Why do people talk shit behind your back and how to handle it?

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I am a big believer of "intention"

1, Always make sure your intentions are positive and to do good by others
2, Always question other people's intention about their comments or criticism.
3, Make your own determination about others and don't base your decisions on negative people's opinion.

Lessons to my boys:

This is very likely my favorite segment of The Pancho Show. I share with you what I believe to be some of the most important life lessons I have shared or would like to someday share with my 3 boys. I believe that these are important enough to share on this platform for everyone to listen to!

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People talk behind’s someone back when they haven’t done anything to you is out of jealousy


Thank you man, this helped me realize that if people wanna talk smack then that’s their problem not mine


I needed this because I was gonna get violent but I can’t lower myself to who they are because I’m meant to be above them


i just found out my only "real friend" was a ctually talking behind my back/making fun of me


Thankyou man. Your son is blessed to have you. most of those people he’s worried about won’t matter in 5 years anyway.


What people feel/say about you is none of your business. That being said it's hard when it's family.


I deleted Facebook and Instagram. My life is so much better.


I live in a small town and everyones talking about my back this is going to be hard to try and ignore them it's annoying because they dont know me well enough to try and talk behind my back so this helped me a lot


Short answer: Ignore them because they are cowards that's why they don't say it to ur face.


I think humans have an instinct to talk behind someone’s back, like it’s in their nature and they’ve done it lots of times throughout the man history, so now it’s like a normal way of life to talk behind someone’s back. But this kind of behavior manly happens on social media, and in schools, workplaces etc. As many people don’t even know they are being back chatted about, but some people can sense people talking behind their back throughout their instincts. As body language can tell people a lot, you may seem very short with the person you’re talking behind as you know they might find out what you’ve said, or even know what you’ve said. But Chinese whispers go on a lot in my school, that’s why I just stay out of everyone’s business and be very wise with picking my friends


It is a simple as this: ones who talk behind your back, you make them feel some type of way about themselves. You see, they KNOW that you know, without a doubt or question, who you are and they will say anything to make you question yourself. They'll talk bad about you to someone else just to have them question it as well.
It should give you great pride that they talk about you, do not feel bad that they do, carry yourself with extreme light- because you are the light. They are trying to dim.


I be hearing people talk crap behind my back I be hearing them in the next room like duh I can hear you they very bold about it


My son is very sympathetic, and kind hearted also.
My favorite advice for him all the time is ...
1- only you define who you are and nobody else does. Think about your intentions and if they're always good, that's what matters. Don't let anybody tell you who you are. I also tell him it's good to analyze yourself in your behaviors and your triggers.
2- you only responsible for the words you intended to say or actions you intended to do and you are not responsible for how others interpret it. They are twisting your words and turning your intentions into negative Simply tell him that's unacceptable you're not gonna do that.
3-it's OK to confront people no matter what position they hold. People in high positions are not always right, and they definitely are no better than anybody else. If you confront them in the proper manner, you have every right to do that.


When I was in Highschool my classmates always talk shit about me for being different, cus Im a transferee. I realized that they are bringing me down to make themselves feel good and look good in front of their mates. But boy I learned to be wiser


My only true friend..is myself. I always share the positive freely with all..and refuse to let anyone or anything take it away


It's because they're too scared to say it to my face.


people talk bad about me for no reason in school behind my back :((( and i dont even talk to them


Listening to this makes me feel to cry... because this is exactly what happened to me. However, ignoring them has to go with practice.... especially when “emotions are involved “. But thanks man appreciate. Love from Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹


In my experience, you should always be weary of people who constantly complain and talk trash about other people. You may think you’re cool with those people, but they’re likely talking about you as well.


A person in my gym class was talking about me and said I was really weird and that they didn’t like me. My friend told cause she overheard. I literally talked to this person once. It really hurts. I don’t want people to about me badly, and I didn’t want any drama with anyone. I care so much about what people think about me it actually sucks.
