30 min Sun Salutations Yoga - Strength, Balance & Flexibility

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Join me for a 30 min beginner to intermediate yoga practice with sun salutations for strength!

Sun salutations are a wonderful way to build strength and flexibility while also building the mind-body connection. I'll be taking you through half sun salutations, sun salutations A, Sun salutations B and hatha surya namaskar. We will also have a few balancing standing poses in between each flow and we will end with some hip openers. Sun salutations are an excellent way to begin the day so this would make a great morning yoga practice.

The poses in this practice are all suitable for beginners but because of the pacing, length and speed of this class it might be best suited for intermediate level students. It's a fun class that you can do over and over again and improve over time.

No props needed. Enjoy!

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Yoga with Kassandra - Disclaimer
Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra’s negligence.#30minyoga #sunsalutation #yogawithkassandra
00:00 Introduction
01:34 Child's Pose
02:55 Cat/Cow
03:51 Wrist Stretches
04:56 Balancing Table Top
06:40 Downward Dog
07:16 Ragdoll
07:45 Half Sun Salutations
08:59 Sun Salutations A
10:41 Standing Stretches
12:15 Sun Salutations B
15:48 Standing Balancing Poses
18:40 Sun Salutation A
19:24 Hatha Surya Namaskar
21:25 Warrior 2 Sequence
23:15 Side Lunges
24:14 Sun Salutation A
24:50 Pigeon Pose Right Side
25:52 Pigeon Pose Left Side
26:53 Puppy Pose
27:39 Sphinx Pose
28:31 Reclined Twists
29:56 Savasana
32:25 Closing
Рекомендации по теме

Silent viewer here! 🙋‍♀️ I don't usually comment on videos, but after practicing this morning, my spirit compelled me to share and express my gratitude. I personally am more of a lone practitioner, nothing against in person yoga classes at all whatsoever, everyone has their own thing and that's wonderful, but there's just something about practicing alone that makes me feel closer to my higher power. So I just prefer to practice at home. And I just want to say thank you for all that you do and all the videos that you share 💜 I am somewhat of a beginner, I found yoga and began my own spiritual journey about 2 and a half years ago. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember, and also with substance abuse. I am going on 5 years clean.. and I truly believe I have yoga to thank for that. Practicing mindfulness, meditation and yoga (even though I think sometimes 'mindfulness' is easier said than done), has really, really, REALLY been helping shape me into a better, more present and aware woman and mother. Honestly, I also give credit to the practice for helping me stay clean. And the point I'm trying to make here is that I probably wouldn't have discovered this wonderful, spiritual practice if it hadn't been for your classes and videos, not only so easily available, but also so easy to follow. I have learned SO much just by following your videos, and listening to your teachings. At first, I thought there was no way yoga could be for me. There was no way I could get my body to get into some of these shapes, much less get my mind to quiet down long enough to focus on them. But here we are almost 3 years later, and I'm getting better (in so many areas of my life) by the day. You teach so wonderfully that it's not all about how a pose "looks", that's not what is important. You've shown me how to not judge myself. You make it so beautiful and easy to grasp, and remind us that it's not about perfection, you just have to show up. You've shown me, and many others I'm sure, FAR more than just how to get into a pose. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and beautiful spirit with the world 💜 I pray that your day is as wonderful as you are 💜
Namaste 🙏🧘‍♀️💜


This is my favourite practice for now. I am from Ukraine. It's really help to be calm and strong in the war time. Thank you.


Namaste from India🙏 I have been doing Kassandra’s classes since 2020. It came as a boon in the lockdown. I was irregular since the last couple of months due to my hectic schedule but since the last week I have been practising daily and I can see the change already. I am regaining the self-confidence and positivity that I had lost by not being in touch with Yoga. Yoga is definitely magical but it becomes even more fruitful when you have a mentor like Kassandra. Thank you. 🙏✨✌️


I thought the 15 min flow was challenging! This one was tough but I felt great when I completed it. Keep these more challenging flows coming, I'm loving the challenge. Namasté from Spain


Hello from the beautiful UK county of Cornwall. I did this practice this morning looking out over the Fowey estuary and harbour which is gorgeous. It was dark when I started but the lights of the fishing boats leaving harbour were already moving. The day dawned as I stretched and now it is light. All this and yoga too. Feeling very blessed. Thank you.


An hour long version of this one would be awesome. It was lovely and fun. Thank you Kassandra. Namaste 🙏💗


I love how clear Kassandra is with her direction: even with challenging flows like this one, you know exactly where each body part should be at all times. Super important for klutzes like me 🥰😸 Thank you.


You don't even know how much this made my day to see. Tuesday morning I know what I have planned.


love this development of the earlier shorter sun salutation. Thank you Kassandra.


That older sun salutation video has always been a favorite of mine. This one was equally as great, thank you!


Dear Kassandra this one is amazing !!!! Thank you !!


Thank you, Kassandra ❤️ You are greatly appreciated.


I almost went and found another class after your description of it but I decided to challenge myself and I did it! I am glad I did even though I had to move a little slower than you. I just adore you, Kassandra. I have been doing your classes five days a week for almost two years now. You were my first introduction to yoga when I Googled yoga for hips and I was in love with yoga after that. You have blessed this stay at home mom of three in her early 50's.


Normally, I would have shied away from attempting any practice that warns me ahead as ‘intermediate’ but today I was able to complete this practice without compromise- half sun salutations, Sun Salutations A and B and Hatha-style Sun salutations. I am so grateful to you Kassandra and the practice videos you share which has helped me along the way. So grateful!


Thank you for this flow! I loved that you stuck a hatha flow in it as well, those are so mentally cleansing. I did this in the sun after a day of being sick in bed


I did it . Thanks to your videos for the last 2 years I have gained so much strength. And it has helped my depression like you wouldnt believe. Namaste 🙏🙏🙏🙏


what a wonderful practice! thank you Kassandra you are the best!


This has become my go-to morning flow. Feel so good when I’m done! Thank you!


Good morning 🌄 Thank You so much Kassandra 💕 💕 I appreciate You 🙏


3 C's: creativity, continuity, cues! Thank you, Kassandra!
