BattleTech Lore & History - Third Succession War: Traitors & Turncoats (MechWarrior Lore)

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#battletech #lore #mechwarrior BattleTech Lore & History is a series by Sven van der Plank that covers the history of the #innersphere and Periphery within the #battletech universe. Presented as a #documentary from the year 3025, the videos cover in detail major events such as the Age of War, founding of the #starleague, #reunificationwar, the Golden Age, #starleague Civil War and the four #successionwar.

Galaxy Map created from the Sarna Unified Cartography Kit (SUCKit) provided by Volt, colour added by Sven van der Plank.

Sourcebooks Referenced:
House Davion: Federated Suns (1623)
House Kurita: Draconis Combine (1620)
House Liao: Capellan Confederation (1624)
House Marik: Free Worlds League (1622)
House Steiner: Lyran Commonwealth (1621)
The Periphery (1629)
The Star League (1630)
ComStar (1655)
DropShips & JumpShips (1619)
BattleSpace (1680)
Strategic Operations (35004)
Handbook: House Davion (35024)
Handbook: House Kurita (35205)
Handbook: House Liao (35204)
Handbook: House Marik (35019)
Handbook: House Steiner (35001)
Handbook: Major Periphery (35203)
Era Report: 2750 (35222)
Historical: Reunification War (35231)
Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol.I (35232)
Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol.II (35233)
Historical: Operation Klondike (35230)
Historical: First Succession War (35235)
Historical: Second Succession War (35236)
Field Manual: SLDF (35251)
Field Report 2765: AFFS (35FR010)
Field Report 2765: CCAF (35FR008)
Field Report 2765: DCMS (35FR009)
Field Report 2765: FWLM (35FR011)
Field Report 2765: LCAF (35FR012)
Field Report 2765: Periphery (35FR013)
Jihad Hot Spots: Terra (35205)

BattleTech belongs to #catalystgamelabs and Topps.
Art from HBS Battletech and MechWarrior 5 belong to Harebrained Schemes and Piranha Games respectively.

Additional unit and faction insignias by:

Barış Türköz
Cliford Mervil
Felix Mittermeier
Igor Mashkov
Jeff Nissen
Jol Acen
Putra Kusuma

0:00 Davarapala Accords
2:23 New Warrior Houses
3:37 The Traitor Tertren
6:34 Uncertain Succession
7:43 Operation ROLAND'S HORN
13:48 Crisis on Luthien
25:18 Molehunters
27:16 Sian-Marik Exiles
29:26 Mysterious Circumstances
30:49 Shame in Defeat
31:40 ComStar Guards and Militia
37:12 Operation KILLING STROKE
41:03 Great Lee Turkey Shoot
43:47 Ninth Battle of Hesperus
49:10 Outro
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Thought I'd get one more premiere in before I head off on holiday tomorrow. Apologies for the slightly unfavourable premiere time.

I noticed a mistake this morning I'd made in reference to the Eighth Battle of Hesperus. Twice in the video I refer to it being in 2857, but it was actually 2853. You'd think having made a 20 minute video on it during the Second Succession War series I'd remember those details. I'll make sure it's corrected before I upload the compilation vid.

As I mentioned last time, the maps haven't been updated since 2866, so they don't accurately reflect the frontline at this time. Once I have the entire conflict mapped out, I'll force myself to go back and create 150 years of changes 😢


As an FWL fanboy the death rate of Mariks in these conflicts is staggering


So much stuff I had no idea about! The ComStar warship fleet was certainly an eye-opener.


I can't wait for the longform version of the whole thing. I enjoy listening to the others.




Great episode as always Sven.

Enjoy your time off. (Sure I'm looking forward to the next video, but no need to rush back to working on ii on our account. We'll be here when you're here.)


Oh, shit. It's the weekend already.

Another long one. I love these lengthy listens.

Thank you again for keeping these going for us. As far as I'm concerned, you're at the head of the BattleTech resurgence among the fans. I mean... I have no idea if that's functionally true but we need more professional quality presentations like this. And, CR needs to get back to doing campaign readings.


Just threatened the Kuritan homeworld. Felt need for 5 regiments of battlemechs and restart combat aerospace industry. Purely unrelated! Surely precautionary measures.
Vandenberg ghosts anyone?


Wooo! We're slowly but surely getting to the 31st century, and I'm here for it. And seriously, the Mariks had a crap hand one after another.


Keep loving your work mate
And I, for one, am glad you covered the warships


Loved the warship part, very glad you added it, didn't know about the original purpose of the Faslane class! 😊


I believe the First Circuit would have been aware of the hidden shipyards on Ross and Luyten. The Hidden Five (Jardine, Gabriel, Mayadi, Obeedah, and Taussen) were specifically noted as being worlds even the First Circuit was unaware of, as the knowledge of their existence was shared by a small cabal on a need to know basis, which would imply they probably would have been aware of ComStar's other hidden bases.


Amazing as always! Looking forward to being able to catch these live again. Enjoy your holiday!


Just finished five Hours of the first Crime Against Everything War audiobook

Still on Dos

Gonna take a Second My Man but I swear I Will be watching this


I found your channel through a friend. And after he showed me some of the early Terran Alliance stuff, I binged as much of your videos on Battletech as possible. I wasn’t too interested in the setting before this, but your videos have definitely dragged me deep into the rabbit hole of the lore lol.


Great video! Although I miss the old way of moving the camera to the location of the map you did in the previous videos here. It really helps with getting a sense of the where what is sometimes harder to follow if one only sees a map snippet.
I know that just using the faction logo eases things up for you and in the end it is a matter of taste but I genuinely missed that feature.


From FM: Comstar, Waterly changed the name of the CSG&M to the ComGuards before they were split from ROM, so 3030-3035ish.


Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this video, it’s hugely appreciated and I enjoyed it a lot! You’re doing an incredibly good job of covering the long period of the third succession war as the houses raid and strike at each other with whatever they have left. It created a pretty clear picture of a string of events spread over a long period of time and what must be a ton of source books.

Yeah, the Necess Kurita thing felt a bit weird overall. I’ll admit it’s perfectly on brand for House Kurita to pick a fight with Comstar despite knowing the risk of a HPG Blackout. Although the whole time I was expecting her to either be killed while trying to extract her or to be killed in the palace rather than hand her back over to Comstar, that just feels very Kurita. The whole we’re going to drop an entire regiment of mercenaries on the palace felt a bit weird but weird things happen in this messed up universe.

I love Battletech but I genuinely dislike how much the creators hate warships, which I think are so cool! I got so excited when I heard Comstar was running up the shipyards and building new warships, only to have that hope crushed within ten minutes. It’s so freaking dumb that warships basically get written out of the universe. That is one of my few very serious gripes about the setting.


This it this moment in time my favorite lore series.


My hatred for Comstar continues to grow. I'm not typically a fan of Kurita, but I would have preferred of they succeeded.

Frankly, im a little shocked that Hugai didnt immediately begin planning something thoroughly nasty.
