How to talk to a Woman-- Without Being Creepy w/ examples

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I share two recent stories, one good, and one bad, of being approached. please see this as entertainment and don't take it too seriously
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Hiya, before you leave a comment saying that it was my fault because I was nice or smiled, please remember I'm getting the pleasure of reading hundreds of comments already saying that and it weighs heavy.
Also ask yourself, is this the society we're living in right now? And want to live in? When a woman is made to feel uncomfortable and "stalked" in a way by a man, that it is her fault? Because she was nice?
This video isn't so much about me, it was created for men, to give them insight for other situations. There will always be other women like me, probably most women, who are nice and friendly and find it difficult to cause someone discomfort, but are we really going to say "she was asking for it." "That's what you get for being nice." Let's stop blaming the woman for a bit, and just be more respectful and observant as men.
These women give all the cues, but more indirectly, just choose to be more in tune with her cues and if you sense discomfort leave her alone.


Not sure why this popped up in my feed, but I’m glad to have listened. Thanks for sharing your experiences. 🙂🙂🙂

Guys, try to see the world from a woman’s perspective. For thousands of years they’ve been mistreated, bullied, harassed, and abused by men. They have an innate need to feel safe. Provide that for them. Be warm and genuine. Be kind. And listen to their verbal and nonverbal expressions. Be polite and allow them space.

I’d suggest learning from Alison Armstrong on understanding women. She definitely enlightened me.


I think this is this best advice for cold approach thank you!


I’m horrified by the first story. No has to mean no.


Interesting video. I like it, but it's kind of difficult to grapple with. One thing I think I should say what I heard about us men in general is that we're not very good at picking up on social cues. Unlike women in general, us men aren't very good at picking up on non verbal cues. In communicating with us, people need to use much more verbal communication and try to rely much less on non verbal cues and body language. Some men are very good at picking up on social cues, but only some. And I would advise you to please, please if you know you're not romantically attracted to a guy, and he asks you out on a date, tell him you're not interested from the very beginning, to avoid being misunderstood. The guy who was "creepy", probably didn't understand that your "maybe" to his very first date proposal to you was because you didn't quite know how to say no. You need to be clear from the very start, because he probably was just trying to up his game (though he jad none), and be persistent, as he probably didn't think you were really not interested in him.


@2:46 "But shit fucking smiled at me, gave me her Instagram." - poor dude lol.


😂 MeToo Movement killed cold approach. If a man starts a cold approach, any chance to defend himself if the woman calls the police for sexual harassment. Men don't cold approach women, especially on streets and workplaces. This is not a joke. The lawforce will be against you.


How to cold approach a woman without being creepy? Just be tall and good looking.


Ive got a girl who i think is afraid of me. Is there a way to counter this? I just came out of an 8 year rela so im in husband mode. I got a number from a girl, then hugged jee and rubbed her arm (would always shake her hand) she was receptive. I didnt call or text... saw her a few days later and from there it has gone south.
I told hee a vouple days later i was interested in her then hugged her whuch i regreet. Im used tp that as a sigm of affevtion its now akward. I dont want her to be uncomfoetable cann i counter? I think she hidess from me.


This is a creepy subject and im mot comfortable with it at all. It makes me afraid to even look at a girl anymore.


She has ever right to reject him but this shows that everything is based on looks for women too. A guy can be a great person, have a good career, good personality, even an awesome body but get rejected by every women because his face isn’t ideal looking.

Please correct me if i’m wrong.


You have to approach from behind really slowly without making noise, but not in a creepy way.


This is good advice. I like the way you explain things.


Its hard for desperate people to read those non verbal signs given and they will need strong confirmation like "no, and I'm not playing hard to get, this is straight up no" rather than polite response which I understand where you coming from.

With your female perspective, I could say I fell in the trap of thinking that the smiley gesture is anything more than friendly. I ashamed to say yes to the trap after all the obvious non-verbal signs yet unobvious signs to me at those moment. I did not act out to stalk people but more like looking at them more. Now, I have to work on not to over stare!

Thanks for showing how creepy it is when the desperation is strong and give good advice for educating a proper socializing conduct. It's nice to see there's little reasons to hate the whole male population from one man's behaviors and be like “Oh I will not smile and be friendly again". The whole internet is crazy about the hate between each man and women which I believe you pick it up from your videos' comments. Thank you for your kind words on the bad examples.

Wish you all the best in the journey to develop yourself!


Showing up at someone’s work like that is creepy as hell.


Tbh, at first my thoughts of your videos last days were "This girl is going to random places alone, this isn't good..." like in a protective way, because from what I've saw from your video diaries so far you are really smart, humble person but also kinda vulnerable, not weak but easily someone might take advantage of yourself or scare you with their intentions... And I'm like thinking you must be safe, I hope you are safe while doing these travels. Sorry but this is my sincere response to your videos. But now I see you are battling something you have for a long time kept in yourself and actually I support you fully. You seem to be careful, that's good. Maybe I can say my generic advice - when you plan for things like that to choose more cultural places so you don't get bored :D other than that nature is great. I have never seen these places because I live in Bulgaria, Europe and is interesting to see your experience in US. Great videos, tho! Keep doing them, gal! You'll find a way to make friendships as well if you keep pushing yourself to overcome fears, just be careful, pls! :D Like genuinely, be safe!


People need to just speak up and just say what they mean. No 'you need to pick up the queues' or 'pick up the signs'. That's not on the other person, that is on you. It would be cool if people were Jedi masters and could read your mind and intentions, but they can't. Some women actually say 'maybe' and so on to play hard to get. Many woman test men to see how serious they are about going out on a date. Woman, like men, are individuals. The same 'queues' can be used by different women, and their intention behind them are something else. Some woman, who actually are not into a guy at first try, actually like when a man is persistent and that can change her mind. It does happen. The rule is simple, just tell the person you are not interested. None of that take the hint crap. Christianity teaches and shows you how to be assertive, to stand bold. You see this with Paul and Esther. That's not limited to men. This sounds like a lack of confidence and the frustration is being projected into the men. Power is not isolated to men. Stand up and speak up. That is the obstacle that you need to overcome. That's not the guy's issue, that's yours.


“ thanks for asking but I’m not interested “. It should only have to be said ONCE! Anymore than once is Harassment!


The fact he stayed for hours proves he is weird but you should have told him early on not to bother


I believe you have said it best.
Thank you for being clear how friendly can get creepy.
Love your hair, if that's not to forward.
I'll pass your video along to others.
