Top 3 Agility & Speed Drills (IN HOME)

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Primal Body Supplements:

Inside today's video you'll learn our top 3 Agility/C.O.D. drills you can train in-home.

The exercises you'll learn today are based off of the research you'll see below.

Here's something that most people may not know... (I didn't know until doing the extra research for this video)

Almost all of the popular "agility" drills and exercises that you see... are technically NOT training agility.

They are actually training "Change Of Direction" (C.O.D.)

According to many of the articles we read such as this article from the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching... Agility & Change Of Direction are two independent skills.

The main difference between these two different skills is the addition of "Reactive Decision Making".

Change Of Direction drills do not include reactive decision making.
(example: cones, ladders, shuttle runs)

Agility drills include reactive decision making.
(example: tag, reaction races, arrow drill inside today's video)

Now what's more important... inside this same article they found no strong correlation between high performers in C.O.D. & high performers in Agility.

What this means is that just because we train C.O.D. (ladders, cones, etc.) does not mean we will see an improvement with our true Agility.

Now this doesn't mean you should stop training C.O.D.

Change Of Direction drills are still great to train as an athlete. You will experience improvements with your speed, braking ability, and performance with Change Of Direction.

It's just crucial that you also add in real agility drills that include the "Reactive Decision Making" if you want to see an improvement with your actual agility.

That's why in today's video you get 3 drills in total. 2 Change Of Direction drills and 1 Agility drill.

For the change of direction drills you will be use exercises based off of the extensive research in this article from "Strength & Conditioning Research" (which reviews multiple studies).

It was shown that athletes that perform the best in COD drills were proven to have faster braking, better balance, quicker acceleration and they also on average had more knee flexion and hip flexion, meaning they would get lower to the ground. -

Try them today!! These 3 In-Home drills will be a great addition to your training!

However, these are really just the tip of the ice berg for agility training and fitness in general.

If your goal is to build a lean toned athletic body using unique in-home exercises such as these...

Then I recommend grabbing our bodyweight strength workout below.

You'll also be added to our newsletter where you will learn more about our in-home training, including our unique Primal Fitness method.

To your health & fitness,
Thomas & Jonathan Tapp

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Top Agility Drills
What Is Agility
How to increase speed
How to increase agility
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Im so agile now, my mum cant hit me with her slippers anymore.


#1. Explosive Eccentric Squat 4:33
#2. One Leg Stability Hop 6:11
#3. Reactive Arrow Drill 7:40

You can thank me later.


I had strengthen my legs with the first exercise and now there’s a hole in the ceiling. Great video!👏🏼👌🏻👍


Actually a partner is NOT necessary for the third drill. All you need is google slides, and pictures of arrows that are pointing in different direction. You just randomly put the pictures into the google slides(one picture per slide) and then apply transitions to each slides. It is important to set random transition time for each direction picture and also set it to "after last animation". That imitates the receiver/running back sees a tackle and the time is random, so it would be like the player is running and he sees the defender unexpectedly and make up decision and execute. And then just randomly change the slide order. This drill applies not only to football but some of other sports as well.


Im going to need this for football so thanks 😎


for true agility you have to add unpredicted decision making to change of direction exercises
this is a science based study
1- explosive ecentric squat
go down for 5 sec, hold down for 2 sec, jump explosively high.
add wieght when you get advanced.
it imporves muscles which help you break while changing direction(glutes and hips and, ...)
2- one leg stability hop
jump on one feet just like rop jump with one feet
move on a square while jumping when you get advanced
this improve chaging direction after breaking, usually you use just one leg.
3- Reactive arrow drill
someone randomly calls a direction
up: jump squat
down: burpee postion(add push up if advance)
side: side step and touch cone and get back to middle as fast


trying to train up this year so i can get on the volleyball team ✨


Didn't even know there is a difference. Thanks again


I have to say that your chanel is becoming better over and over again, what is actually dificult. I am not surprised to see almost 4 million views in the last video, congratulations!


Thank you tapp brothers i am a stroke recovering person i incorporated some excersises in your videos in my journey you will be in my journey to this great and wonderful god given life


Thank you for the upload, whether it helps or doesn't I'm grateful! It would appear you're talking about cognitive ability, ultimately keeping your mind in shape! Through physical conditioning


I have this sort of mindset where if I'm faster than everyone, than I have the advantage.


My apologies. I used this video to share your ideas with my students at home for a daily challenge but even though I acknowledged you in my video I don't feel comfortable with the video and have privatised it. Thank you for your brilliant video. Once again I apologise for any distress that I may have caused.


Sparring is a good “agility” drill then. Head movement:, ducking, slipping, rolling, blocking against punches


1. Explosive eccentric squat
2. Cone or shoe
3. Reactive Arrow Drill


Nice stuff. Problem is, you lead off with the statement that agility drills require an element of variance and reaction to a stimulus and the only drill that addressed it was the last one!


Thank you so much man, this video is exactly what I’m looking for and I’ll definitely tuning into your channel from now on 👍🏾 You earned a sub !


I just run across the house every single day been doing it for 8 years imagining random stuff and didnt know how good my agility is now


Thank you and I like the fact that you always include the beginner (which is me). I might need to invest in some weights as some point. Thanks again.


When i was in elementary we'd play a game where people had to try and get others out by grabbing the flags on our belts and when you got tagged or when the flag got pulled you'd become a tagger

I never wanted to play this game but whenever i did i was always the best at it. If i could go back i would've played that game more.

An example of this game is when i was that last one standing and i was surrounded but i managed to escape through unsuspecting people that i ran through.

When i think back on the game it was really fun.