How to Brush Your Teeth. A technique for cleaning your teeth.

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In this video I show you a way to brush your teeth thoroughly. No timer needed to clean your teeth. Just using a regular manual toothbrush, and having a plan for brushing your teeth will make a difference.

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any dental advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained dentist or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional dental advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed dentist or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your dental health.
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Thank you Dr! I previously put on timer for 2 mins but with my recent way of brushing slowly and gently, plus using a very small orthodontic brush to brush by wisdom teeth, it seems to take about 5 mins or more. I do it slowly so as not to wear down my already worn enamel (from years of aggressive brushing due to ignorance). So the brushing time seems long but i am not brushing longer per tooth, just brushing very slowly and gently. Thank you for your video!


How do you brush your teeth? Do brush them in a specific order or do you just wing it?


thank you Doctor, i'll use your technique since now!


Hello doctor, is it okay to gargle with water after I eat anything to remove the leftover particles?? Does it cause any damage to gums?


Hey Doctor, i
have 2 questions. If i floss every single day, but I dont necessarily tilt my toothbrush at a 45 degree angle is there still a chance that i can still devolop gingitivis? When i have used all of the floss. Is it necessary to clean it with my fingers only when it has food particles or just wrap it up on each of my fingers? ( to start with the lower teeth for example)

Thank u so much for this video.


Sir can I send you my dental x-ray ? I need your guidance.


I heard some doctors saying do the 45 angle but instead of rotating the brush just wiggle. I am kind of confused which one to use.
