Why are so many single women struggling to find a husband? #marriage #podcast #podcastclips

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Get married young to a man that has the same values and morals as you and supports your dreams. Known my husband since we were 12, living together at 19, child at 21. We built our life together. We never had to look for someone who was at our status. He supported me through college and furthering my career. It's not your success, its your attitude about your success. You think your career earned you a high earning husband while you have trash personalities and act entitled. Doesnt matter if my husband makes less than me because he has all the right values and thats what matters. Your headstone isnt going to say "sucessful boss babe who married a man in a high socioeconomic status" it should say loved mother/wife etc.


At the end of the day no accountability on the woman which is why so many will never understand real life. Women always wanna defend other women when they know theirs accountability to be taken. I don't feel sorry for those who will learn when it's too late.


It's not the dating pool "available". It's the dating pool of choice.


This is true, and those men who make enough money to qualify, don't want a woman who puts her career before family


Beauty, youth, fertility/maternal nature. NOT degrees.


Why should a man risk losing everything in a divorce?


She is correct, just as in finance, there are proven studies that show women are risk adverse in comparison to men.

As a woman, why am I going to marry someone in a lower "status" when I have everything to risk & lose in comparison to the man.

Ladies NEVER settle!

Life is better when you can maintain your own security & peace.

Only marry someone who has a proven track record & same goals as you.

God bless 🙏🙏🙏


Idk, Im a woman and I never dated, not because of someones socioeconomic status that doesn't match my expectation, just never dated anyone or saw a need to. Im just starting my career but I have been promoted and its heading in a good direction, im learning new skills, still living with my parents though. Maybe im just unattractive or something, but ny dating pool isnt smaller because I earn more money, why would I need someone's money if I'm making plenty of money myself? I literally couldnt care less how much someone earns, or their background. My friends when describing their boyfriends or husbands never mentioned their socioeconomic status as one of the reasons they hang out


Its an easy answer, as a mans socioeconomic status grows, so does his options, as a womans grow, the number of men she finds attractive shrinks😅


I just want someone who can support themselves. For me its not about money, its the self control, emotional intelligence, commitment, and empathy that is scarce.


This is bullshit. I have only dated men who earn less than me, and I don't care. The ones who get offended or feel emasculated, I just avoid. I like them for who they are, not for what the can provide. They are people that has self worth and deserve respect and love.


She is Absolutely correct, an uncomfortable Truth...

According to what is stated in this video clip, it is indicated that there is a lack of acceptable men in the dating pool, according to their dating financial standards.

What makes the man Unacceptable is that he makes less than the Woman, however if he makes more he is automatically accepted into the dating pool, and deemed to be acceptable, regardless if he is actually a Good man or not.

The Fact that he makes more is the key deciding factor.
Is not that there is a lack of acceptable men, there is a lack of financial attachments to how much he earns and if it exceeds her financial status.


And the men that they would be interested in don’t want them because men don’t care about a woman’s career and how much she earns. They care about how pretty, kind, and fun she is. These are qualities you are not likely to find in a woman who is pursuing a career.


These career women better get use to sharing higher caliber men or start dating down because as women become even more successful, the men are their level or higher will continue to grow smaller by the day.

Those higher caliber men? They'll have the pick of the litter because they'll have no problem dating down and often times many of the women are younger too.


Ive met successful women who are struggling to find good men and not so successful women who are struggling to find a good man. What she is saying definitely makes sense, however, i think men just dont want relationships and they dont want to get married. Even the ones that say that they do, they arent doing so and they have options from what i can see. Obviously some men don't have options but there are tons that do. I think the saying that the good ones are taken by 30 is definitely true because good men fall in love and marry their gfs. Most men fall in love in their twenties so the bad ones refuse to marry for one reason or another and end up breaking a womans heart. Even if she breaks up with him, it's because he isnt making their future together feel safe. This isnt a brand new phenomena, its just a lot more prevalent. This is the reason why women are raised to be completely independent and self protecting. They are sorta raised like men with harsher rules growing up because this has been a thing for a long time but now its becoming a problem because half of the women or more won't be married by 40 pretty soon and if that trend keeps up, we are going to have a population collapse. Its pretty crazy and very sad imo. People want love and we all deserve love. Maybe we should reimagine what a marriage takes to be successful long term ❤


People in the comments saying this is bullshit, but that's literally one of the reasons the birth rate of many wester countries is getting lower 😅


Some just need to date down like men do, if you're a female lawyer there is no reason you can't date a male plumber.


“The dating pool of _acceptable_ men significantly shrinks.” It’s standards that have changed for many. If you find the average decent working class man unacceptable, you better be willing to compete hammer and tong against millions of other young attractive ladies for the top 10% of men. To complicate the matter further, the top tier of men may not be drawn to average modern woman.


We can only have one true focus in our life. Everything else will suffer for the attainment of that one.


And still women dont make money than men on average. Men avoid these fake rich, fake successful women ALONE! Let their money keep them warm at night!
