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The smile on your face when you talk about your faith is so inspiring and contagious! <3


I loved every second of this video. I’m so glad you're back here. I have two jobs and have difficulty tracking everything I need to do. I updated the app today, and I felt more productive today than I did yesterday. It's the little things that change everything. I woke up, prayed, made breakfast, cleaned my space, and continued my day. I'm ready for 2024…. 🎉Long story short, my boyfriend will be away for a while, and I will be alone for 6-8 months. I've never lived alone before. I'm ready to do this 30-day challenge with you. I am so proud of you. I hope all is well. I love you. 💙


It's not just social media, consumption of entertainment or just non stop consumption/stimulation to escape reality, to escape work will make you forget who you actually are it's very important to limit usage and be conscious. Agree with your message!


Thank you so much for having subtitles in your videos. It makes such a positive difference for us who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and English language learners ❤


She's a natural motivational speaker. I can feel her intentions, it's reaching out towards me. I love how she speaks, and it feels like I'm just sitting across her and listening to a concerned friend. And she's so More contents like this hopefully, cause right now I have just understood something. Thanks Leana!


Girl your face is literally shining noor. Mashallah May allah bless you and grant you jannah. I love your content like you’re my only source of motivation and inspiration. Thanks a lot ❤


I found you after you started wearing hijab and I love it so much. Im a fellow Muslim sister and I also struggle with discipline. Following you keeps me in line and thank you.


Im writing this with tears in my eyes am so proud of you girlll keep going keep shining you are amazing leana ❤️


Hi Leana, I’m glad to hear you’re spark is back 😊 I’m 28 (born 1995) and I can say that this video definitely resonated with me. My partner and I lived together for 4 years and due to job stuff and figuring life out are living separate for 6 months atm, since the move a month ago I’ve been so low and anxious. I have been on socials constantly knowing I should stop but being unable to and then feeling even worse. I needed to hear this, to listen to you and read other comments to know I’m not alone in feeling this way and needing that wake up call which is what this video was for me, so thank you I cannot wait to check out uplift and do the challenge 🙏🏼


You're amazing Leana! Such an incredible video...From the start I felt so emotional and was balling by the end of it. I never felt so understood to this level by a content creator on here... Everything you mentioned I have a problem with and sticking to habits and rituals... almost impossible...
I was off social media for more than 5 years because of LITERALLY what you were explaining in your video here... and now I am slowly getting back on as I want to start a career in social media management and content creation. I need to look at SM differently this time to be able to survive it and hopefully thrive.. & people like you in this world give me hope for a better more clear less noisy future. Downloading your app right now. 💪


Girl this was exactly for me. I am working on my discipline regarding other areas of my life outside of fitness.


God Bless you my love! Millennial (27) here and yes i'm realizing that without discipline you cant do anything. I'm muslim too and find that the discipline prayer develops in my life pours into all the other areas.


You are an inspiration, I was so focused on the gym and the outside world that I forgot to take care of my insides and I didn't feel like myself, nor did I feel good about myself, don't stop showing this side of the truth and how important it is, thank you.


I quit social media about coming up on 3 years now, it took me a while to find myself just like you social media was just one things that was holding me down. I quit smoking weed and since then have been the best version of myself possible. Being disciplined with running, eating clean, just everything that was so hard for me before. This is the most consistent I’ve been ever in my life and I am 25.

Thank you for this video you are a true inspiration ♥️


Wow👏 I'm 38yrs old & I really needed to hear this. So ty beautiful! Much respect🙏❤


Life is a emotional rollercoaster‼️Your perfectly fine . Life is an illusion but enjoy whats in front of you, what you have going on . Your a fitness warrior 💪🏾


I’m a millennial and I definitely agree and can relate to this. For that reason I decided to start the year with a social media detox and delete both my FB and IG app for an indefinite time. I loved your video and how contagious your smile and positivity is. Keep going girl!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Wow. I am beyond inspired by the drastic changes I’ve seen from years of watching your videos then to seeing this evolved and glowing woman now in this video. I am so proud of you for seeking until you found your purpose. You were made for this. Every fiber of me believes that you were made for this. This is just the beginning. Get ready!!! 🙏🏼✨


I love the way you talk, the way you smile while you talk about things that inspire you! Love it! Thank you for this video! Needed it! Greetings from Germany


You are so inspirational. If u had a podcast I would listen to every Episode. Keep doing what your doing because your influencing me to do better things and better things with my time and I know I’m not the only one.❤
