Traditional Cowboy Beans

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Kent Rollins
Cowboy Cooking, Cast Iron, Outdoor Cooking, Grilling, Dutch Oven Cooking

Editing: Andy Mercs

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My Granny made Pinto beans everyday as well as a big pot cowboy coffee... Started at 4:00 am ...kept hot on the heater all day for whoever showed up during the day. My papaw made cornbread everyday measured everything with his hand and stirred with a fork. This happened come rain or one was hungry :)


Folks...remember that if you use a Mexican style, "molcajete" (what Kent calls a masher) if you buy one new from the store, you need to cure it before you grind any food. They are made of volcanic rock.
Use the piedra (the rounded mashing stone) and grind the bowl part. Place 2 cups of white rice in and star grinding. When the rice is ground up and completely turns black, throw it away and add more rice. Repeat grinding. As long as the rice turns black and dusty, the bowl is still not cured. When the rice grinds clean, throw it out and fill up the bowl with dish soap and boiling hot water, let set for about 5 minutes and rise out. Happy grinding.


Ive tried different spices, but after having some of the best beans I'd ever eaten at my 95 year old Mother's home, I asked her for her secret recipe. Her answer :Pinto beans, ham bone, salt, pepper and onion on a low simmer. Sometimes simpler is just better. Momma knows !


I'm from Finland so beans are something you don't always use in everyday recipes (easily available ofcourse and getting more and more popular), but the funny thing for me is that ever since I've watched Westerns and read some Lucky Lukes as a kid I've developed a craving for beans that cowboys cooked for supper over an open fire. I have to try this recipe, thanks Mr. Rollins!


Personal testimony, I was there & the beans and brisket tacos were delicious 😋


Cowboy Kent is a treasure, and needs to be protected at all cost.


"You could cook a bean to death, but why would you?"
True words of wisdom, Cowboy Kent.


This Is real American soul!! Not fast food, junck food etc etc .
I Love this autentic american Life and tradition!!
From Italy ❤


Love you cowboy Kent from Egypt. You are like the grandpa of us all.


This looks delicious! My grandmother always used to have a pot of beans going. My grandfather would eat beans every meal, warm or cold. He lived to be 97 years old!


Without spicy beans you'd never have Blazing Saddles.


“That ol’ stove standin there behind Shannon.. known as Bertha will reach temperatures unknown to NASA” 😂😂🤣 love this guy. God bless you my Brother.


You had me at "temperatures unknown to NASA" LMFAO


A tale that I learned from my father:

A panel van pulls up at a large corral and a young bull hops out. He looks around at all the cows and gets a gleam in his eye. "Ohhhh boy!"

A second van pulls up and a much bigger, more mature bull steps out. He surveys the area, spots the youngster and says, "Three quarters of the cows are mine, you can have the rest."

The little bull is disappointed, but says to himself, "Well, that's still a lot of cows."

A third van shakely pulls up, barely able to stay up on it's wheels. The side panels are nearly all smashed out from the inside. The driver quickly gets out and runs for dear life. The back doors of the van explode open and the biggest, strongest, meanest bull ever seen in living memory leaps out. Without bothering to look, he bellows out, "All of the cows are mine!"

The little bull lowers his head and starts snorting and pawing the ground with his hooves. The second bull sees this and says, "Kid, you're not seriously thinking of challenging that monster, are you?"

The little bull replies, "Heck no. I just want to make sure he knows that I'm not a cow."


Beans seem to be a unilaterally-accepted survival food. When I was stuck in the Netherlands last winter, I kept myself and my housemates fed with a recipe not much unlike this; it only differs in the spices and the meats. I've used basil, pepper, paprika, red chili flakes and bay leaves alongside a good cut of Csabai sausages from home. The Dutch didn't see proper snow in years and our crummy student-apartment had poor insulation, but damn me if those beans didn't keep us warm!


My family is from the southern Texas, northern Mexico area. Ranchers and cowboys. When I was a kid I remember cleaning beans out in camp the times they’d let me tag along to help. we had a pot of beans, flour tortillas just about every night for dinner at the ranch and there was always a pot of coffee going that I wasn’t allowed to have. some of my fondest memories are from that patch of dirt. thank you for bringing back that memory


As a mexican I aprove this recipe, and actually we make a kinda similar beans recipe just with less seasoning and more vegetables. 🤤😋🙏👌


I'm Brazilian and can eat rice with beans every day. The way Cowboy Kent cooks it for sure looks delicious. Gotta try his recipe.


I was a Chef for over 30 years and this is the type of food I like, the older I get the more I enjoy all the aspects of the western way of life, when I move to North Carolina I definitely want to go to one of these events. Thank you for your dedication to the Cilinary Field.


I love your cooking and the advice you give, but my FAVORITE part is at the end when you take off your hat and salute the veterans and those serving. Makes me sentimental every time. Thank you for what you do and the legacy you help preserve. God love you and Shannon, and the pups of course. Keep the flag flyin' high.
