John Mew on expansion appliances

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Orthotropics Video Team.

This channel is part of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance. A nonprofit organisation which aims to raise awareness of alternative orthodontic methods and ideas, which too few people are informed of.

The main aim of the platform is to precipitate debate on why teeth are crooked. Most people are not aware that (in most cases) the dental profession has little or no idea why the teeth are crooked, or for that matter why children need major surgery. Clearly there are genetic issues, however the science is clear, the weight of quality research papers, in respected peer reviewed journals, show that our modern lifestyle is a more important factor and most importantly we can do something about this.

This is especially important as sleep apnoea, TMD, forward head posture and a most otolaryngology problems are implicated as other symptoms of the same underlying problem.

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This channel also acts as a forum to make openly, speculative suggestions, to find common ground with other professionals (in both related and seemingly unrelated fields), educated lay people and members of the public at large, to either support or detract on the information provided, but either way engage in the scientific process. In the pursuit of the truth it is normal in science to make speculative comments which may not have full scientific support, and we welcome feedback and discussion.

In general, the videos posted on this web site are not advertisements, and will clearly be labelled as such if necessary. Apart from educational books, the association does not sell anything or encourage anyone to have any form of treatment. It does aim to make people think, consider all options, ask questions and become fully informed.

The underlying pathology of malocclusion and the related symptoms is referred to as Craniofacial Dystrophy;

The association feels that it should be possible to prevent or at least minimise the level of craniofacial dystrophy through simple public health measures.
Рекомендации по теме

I'm digging the see-through vest.


Like if you were looking at his vest the entire video


What about the Alf appliance? Does that not work by expanding using spring force? But at the same time aligning the cranial bones to correct any facial asymmetry? Also it works gently, it is not rapid expansion, it does not expand by breaking the palatal suture, but instead expands the palatal bone. Different expansion methods maybe suited to different needs. What are your thoughts Dr Mew on this?


Hello :) I'd like to ask whether the mewing app you mentioned before is in progress? :)


This is the most English man I've ever seen


But how do I get one? Literally no dentist or Orthodontist I talked to even knows about these..


Prof. Mew, what is Your view on re-opening previous extractions through expansion at time current time?


I haven’t visited this YouTube-channel in a while and I am very glad to see that John Mew is still going strong! God Bless!


I’m so distracted by the mystery that is his vest....


To all of you trying different appliances most of them are copies of Biobloc Stage 1 appliance. However as far as I can see none of them have all the advantages of the Stage 1 and many of them have big flaws. Prof John Mew,


Christ be with you good doctors and your families


I would love an appliance but I’m not in the UK, but across the pond in the Netherlands. Is there a way?


I’m 29 and she does orthotropic as well but didn’t think Biobloc was right for me. I have traditional expanders. What are your thoughts on traditional expanders.


Thank you for telling the truth and spreading your knowledge to the rest of the ortodontic world ❤❤❤❤ Dr. John Mew you are the best and a legend ❤❤❤❤


What are your thoughts on getting dental implants with mewing? At what point of expansion should one pursue dental implants?


Dr Mew thank you for this video. What are your thoughts on the VIvos appliance? And the Myobrace system. As i understand Vivos works on both the upper and lower and the rate of expansion can be adjusted to be very slow to allow for new growth. When combined with Myofunctional exercises, Myomunchee and bodywork/posture/functional work.


Does Homeoblock or Vivos cause damage, or are they safe like Biobloc stage 1?


So currently I've got braces and I'm in the early stage of it, I was wondering since I have braces on I can't eat hard foods right so I have to eat soft foods, otherwise the braces might break, would this have any negative impact on my teeth if I eat soft foods?? Like will my lower jaw get weaker?? And if so how do I avoid this??


What are your thoughts on the Maxillary Skeletal Expander / MSE appliance for adults, which is screwed to the upper palate?


Thanks for your useful videos, I had a question related to my jaw, ive been chewing on one side since 13 I think and now I'm 18, I've seen that the side I used Is a bit more forward, so is the jaw and the left side is a bit back so i want to know that if I start chewing on the other side will they both become normal?
