Why are women struggling to give birth naturally | Sinu Joseph | CIS Indus

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In Australia (at least in Queensland), they no longer recommend laying on your back. They asked me how I’d prefer and I said squatting or on my hands on knees, and how I refuse to go on my back, my midwife agreed and told me they no longer recommended back births and even taught it in the birthing class how your pelvic bones open up more in certain positions.


With my first child, I intuitively and cognitively knew i would be helpless and powerless trying to give birth on my back. I had exercised enough to know what a powerful position would be: squating. I asked the obgyn of i could do this. She replied, "what do you expect me to do? Bend down?"
I left and never went back... had all three kids at home with a midwife and it was so wonderful.


When a woman gives birth squatting or on all fours, her tail bone moves back out of the way as baby moves through. But if a woman gives birth lying on her back, her tail bone can't move and there's much less space for baby to pass by it. There's a huge difference for both mom and baby.


I strongly believe this is one of many things that were changed when men got involved in child birth. In ancient times, in virtually every culture, women took care of women during child labor.


SO TRUE!! And the audacity of some doctors to tell women that they can’t give birth in the way most comfortable to them!! I’ve heard of stories where women wanted to stand up and move around, squat down etc. and doctors not letting them! WOMEN LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! IT KNOWS BETTER THAN ANYONE


It truly is sad that we do not prioritize women's health in our society. Giving birth shouldn't be this great medical mystery. Thank you for this content and may it help educate and inspire future generations to give healthy births.


5 of my 6 term babies were born with my on my back and had to push like heck to get them out. One of them however (my 2nd) literally fell out when I was walking to my hospital bed. No pushing, no baring down, no "ring of fire" like all my others. Literally just slid out. She also was the only one to not have a molded head from delivery. Her head was so perfectly round the nurse was astounded! I wish I was allowed to squat or stand with me others. Literally the laying on your back position is the WORST!


True. My mum was a midwife, she told me the only reason women lie on their back is because it makes it easier for the doctor/gynaecologist


Another thing they don't tell you is that your pelvis is made of three separate bones held together by cartilage. When you lay flat on your back with your legs in the air, it causes those three bones to move closer together making the birthing canal much tighter.


My brother wife's just gave birth to her first child only a few month ago AT HOME WHILE STANDING AND SQUATING ALL ALLONE IN A FEW MINUTES she told us that she expected the pain to be so much worse and she actually didn't suffer more than for her period 🤯 my own mother who always gave birth in hospital was so jealous cause she suffered A LOT.
Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge, my sister in law's story makes way more sense to me now !


The reason they force women to lie down is because that position suits the medics more, not the birthing mother. It's quite horrid, really... I struggled terribly while giving birth to my son, in that terribly unnatural lying down position, and suffered some tearing and had to get stitches. Then, when I gave birth to my daughter a year and a half later, the two midwives who assisted me let me choose the position, I squatted and it was an entirely different experience - I realised that's exactly what it should have been like with my son, too!


My third baby was an unintentional home birth in the shower - exactly with this squatting position. I was all alone, and she was coming so quickly, I had to follow my maternal instincts - which was to squat down low and catch. It was by far the easiest birth out of my three, despite not having any medical intevention at all. I thank my lucky stars every day that there were no complictions for either of us.


I listened to my body when I was giving birth and my position was kneeling on the bed, and the midwife wanted me to lie down and I firmly said no. I gave birth the way I wanted to in a natural way for me.
Way less trauma I had experienced


She's absolutely correct. My easiest birth out of four was standing. Common sense really using gravity to aid you. No drugs. No tearing. Walked out of the hospital two hours later with my son. That was 23 years ago. I cannot believe women are still struggling with this.


They talk about how important it is to poop while squatting, but not to give birth 😑 Bless this woman.


I was pulling on a rope with one of the nurses (like tug of war) and it helped immensely. All of a sudden I was told that we had to stop, and go back to pushing lying down. They said that my baby's heart rate was elevated and that lying down was best. It felt wrong, but I listened. The whole time I was in labor they told me that I couldn't move around due to my baby's elevated heart rate, and ended up giving me patocin to speed up my labor.My baby passed less than two hours after she was born. She had other complications which led to her passing, but if I ever give birth again I'll insist on squatting or being on my hands and knees.


She’s right. I almost had to have a c-section with my first child because I was having difficulty pushing him out. Finally at the end I felt the need to push him out and he had to be pull out with forceps. I had a midwife with my second child and I was having difficulty again, she then made me stand up and squat down. Two pushes and he came right out. Squatting is the natural position we should give birth in.


Those considered most backward in our country right now are in reality the closest to nature.


I completely agree with this but I wish I had known this when I was giving birth to my first baby. The nurses insisted I remain lying on my back while pushing. I pushed for 3 1/2 hours and then ended up getting an emergency c-section. 22 years later and I’m still bitter about it. I have terrible scarring from the c-section as well as severe back issues. The US medical system needs to consider re-educating obgyn students and staff.


Throughout pregnancy women are warned to not sleep on their backs because it can negatively affect blood flow, but somehow it’s enforced when women are in labor no matter how long
