BattleTech Lore & History - Star League Civil War: A Complete 35 Year History (MechWarrior Lore)

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Thank you so much to everyone who collaborated with me on this one. Please show some love and let them know you appreciate them volunteering their time:

Sourcebooks Referenced:
House Davion: Federated Suns (1623)
House Kurita: Draconis Combine (1620)
House Liao: Capellan Confederation (1624)
House Marik: Free Worlds League (1622)
House Steiner: Lyran Commonwealth (1621)
The Periphery (1629)
The Star League (1630)
ComStar (1655)
Handbook: House Davion (35024)
Handbook: House Kurita (35205)
Handbook: House Liao (35204)
Handbook: House Marik (35019)
Handbook: House Steiner (35001)
Handbook: Major Periphery (35203)
Era Report: 2750 (35222)
Historical: Reunification War (35231)
Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol.I (35232)
Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol.II (35233)
Historical: Operation Klondike (35230)
Historical: First Succession War (35235)
Field Manual: SLDF (35251)
Field Report 2765: AFFS (35FR010)
Field Report 2765: CCAF (35FR008)
Field Report 2765: DCMS (35FR009)
Field Report 2765: FWLM (35FR011)
Field Report 2765: LCAF (35FR012)
Field Report 2765: Periphery (35FR013)
Jihad Hot Spots: Terra (35205)

0:00 Titles
3:00 I: Crisis
36:55 II: Arms
1:28:20 III: Uprising
2:05:51 IV: Coup
3:05:53 V: Empire
3:41:39 VI: Vengeance
4:28:16 VII: Collapse
5:37:05 VIII: Liberation
7:21:32 IX: Exodus
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This is likely the finest scholarly presentation on the Star League era in Battletech to date. Well done, sir.



Thank you once again to everyone who offered me help and support throughout this series, and of course to those wonderful people who were kind enough to lend their voice to the project.

I finished rendering this video back in early June, but because of internet problems I couldn't get it uploaded until just two days ago. It's finally finished processing (YouTube is still working on syncing the subtitles, let me know if they're still not working whenever you watch) so now I can at last share this finished project with you. It's more or less exactly the same as the individual episodes I released earlier, but with a few tiny corrections and additions. Plus, now it's in one handy video that is easier to share (hint hint).

Because I rendered it back in June, there are several names missing from the Patreon credits at the end. I will be sure to make sure you are credited appropriately for the First Succession War series. Speaking of... the premiere for the first chapter is next Saturday.

Thanks for all your kind words, it means a tremendous amount to me. Cheers, and here's to the next one🍺


Ive seen historical documentaries backed by major networks, institutes and celebrities with less quality than this. Fantastic work by all involved.


Man this makes me want a mechwarrior game based on the end of the amaris civil war and centered around the Terran campaign. We’ve never had a game set on earth. Want.


Remember the Blackwatch. A truly epic presentation that the BPL sent me over to see. Well done.


What an insanely massive project. What you do is amazing for the community and battletech as a whole


I think my favorite part of all of this is that with all the other mech warrior YouTube personalities that are in here for guest parts. It gives the feel of an in-universe documentary about the event. Like this would not feel out of place on a CommStar transmission in universe while you're sitting in a dropship. This is really fantastic work.


Eight hours of Star League lore and then TTB's two hour Hunchback video, I've got a sound track for my entire day!


This is massive. The niche like me don't deserve you. Thank you BPL for showing me you exist but thank you most of all for existing. House Cameron still lives, Star League for LIFE!


Literally driving through Charlottesville as I'm listening to this and he mentions the battle in Charlottesville. Lol


BattleTech was the nerd shit of my childhood. The fact that people like you and Tex and so many others have carried it into the modern age is amazing.

You sir, are a legend.


Currently suffering from a debilitating injury that has rendered me bedridden for weeks - this video has become my lifeline. I drift off at night to long explanations of SDF fleet dispositions.


Tex's voice spoke and I got chills. This is absolutely amazing. My two favorite BattleTech historians teaching me my history. My thanks and Sic Semper Invictus
James "Ramrod" Riker, Mercenary, Nuclear Clubs Mercenary Group.


When Professor Tex Talks, you listen.

Great job getting all these great BT community contributors and creators in on this. This might be 8 hours long but it hits like a fucking snub nose PPC.


Sven recalls the tales of a fictional world with such a passion and understanding that I could believe the people and battles fought in this story were real, and not simply the beautiful imagination of countless authors and game developers. It’s a shame we don’t have more historians to recount true events to the degree Sven has narrated these fictional ones. I feel like I have been given a gift, with these videos! Thank you for the, doubtless, thousands of hours of work you put into making these captivating videos.


the Tex voice over had a real 'war, war never changes' energy to it!


The fact that this 8+ hour video already has over 3100 views is a testament to the quality of what you produce, Sven. Thank you for uploading it as a single video. This was a mission for you to get right, and I know we all appreciate it tremendously. The collaborative efforts are even more amazing! Thank you for doing this, youre a legend!


No matter how many issues I have with the game itself, that MechWarrior5 music is doing some serious heavy lifting in the opening of this video.


I am really happy that all my favorite BTech creators support each other in the way that you guys go. Shows the quality of people that make great Battletech content.


56:30 is pretty heavy for me, the grand mobilization of a the combined might from a legendary conglomeration. This rewatch will hit brutally once I finally reach the second succession war.
