Learn Network Cable Management for Home Racks

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In this video I build a network rack from scratch, explaining along the way the each step and the reason I am doing it the way that I am. This is intended for a home network, not a commercial space, so I have simplified some of the steps. I made this video for first time builders, so I try not to assume that you have built a lot of these and that you are looking for some general guidance. The primary lesson you'll want to take away here is to carefully arrange your main bundle prior to getting under way - if you start out haphazardly, you'll have a harder and harder time keeping the rack under control as you go along.

Below are the items I used in this video - these are Amazon links that help me out, but of course you don't have to use them.

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This video is like seeing an artist create a piece of art.

I will never build a rack system like that, but I saw the entire video and enjoyed every second of it.


Not only is this a fantastic video due to the straight forward and simple visuals partnered with a well worded Voice over, but it also has one of the best thumbnails ive seen so far!


Nicely done and the video wasn’t any longer than it needed to be, was too the point without being dry. Thank you!


As a retired network engineer, I think is worth mentioning that you should never use plastic cable ties on data cables. Far too many people use them and it hurts in the long run. The reason is that they distort the carefully engineered separation between the individual wires within the cables, thus causing signal distortion or cross talk. Always use velcro like this guy used. You'll be much happier in the long run. Not to mention how much easier it is when (not if) you have to add or replace a cable.


Outstanding work demonstrated in this video. Earned a like and a sub. I am in the process of something similar and a lot of the devices you used I have never seen. Thanks so much. I started my tech journey with an IBM PC with 8088 and 64K of RAM and 2 Floppy Drives back in the mid 80's. Been running Linux for 10-15 years and doing DIY networks. Kids at church tell me I know way too much technology for my age! :) I was 76 in November 2023. Best Regards, Jim


Really helpful video for a "newbie" trying to understand how to build a home system for a new construction house...thanks for putting this together!




I had mine at home, with 48 ports, installed with a wall mounted patch panel so that all the wires would remain hidden inside the wall. The only wires that you could see if you looked behind the switch, are the short 1 foot runs from the patch panel to the switch. It looks amazing! No need for a wire snake to pop out of a wall or ceiling.


Here's a tip for when you install gear that's heavier than what you installed. Some gear is heavy enough that it takes two (or more) hands to install. The way to deal with that is to put in a couple of screws, partly screwed in, just below where the bottom edge of the equipment will be. Then you can rest the equipment on the screws, when you start driving in the mounting screws. You just have to hold up one end, while putting it's screw in and then the other end. I have seen two guys trying to mount something, getting in each other's way, when my trick would have made it a lot easier for just one of them to do the job.

BTW, years ago, when I was a computer tech, working on the old mini computers, it would sometimes take 3 guys to mount something like a tape drive, 2 to hold it and 1 to drive in the screws. Or on some CPU or disk drive chassis, two guys to hold the equipment, while the 3rd positions the sliding rails, so the equipment can sit on it. One disk drive I used to swap out required a fork lift to raise and lower it.


thats a very clean install..

when i designed and built my home network for our new house and one day the wall mount rack i ordered arrive, my wife immediately told me that she didn't want to see that hideous thing hanging on her walls

i opted for an in-between studs with flush cover enclosure. very limited for what i needed but i made it work.


Great job. This should have millions of view. Heavily underated.


You deserve a thousand greetings and appreciation, the best teacher. May the Most Gracious protect you and take care of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍🌹🌷🌻


Great video, loved it. TCI, you should add the Cable Comb to your list of item's used. Made by Jonard Tools. They make two models, the CCB-25 that accommodates cables up to 1/4" (6.35mm) in diameter, this is the version he was using in the video. Or the CCB-34 that will handle cables up to .36" (9.14mm) in diameter. If you're pulling 6a, even unshielded like I'm am, you'll need the CCB-34. Love watching a professional do their thing.


your cables are aligned almost as perfectly as your hair. true professional at work and in private.


Nicely done. I also liked the Star Trek LCARS desk mat.


For all my personal/friends & family work, like to use the thin cat6/6a patch cables now as they are so much easier to work with and take up less space. I use them for all my patch cable/non-structural wiring now (where I'm not using DAC's or fiber). Though at my home it is in a media panel and I took out the patch panel as I found it added no value, and took up a lot of very limited space, vs just terminating the cables and plugging them directly into the switch (the boot is color coded and labeled so I can know where it goes a glance).


Such a great video. Thank you!! I’m planning on following this video on my first rack set up.


Thank you so much for this. I'm at this point of organizing a home rack with quite a few dell poweredge servers plus a litany of other things in it. It's been a mess of cable for far too long. Just looking at the mess of cable seemed too overwhelming to approach cable managing, but I finally decided to just do it this weekend. Your video helped quell most of my anxiety about diving into that mess of cables.


Your LCARS mat made my week! And thank you for the video! Soothing the OCD beast nicely :]


That was excellent. Pretty much exactly what I need to do right now.
