Why You Should NOT Upgrade to Windows 11 Yet!

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Should you upgrade to Windows 11? While the initial response to Windows 11 has been mostly positive, it’s far from being perfect. In this video, I’ll point out the major issues, along with the minor annoyances and regressive features you should know about before upgrading to Windows 11. Hopefully over time Microsoft listens to user feedback and fixes these issues plaguing the operating system right now.

Windows 11 Tips & Tricks (Playlist)

0:00 Intro
0:25 Default Apps
1:32 Taskbar
2:16 Start Menu
2:44 System Tray
3:11 Context Menus
3:36 File Explorer
3:54 Bugs
4:26 System Requirements
4:58 Sign-In Requirements
5:24 Innovation

Windows 11


Brett In Tech is a leading source for the technology that we use each day. Whether it’s discussing computer operating system tricks, the latest tips for your mobile phone, finding out about the newest gadgets, or letting you know about the most useful software and websites, Brett In Tech has boundless topics on technology for the astute YouTube viewer.
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Issues fixed since this video: The date & time now appear on multiple monitors in taskbar. Weather at a glance is back in the taskbar.

Fun Fact: Even with all its issues, Windows 11 has had a better rollout than Windows Vista and Windows 8.


just stopping by to say that I upgraded to windows 11 and my computer is all messed up, thank you - DO NOT UPGRADE !!!


One other annoying thing is that every time you do a windows 10 upgrade it tries to get you to upgrade to windows 11. If you are not careful you find yourself upgrading to windows 11.


Windows 11 really dropped the ball. Thanks for pointing all of that stuff out. I was looking forward to upgrading, but now I will definitely wait. Probably wait until Windows 10 is not supported


I tried W11: it's horrible!!

Bugs, glitches, extra steps for basic actions, convoluted processes, missing functionalities, no performance gain, ...


I agree dont update to windows 11. I have problems.


I had just upgraded to Windows 11 the other day. I did not like it compared to Windows 10. After about a day I decided to downgrade back to Windows 10. I am really glad that I went back to Windows 10. Thank you for this video! I really enjoyed this.


Also the most important features that had been promised by Microsoft for windows 11 such ad DirectML, fast booting, etc., are absent.


Microsoft has really messed this up. I'll stick with 10 for as as long as possible.


I like the cleaner look of 11 but if it makes it needlessly complicated it's actually opposite of what they tried to do by copying Mac OS. The benefit of Mac Os is that it's as simple, clean and reliable to use as an iPhone/iPad but they need to improve the usability of 11 and i'm sure they will after some time.


They did the same shitty roll out when Win 8 came out. I didn't feel comfortable upgrading from 7 Pro until Win 10 had come out. It seems I shall wait again until Win 12 comes out.


I'll stick to Windows 10. Windows 7 was a great OS, and 10 feels like a slight improvement in speed and increased functionality. But 11, now that is an OS I will be avoiding for as long as possible.


Additionally, on the taskbar, all open windows show as grouped, short icons. There is no way to ungroup multiple open windows of the same app, or make them wide.


My friend that doesn’t know much about computers upgraded to Windows 11 and now his computer is damn near unusable. So I’m just gonna back up his data and put a fresh install of Windows 10 back on his computer.


I upgraded to Win 11 on the laptop in my workshop that is mainly used for 3D printing and CAD but had loads of problems, YT was reformatted and loads of scripts had problems so I rolled it back.
Linux Mint is my daily driver and I think I will switch my workshop laptop over as well once I have checked everything I use will run on Linux or Wine


I am also onboard with the conspiricy theory that Microsoft has made this new OS to boost the sales of new computers. What baffles me and lowers my reputation of Microsoft is that they did this at the time when computer supplies are being limited. Many consumers right now either want to keep their old hardware or buy refurbished hardware, which are incompatible with Windows 11. I also want to hold Microsoft's feet to the fire with their phrase, (which I have modified a little to be familiar with a past President of the US) "Read my lips, no new OS's."


Technology is to ease work never to add, so more clicks than before is always a no-no!


What drives me crazy is that I can't simply MOVE the task bar to my second monitor like in windows 10.... As a content creator I often have to record my main screen when making tutorials, and I don't want the task bar to show. This worked great on win10 where I could just drag it to the second monitor and keep editing etc on the second screen while recording on the first one. Now I have to constantly turn on and off auto-hide and show task bar on all monitors to get around this, even if I DON'T want it to hide constantly. I just want to be able to MOVE it to the second screen...


It sounds like Task Bar is a Trashed Bar. The whole bottom tray area sounds like feature deleture.


Not upgrading, don't see the point if there aren't any actual improvements. Looks like restrictions only.
