Why do Catholics and Orthodox reject the Bible alone?

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Why do Catholic & Orthodox Christians reject Sola Scriptura?

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The Church was before the Bible. The protestants likes to forget this.


“Man shall not live on bread alone but by the word of God” Mathew 4:4 and Duetronomy 8:3


Didn’t Jesus rebuke the Pharisees for teaching traditions of men as doctrine?


Orthodox Christian here, this is a great way to inform Protestants of the false belief of sola scriptura but unfortunately those who do not want to listen will never listen


OK so just in your first couple sentences you had your first equivocation. You moved the goal post from Protestants say“the Bible is the only infallible rule” to “the Bible is the only thing we need.” I’m not trying to be a jerk, but those are so vastly different it’s not even funny. No thoughtful and genuine Protestant would say that the Bible is all we need. I could characterize a Catholic argument by saying because Catholics do not believe in sola scriptura then Catholics do not believe scripture is infallible. No Catholic would say that. If you disagree with someone, that’s fine, but atleast do them a courtesy and strongman their argument. God bless.


It’s right in the second letter to Timothy,

2 Timothy 3:16-17
New King James Version
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Meaning anything outside of scripture is unreliable, including Church traditions.


As a Protestant we do believe in other authorities like confessions, creeds, councils and those ecumenical authority. But out of all of them scripture alone is the only infallible authority.


Apostolic authority is important, but I'm not going to dogmatically accept the traditions of post hoc reasoning based on non-inspired philosophy either.

An example of this is the Inquisition, based on Thomas Aquinas's argument to execute heretics that was accepted by the Catholic Church and enforced through centuries. Jesus and the apostles never commanded to do this.


The reason “only scripture” is important because Holy Spirit isn’t contrary to the scriptures. Now on the other hand the Holy Spirit guides us. Scripture is a spiritual book with power. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭the word of God is power which is scripture. In a way we must defend the faith by the word of God. That’s why we see Mormons, Jehovah witness, Muslims. That’s why scripture alone should be the authority not our feelings we receive. But by power of the word of God led by the Holy Spirit.


2 Timothy 3:16-17 and in Psalms 19:7-11 ; which is referring to Gods words, ever since I received the Holy Spirit in my moms kitchen by repenting and asking God into my heart . He changed my desires, to always seek God . Not only that but he healed me also . One day being a salve to sin, to one no more . All my old desires gone, but seeking righteousness by denying myself and reading the Bible to learn how to please God by faith and his will amongst everyone I come across from. But also in truth . His truth is in all of the Bible . Because every word has been sufficient for me not by my own emotions but the Holy Spirit . The spirit that reveals the fruits by overwhelming me with it each time I read, and am doers of his word by works but after faith . Because without faith, we cannot please him .


If you know the bible you wont believe sola scriptura it's that simple.


What about scriptures that say not to add or take away from the Bible?


But the Bible does say all men fall short of the glory of God. I will not put my faith in anything other than Him and His word


I think I found a new favorite Channel.


the Problem is that so many Catholic traditions contradict the teachings of the bible - Prayer is worship even if the catholic church says it is not. Jesus taught us that those who do the Fathers will are his Mother and brothers, therefore by Jesus owe words, when we do the Fathers will, we are Mother Mary and Jesus Brothers - so when Praying to Mary, guess we are praying to ourselves.
Jesus taught to call No one on earth your Father.
In the ten commandments it says to have no graven images and of course the Catholic church has plenty of graven images - which are statues and painting.
Jesus taught us how to pray which is to the Father and to worship God alone.
Matthew 23:8-12"8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students. 9 And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father—the one in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted." New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
But the Catholic church chooses to ignore this scripture and makes there Bishops and Pope to be highly respected and looked up to. They are to be servants and not seen as someone higher than another person according to scripture.
The Pope is not in the bible Peter was given the keys but Never the title. As Jesus said, we should Not be using titles anyway.


My church is Protestant and they do not say this ... they said all we need is JESUS CHRIST ! Also they encourage seeking counsel from elders and pastors but mainly they encourage a relationship with Jesus Christ for he is the lamb of God and faith in him is what saves us so long as we are fruitful and have good works aligned to our faith


The Bible itself says it is not the only authority. Paul says to adhere to all the traditions which we have received by epistle (letter, writting, such as the books of the New Testament) and by word (by mouth, in person). Who are the Holy Apostles of the Lord Jesus, and who are their disciples? The Lord laid His hands on the Apostles, and the Apostles laid their hands on their disciples, and them on their disciples, in an unbroken chain going back 2, 000 years. This ministry and ecclesiology matters because it is biblical, and we are to know which traditions received by word, not by writing, we are to uphold. Come into the fullness of the faith, all you followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Lamb of God, the King of Eternal Glory. May we be one body again, as He implored us to be. It is the enemy’s job to divide the body of believers, divide not but unite for the praise and glory of Christ our Lord.


It’s the ultimate authority not the only authority we still hold a hierarchy of authority. It’s about trusting that a place of authority is recognized by God’s word which is authoritative; that way the authority of the church does not get abused or distorted by human fallibility.


Scripture is infallible. God is also infallible and the Holy Spirit leads the Church in all truth and protects it from the fires of hell ever prevailing against her.


The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
