn’t know if Kenzie believes in herself, well no wonder she didn’t you’re always tearing her down! Abby compares Kenzie to everyone (Maddie, Asia, etc.) that’s not a way to make a kid confident! She’s right, Kenzie did play it safe sometimes, but that’s because Abby didn’t give her the support she needed to be able to have the confidence to take risks.


Am I the only one who noticed that jojo was in third when they presented Maddie’s award 😳


Look at Mackenzie’s face, she looks very uncomfortable while she was rubbing Abby’s feet...


Abby gives Maddie beautiful dances with good powerful stories and then gives Kenzie some typical cheesy acro “waitress” solo and expect them to do the same…

She does the same to Chloe. She doesn’t give them powerful enough solos. She gives them cheesy BS and gives Maddie powerful solos with good stories to feel and act to and then expects them to do the same thing…

Abby is disgusting. Apparently a good day is getting your feet rubbed while you tear one sister down as they watch their older sister dance and “perfect it and learn new things” meanwhile she herself is learning nothing.

Kenzie was ADORABLE, and she’s a great dancer! She deserved better. “She’s no Maddie” No Abby. She’s MACKENZIE!


5:47 lol i love how maddie is always making expressions that matches the girls solo like when Nia did working girl


Why is nobody talking about Jill and Christi asking Holly whether their behaviour was sneaky. Just like children complaining to their mom, hilarious.


“You play it very safe”, yet Abby is the one choreographing those very safe choreographies
Hilarious 😂😂


Poor Mackenzie rubbing Abby’s foot I’m so grossed out 🤢
Melissa the liar forgets she has 2 daughters SHE’S NOT MADDIE was a smack to Mackenzie’s face 😔 Not only Abby said it but Melissa was also saying it


Dude, a child rubbing her teacher’s feet? That’s DISGUSTING.


Did anyone else notice Jojo standing in the line of winning junior soloists? It looks like she got third at this competition!


I think the reason Abby gave Mackenzie cutesy acro dances for so long is cause Mackenzie was always pictured as the “baby” or the “young one” so I think Abby had a hard time letting Mackenzie grow up into a Chloe or maddie and wanted to keep her cute and small forever


“Maddie’s dance is a lyrical routine” What a surprise🙄


i get that everyone feels bad for mackenzie, and dont get me wrong i do too. but can we just appreciate the fact that all the moms literally asked holly for advice? it just proves how amazing of a mom, and just person in general holly is.
