Solving the Schrodinger Equation | The Free Particle

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In this videos we solve another case for the Schrodinger equation which is a free particle. It seems to have a really easy solution, but it's not the case because there are no boundary conditions and it is really hard to find stationary states for the wave function. We use the concept of wave packets and also Fourier analysis to handle this problem and be able to solve the Schrodinger equation for the free particle. It is also important to know the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity because what represents the speed of the particle is the speed of the envelope (group velocity) containing the ripples (small waves contained and moving with the phase velocity).
In this series of videos I'm going to share some information about quantum physics based on the amazing book "Quantum Mechanics" by David J. Griffiths.
Quantum Physics playlist:
In this series of videos I'm going to share some information about quantum physics based on the amazing book "Quantum Mechanics" by David J. Griffiths.
Quantum Physics playlist: