' Why the hell do we have an EDUCATION SYSTEM ' - Jordan Peterson#shorts

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Funny. I had teachers, one in particular, who got us thinking about who we were and what kind of person we would want to be. It wasn't just about our future studies or future occupations. It was about being a person of courage and integrity. But, we read the Great Works and a great deal of history.


I’m glad I knew what I wanted to do an aim for at a young age.


My first dream was to be a fly attendent and travell all around the world, t'ill one of my teacher told another girl" to be F.A, u have to be beautifull."...we were 17/18 old. That's the day i gave up on my first dream, as i though i wasn't beautifull enough for the job.


School teachers and the grading method often discourage kids with low self esteem.
A graduated kid goes into a tech school and his score is lower than the other kids then he is out.
I did 12 years of miserable Catholic School and had some very cruel teachers. My art teacher a nun slapped me because I did my art my way. The religion teacher, a priest made judgemental comments about me and other kids was very embarrassing.
It's a wonder I didn't become a mass murderer but I became a Christian and had to forgive these people.


Everybody keeps bashing the Prussian system. Dividing the time up isn't such a terrible idea. The content and how it's taught in that time matters a great deal. It could be regimented and dull, or, it could be rich and engaging, taught by intelligent, thoughtful teachers who aimed to help you reach a high bar. I had an excellent public school education. It was not an education fit to turn out drones for the Industrial Revolution; it was an education geared towards building knowledgeable, thoughtful, free people for a free society. Now, the WEF want to create an education system for their 4th Industrial Revolution.


Because that's apart of what parents do at home.

We send them to school to have everything we're trying to teach them to be undone 🤬😭🤬👹🤬😭🤬


You're right and wrong. In the 70's I had Jr high school classes like typing, photography, woodshop, metal's bending welding, even type print shop and drafting on paper with a pencil and mechanical rule. All of which are unheard of in school today. Appalling.


its amazing how unthought through the education system around the worls is


Educational system high schools, colleges are just some form of business.You have to pay for education and you receive a diploma, nobody cares about you when you finish its all about how can you use a diploma to get a job but you will probably need some years of experience to work somewhere where is high responsibility involved, so why experience are not good enough to work somewhere and you need a school?
Let's suppose that your father is a engineer and the whole adolescent you are watching him what he does?
Millions of people are watching YouTube and can learn something but no you need a diploma.
What about show me what can you do and we will get you hired


Education is so you don't eat your old man's diaper.

Nom nom nom
