5 Ways to help someone struggling with their mental health | Mental Health Season - BBC Ideas

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5 Ways to help someone struggling with their mental health #MentalHealthSeasonBBCIdeas #iplayer

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Simply help by listening and showing love in whatever way fits your loved one best. It means sooo much to us. Therapy plus medication. With successful therapy and support system, the medication is slowly decreased in strength and then stopped. There’s a huge misconception that you’re supposed to take a pill daily for the rest of your life. We all need to Be kind, open minded, non-judgmental, and better humans


I was in the middle of a mental breakdown in this video helped me I don't know why but it did so thank you so much for being helpful and putting my pain into words that I could never describe before


This was absolutely amazing! What struck me the most is offering to go with them. In my case, when I'm struggling the most, I have difficulties doing anything by myself. That can mean a struggle going to the grocery store, medical appointments... even just making the appointments can be hard. Just sitting outside I feel so exposed. The things that will help the most are so very difficult to do.

Having someone by my side makes a tremendous difference. Thank you for doing this video!


What helps me is when I help someone else and make them feel better but ion think no one can help me but myself which im struggling wit badly for years but we move on.


Mental health conversations are so hard but important to initiate. Applaud everyone in this video 😀


This is beautiful, has anyone ever noticed how, people, myself included ☺️ with mental health issues are so switched on, and majority of the time, are kinder, intelligent and quite often feel the world rather than see it, is this increased empathy a common thread or just the case for some. I was born unable to hate, I have talked to my psychologist on Wether or not this was somehow a learned behaviour, but from as young as 9, someone saying I hate you to anyone would send me into a furious lecture mode, mostly at school. Bullying and other kids being mean became my personal bane. I remember 2 occasions in grade 3 where kids came to me to stop an argument, because I took it more seriously than the teachers. Along with it though is that outrage disappears fast...in my mind...once the actual problem is over it's like it never ever happened, and a 52 I am still the same, from school, to being slapped around by my ex, having my house broken into and purse stolen by my daughter in-laws sister, and many things worse and smaller in between, are all equal in severity to me, I have not only forgiven automatically everything that's ever been done, it also feels like it was never done, feels like. I logically know, but I don't feel it. I've learnt a lot over the years as far as boundaries, I have no problem saying no to things if it's for a loving reason. But it still remains a mystery and keeps me away from real people. I have noticed extra kindness from most people going through mental health issues and many not putting themselves first 🦋💞💞💞💙💙💙🐨🇦🇺🦘🙏🤗.


As a person who has mental health issues i believe that mental illness is a family health issue and that every one in the whole entire family should be interviewed by a series of news crews to tell how they have helped heal the people that they love with understanding about a person with mental illness as a upcoming TV show about helping there loved ones with mental illness as a support group of a global awareness of the people who have mental health issues and mental illness


No one has ever been there for me for my mental illness not even after trying to take my own life. It just leaves a hollow place in your soul where no one can be relied on or seen as posseing huamanity. When I was a guitar prodigy or star athlete with blonde hair and straight As everyone loved me in my family. The year I got sick in retrospect I was abused neglected alrgoifg at the time I didn’t know what it was


Feel completely out of my depth. My Son is suffering. Have not been able to get a Doctors appointment since August even with Changing surgery's.
This has been helpful as I do not know what to say to him without the fear of making him worse. He says he feels empty and no hope for the future.


I love this video! Wonderful, thank you for sharing. Based on my experience, this advice is accurate and useful for all of us who want to help and guide others while recovering.


Actually video is very informative and helpfully, because i have many misunderstanding about mental health support, one of the points with i straiking is support is different in different persons, all points are very relevant, thank you


I've been like this for 35 years I used to go to group therapy that helped but my dad became ill and I gave it up I wish I could find friends I find it hard to reach out and ask for help just fed up can't find happiness anywhere it takes me ages to write then I just get bored it's like talking to a wall


I got laughed out when i told doctor my fears, and now my depression deepns. Is there point in living? When you have no friends, no social life and only thing keeping me alive are my parents, but i fear what will happen to me when my parents leave. I prefer death over suffering? I AM sure that even if i told another doctor why i have such thoughts i would only hear laugh and mockery


I have read every comment on this video. I hope that helps.


Insightful tips. Thank you for sharing.

Seek professional help.
Actively listen and remember that one aize doesn't fit all👌


(FACTS OVA FEELINGS). In psychology twodey a mental illness is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms but if eu look deep into those symptoms they r really just indications of unsafety and adaptive strategies that a person is using in order to try to self-preserve wen faced with that unsafety


Ask twice if people are ok is the key.


Pain is the key
and not havibg skills to cope with whatever happened that was not dealt with


I have scihzoprehena bipolar anxiety OCD stress my brother calls me a crack baby


Definitely don't encourage them to play games on the telephone...tell them to go see a mental health practitioner.
