I woke up at 5 a.m. for a week

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I'm never doing this again lol #5amchallenge #wakingupearly #morningroutine
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Just wanted to take a second to recognize people that wakeup at 5 a.m. everyday just to take care of their families. Plus, I’m sure there a lot of single parents out there that wake up even earlier just so they can get some time to themselves. I am weak-sauce compared to y’all.


Some of us are driving to work at 5am, then dealing with the kids, dinner, homework, chores, exercise, etc. 💪🏻
It makes you stronger.


OMFG first world problems....you need a freaking reality check!


I’m a night owl, too! I look forward to more of these vlogs!


Why would I prefer going to bed at 5 am over waking up then?? (literally went to sleep at 2:06 am last night)


The reason you always have less time than you think you have is because you're a parent providing childcare 24/7😅


So, I'm a night owl too and totally get this, BUT i have to wonder, did you go "hmmm everyone is pretty pissed at me right now, how can I make them SUPER pissed?" "How can I give the Dad challenge podcast more content today?" 😅


I loved this longer video. Keep doing more of these 🤍


I’ve watched you and Abby since you lived in Hawaii. You are both great parents and genuine people! Don’t let all this drama get you down, you’re a wonderful father.


I love these types of videos! They are kinda like old school YouTube challenges but better suited for day to day life and trying to find ways to grow. Maybe try a “journal every day for a week to see if I feel better” or “trying something new every day for a week”.


pro tip: wear a shirt if mosquitos are biting you lol


I have missed your videos keep them coming I have watched yall since Hawaii I am excited your videos are back


Keep the videos coming Matt!!!! I’m sure they will be a success.


I’ve been watching you guys sense you’ve lived in Hawaii and I love your videos so much keep up the great work your family has to be the best family on YouTube ❤ your great parents 🎉


How do people actually have motivation for this 😂 I wish I could but my brain says well you don’t HAVE to so I just don’t 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yay!! Love your videos! Keep them coming!!


I was confused that this video was on your personal music page instead of the matt and abby page. 7 is currently the earliest I can wake up and feel normal for the day. Can't go to sleep at night later than 10-11, though


Good morning! I too am a 5am gym girlie, but there's a twist.. i do a workout called camp gladiator, which is an outdoor workout. I live in Texas, so it's dark and the hour class STARTS at 5 which means it's 4:13 am right now and I'm about to have to get up lol ugh.
Mad respect to you to try it out waking up so early!
That anxious energy is REAL!!!
I work from home most days working a 8-5 so yes, some days i come home after and take a little nap before Work. Lol
This was such an encourager to some how get my sleep score bc i think that's partly my issue when it comes to my energy level.
I also have mad respect to ppl who work out in the evenings after work. In my personal opinion that's harder. Making yourself go in the evenings after work. If i ever miss a Monday 5am workout i force myself to go in the evening which is brutal sometimes in the Texas heat. Lol

I'm also tired of this grandpa!!!!
Lol i say that OFTEN to myself when I'm working out 🫠 then follow up with that's too dang bad and keep going...

Thank you for sharing and yayyyy you!
And Abby!


Hi Matt! I love yours and Abby’s watches! What kind are they?!


Matt I understand i am not a morning riser at all lol. So i am there on you with that. The only points that i woke up that early was when i was in high school and i had therapy class and other classes that i had to do. Now i am taking online classes for College and i wake up at 10am to go to the library to do homework. I just feel more energy when i sleep in a little more. I feel like if i go to bed late and wake up early i feel grouchy lol and i don't feel quite my normal self and i have all these headaches. I just do better with 12 hours of sleep or even 8 hours instead of 5 or 4 or even 6 hours of sleep. That's just me.
