What causes mental illness?

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Dr. Brent Forester, Chief of Geriatric Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, discusses some of the factors that contribute to mental illness.
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Gaslighting and neglect - an unbeatable combo!


Why can't all videos be like this ?


I wasn’t born mentally ill that was caused to me after years of abuse.


Mental illness that affects the mind, is contracted through physical means (physical living environment, physical chemical imbalances in the brain), and also how you think (gosh, I guess thinking 'you want a job done right, do it yourself' is a mentally ill thought?).
I like this video. I LOVE this video actually, because I can shove this into the face of any person who says seeing a shrink is the best thing for me. Because, the best doctor that goes "we dont know how, when or why you got this illness, other then it was something you were near by" should be the choice for you~


It all starts in the gut according to the latest research. The gut is like a second brain. Many people who have depression have too much sugar and processed food in the diet. When toxins in the gut build up they eventually affect the brain causing depression or making existing mental illnesses get worse. You also need healthy flora in your gut. Take prebiotics and probiotics to increase good gut bacteria, especially after antibiotics which kill off good bacteria.


I have such poor vocabulary range I get irritated and aggravated. Because of it. The only way I can get my words out properly one word behind the other until a full sentence is complete is if I'm texting. I won't dare try and open. My mouth and start talking. Unless your good and can hear over the stuttering and half repetitive of words before a new word.


I'm struggling with this right now


A mental disquiet and an illness are two discrete issues.


So it’s largely genetic, but it will only be expressed with a environment component combined?


Yep its trauma. You can't really forget if it's what's on your mind. Those that can forget... what even was it that got to you?


Guys it's cause of that dang phone-


In America - a large percentage of diagnosed mental illness is being caused by US gov. remote brain control weapons.


Believing and wacthing a said. 😷🙏🎗🇺🇸 cure mental illness ❤❤❤❤


Who is here after "Joker". ?


A murderer will never heal in a life time
A rapist will never heal in a life time
A Paedophile will never heal in a life time
What mental health issues can heal are stress and depression, anxiety worry and anger
Bear in mind you can kill people in this world and not be a murderer so you have to know the difference someone could be a member of the security forces and realise that people are a threat even if they are unarmed at the time like terrorists and child killers and they can be put to sleep .

People in a security forces have been burning child killers alive for their crimes it is a horrific act but they are still of sound mind . After they did the attacks they said they would just and they were asked to you think you are saying and they said yes and their body language and the polygraph agreed


This is such a joke. 99% of all mental problems come from a bad diet. Bad diet leads to bad environments, and then we have diseases that these so called specialists like to make super complicated. But really all that people need to do is eat/drink right so they can sleep right. And then of course one needs to be in a job where one is truly happy. But all of this will naturally come to you once you have done the diet 100% right. People just want a pill to take together with an excuse that they cannot be changed because they are just unlucky.
The whole system is a joke, they don´t serve patients. They serve customers. And especially psychiatrists they are not needed at all. Psychologist maybe, doctors a hell of a lot more.
But people need to wake up and understand that they cannot live in the City and be happy wearing plastic clothes and having deodorants on them while not drinking water or getting fresh air and getting a regular massage.
We are living creatures, not machines. And so the only problem is the lifestyle, not any scientific or psychiatric point of view.
Also, no doctor is telling their the true secret to recovering so you don´t need them. And that is to ONLY eat your 1-3 meals in a 6 hour window per day circa 10am to 4pm. That makes everybodies immune system like 2-3x stronger, that is one of the biggest secrets in this world to getting over all kinds of physical/mental problems.

Conclusion: our diet regulates our mood/feelings so that everything in life gets better. It is the cement our life is built on. People don't just have a feeling or depression that is hurting them, what I described is the solution, it is the thing creating the mental/physical viewpoint that we hold to be real, it is just hard to break the locked environments that we live in, in order to do what I suggested.

Spread the message in order to create better lives for people!


A lot of people have mental illness....even mild compulsive superstition.


When i find a mentally ill person, should I abuse them verbally, physically, or emotionally? How will I know which form of abuse I should use on them?


Nobody knows... really? Goddamn copout


When u eat shit food and stay in a toxic environment
