Michael Pearl answers: Do souls suffer in hell for eternity? Bible Questions - Episode 74

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Mike, Everytime I hear you talk about how you wish hell wasn't eternal, and that you struggle with it, I also relate so much.


I have watched many of his videos and he has answered questions where some are afraid to address. At my wife's funeral I had the pastor emphasize you're going to see her again. Just believe in Jesus.


I dreamed about hell yesterday, it is real and I can't even find the words to describe the despair I felt...Thank YOU Jesus for saving us from eternal separation from You!


Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”


I suffer with the hell issue and every day im so thankful for what Jesus did for me and all mankind on the cross.Every chance i get i share the gospel .Still my heart is so so very sad those who are losed.Its just so awful when only they can believe on Him confess jesus as Lord believe that He died was buried and God rose him from the dead.So great of a salvation paid in full once and for all.


I love our Lord Jesus and I believe he died on the cross for our sins. But I have a question about Hell that still confuses what's the point of keeping all those tortured souls for eternity without any chance of redemption....what does God get out of that?? I don't understand?? But I find it disturbing....


Amen brother, hell is a horrific place and spiritual condition. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross so that we may have eternal life through faith. ✝️


Good points. We all need to make sure we don’t end up in hell


Thank you for teaching the word of God and interpreting the scriptures. It is a blessing.
May God bless you and your family


Mr.Pearl you are absolutely a true man of God. Got so much love and respect for you💯❤️


Peace my friends.
Keep your eyes on the true prize of eternity with Jesus Christ.
Peace my friend


Why would a God who knows the end from the beginning, who IS love, whose mercy endures forever, torture anyone for a minute, let alone for all eternity?


You've obviously done a lot of study on this subject and I too felt it was important to really understand what the bible means by hell ...It's important, I believe, to understand that when the word hell is used in the bible it has several meanings, Gehenna, Hades or Sheol and the Lake of Fire ... Sadly, the idea of eternal torment has been used to scare people away from our Creator Father God often by scaring them into religion (who would want to spend eternity with a sadistic God? Our Father God isn't sadistic but that's the impression people get) .... the term that describes best what hell is, is separation from God which is why we can say that the majority of people are already experiencing Hell to some degree on Earth as they try to navigate through life separately from Jesus. My experience of fire is that it consumes completely and quickly and won't take eternity to do so. If I had a rabid dog that I loved but was dangerous and out of control I would, out of compassion, put him out of his misery .. I would not take any delight in watching his suffering and if we, as the scripture says, as Fathers etc know how to give good gifts to our children so much more will our heavenly father do what is good and right ... we can trust in that .... sometime the best gift he gives is death as an end to suffering. We should never preach Hell with out preaching a double measure of Gods love at the same time. In my humble opinion.


Thank you for the intelligent and thoughtfulness when answering questions.


What about Malachi 4 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.


Great answer. There are many things in the Bible that I don’t like. But I acknowledge that it is a matter of flesh. No one wants to believe there is hell and imagine that a love one will suffer for eternity, but God has warned us. He sent his only begotten son to save us from such torment. If we choose to ignore him, then it is on us.


I know this is an old post (9 years old) but here goes. If humans burned in hell forever, they've received eternal life, although not a desirable eternal life, its still eternal. Only those whos names are found in the lambs book of life shall inherit eternal life. You even read the scripture that confirms that being thrown into the lake of fire is the second death. Revelations 21:8.


*✝️Praise the Lord pastor, God bless your ministry Amen Hallelujah🙏*


This man is so great! You truly deserve an award for these interpretations.


1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the GOSPEL by which we are SAVED, JESUS CHRIST DIED for our SINS was BURIED and ROSE again on the third day!Grace through FAITH.
