Mike Mew expelled from the British Orthodontic Society- right or wrong? The facts!

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The British Orthodontic Society have unanimous expelled me from the society. I feel that this is unjust and unfair, and is a symptoms of a medical group unwilling to face the scientific facts, in this case that the condition that they are treating is predominantly due to the changes from how we evolved to live to how we are living now. The hard scientific evidence, the weight of quality research paper in respected peer reviewed journals clearly demonstrate this. This is not a genetic condition and treating as such is causing problems which I wish to highlight.

I could have just taken down the videos, but this would be giving in to politically motivated censorship.

1. Outcome letter
2. The transcript of the meeting
3. Original allegation document
4. Transcribed allegation document with links
5. Appeal to BOS
6. The Chair and board of trustees

The story so far;

This channel is part of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance. A nonprofit organisation which aims to raise awareness of alternative orthodontic methods and ideas, which too few people are informed of.

The main aim of the platform is to precipitate debate on why teeth are crooked. Most people are not aware that (in most cases) the dental profession has little or no idea why the teeth are crooked, or for that matter why children need major surgery. Clearly there are genetic issues, however the science is clear, the weight of quality research papers, in respected peer reviewed journals, show that our modern lifestyle is a more important factor and most importantly we can do something about this.

This is especially important as sleep apnoea, TMD, forward head posture and a most otolaryngology problems are implicated as other symptoms of the same underlying problem.

Disclaimer; We regularly post discussions and debates from guests and colleges. The IAFGG is not responsible for all the opinions, statements or content of the material posted, especially that from guess lecturers.

The secretary can be contacted at:

Orthodontic Health Limited
Tel. No: 00442086603695
Address: 16A Pampisford Road
Greater London
United Kingdom

This channel also acts as a forum to make openly, speculative suggestions, to find common ground with other professionals (in both related and seemingly unrelated fields), educated lay people and members of the public at large, to either support or detract on the information provided, but either way engage in the scientific process. In the pursuit of the truth it is normal in science to make speculative comments which may not have full scientific support, and we welcome feedback and discussion.

In general, the videos posted on this web site are not advertisements, and will clearly be labelled as such if necessary. Apart from educational books, the association does not sell anything or encourage anyone to have any form of treatment. It does aim to make people think, consider all options, ask questions and become fully informed.

The underlying pathology of malocclusion and the related symptoms is referred to as Craniofacial Dystrophy;
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It is very frustrating, it is like being stuck in a movie where no one wants to believe the truth, everyone has been conditioned to believe the mantra of orthodontics and the idea that your face is set and unchangeable. I have appealed to numerous authorities and people, friends in influential places, and no one wants to hear, they find of laugh at me. I have all the evidence but no one wants to look at it, to consider the truth, they all know that I am wrong before I open my mouth.

Then this social media thing gets going and all of you are listen. But I don't really see or meet you, and I have a strange connection to this group of people who give me strength. My life feels completely surreal. I see these people on the news for having achieved some small change who are congratulated and applauded, while no one is interested in this. But you give me hope, thank you very much. Mike


I rarely comment but this kind of colluding against you shows fluorescently you’re on to something. You know something is truly a great idea/great information when so many people disagree. Thank you Mike! #doyouevenMew


You have our full support, dr. Mike Mew! These people do not want the truth out, but clearly you and your father have revealed a serious weakness in the science of modern orthodontics. Hoping your valuable and crucial insights go mainstreem very soon!


Just goes to show how untrustworthy our country is, the more people that need orthodontic treatment the more money they make! They know your right and there trying to shut you down for spreading the truth, I feel blessed I know this information for when I have a children, a massive thank you as you’ve opened my eyes to the truth, they have the money but we have the truth


As someone who had retractive ortho, went to 5 doctors over 20 years and was utterly failed by the current ortho structure, your work is the ONLY thing that got me out of 2 decades of pain. This is how medicine evolves and becomes better, they should see you as a partner, not a problem. That a group of doctors is doing this is horrific. Come to the U.S.A., you will have a home here. Please keep up the work, you are helping people!


Dr. Mew i really want to thank you and your father for all you have given and worked to bring this info out there. I remember being told alot of things when i was a kid like breath my nose and chewing mouth closed etc. I was ignorant to the consequences and bad postures and i was depressed at how i looked because i didnt understand why i looked different than my parents. I knew something was wrong and it created lots of psychological problemsfor me. The breaking point was when i got sleep apnea and i was going crazy even thinking about if giving up on life would be less painful. Because of your work ive worked hard to fix my posture and its improved my sleep and my health. Its been 7months and ivr already gained health gains. I know you and your father will save.many.people like me and in the coming decade ppl need your info more than ever. Please dont stop.and.continue to fight. Thank you and bless you.


Good man, you're exposing those fraudulent bastards and their bullshit practices. For those of us that have had our faces, jaws, airways, and overall quality of life severely damaged by the bogus orthodontic practices we salute you.

Keep up the good work we're with you.


I respect that you are not afraid to go against the grain. Your teachings have been very beneficial to me and many others, do not let them silence you Mr Mew.


It's obvious that you are right. When someone wants to suppress you, you know you are right. I have personally discovered from looking at your videos that just the muscle tone from tongue on the roof of the mouth makes more difference in sleep apnea than any other treatment. Thank you sir!


This horrible injustice won’t end this way!!! Life will get you the right revenge. This ugly people are just condemning themselves. We’ll always be with you Mike, and will diffuse your teachings!!


I will definitely be passing your information to my patients here in San Francisco, California Dr Mew. Thank you, Ingrid. Registered Dental Hygienist


Big business must maintain both dominance over the narrative, and a pool of clientele that are kept dependent on their goods and services. Every salesperson knows that winning a lifelong client is worth dozens or hundreds of one-time sales; identical payoff for a fraction of the effort. It seems that Mike's expulsion would achieve the former, more so than the latter. They're not worried to lose their client base, as this is unlikely. They seem defensive over potentially losing hold on the narrative that, in the mind of the laymen, "crooked teeth means braces/headgear" or "his face looks that way due to genetics, only surgery can fix that", etc.


Dr. Mew you keep it up! You and your father will be on the right side of history.


Hey Dr. Mew, please don't give up on your quest. We are with you!


I don't care what they are saying...but I would like to say ur methods had good impact on me....love from india


I'm really thankful that mike is standing up for what he believes in, despite risking his career and reputation as an orthodontist. He is looking to expand the human knowledge of facially from and factors influencing it. Subjects we as humans barely understand. Instead of recognition, mike is getting criticized. Insightful videos into how to cure lots of the facial problems faced by people today, just by mewing. 👏👏


Sir, you found the bug of the Orthotropic System.. That's why they go crazy .. We support you and i guess %90 people wont need these cheater orthotropics anymore.. Thank you... WE ARE WITH YOU...


Dr. Mike, I'm personally benefiting from what you are teaching. Thank you for throwing light on the subject and making it public knowledge in the face of opposition from 'Big Brother'. Congratulations for courageously standing up for cause of science and ethics. God bless you. But beware of the juggernaut of medical & pharmaceutical industry which has silenced or destroyed many pioneering men like Dr. Robert O. Becker.


Wish you the best Dr Mew! We support you


This is unjust. I believe the best course of action for us, the viewers, is to watch his videos and share them even more so.
