People at work who talk behind your back

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This video is all about enemies at work...and this seems to be a growing problem. Do you hash it out, get on the defensive, go to your boss, or confront the problem co-worker with a list of grievances? We'll talk about it.

Marie Dubuque is a life coach who loves to give advice on everything from dating dilemmas and tricky social situations to drama-filled friendships and romantic relationships gone south!
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Yea same happen to me in my last job, i came in being to friendly to everyone then at the end i was getting betrayed by some coworkers, I've learned a great life lesson from being in the work force, don't be so nice and keep your guard up at all times, you are there for a paycheck and nothing else, mind your own business and just do your job, if they don't like you then that's there issue, great advice Marie.


People dont try to be friends with people in the workplace. be friendly but dont be friends. you may notice people or groups who are like clicks that may have friendships together. but i have learned those group of friends are back stabbing one another some just dont even know it. dont get into those relationships stay professional and act friendly but dont be a friend cause you will find yourself mixed in with that mess they got going on.


It makes me sad how terribly common manipulative people are, I've dealt with this a lot too... You would think at some point in their lives they would realize that bringing other people down really brings themselves down...not up.


Bad people will make you apreciate good people even more as they are hard to come by


I ignored the bullying of a supervisor, and they got me fired. That's why I'm trying to learn a healthy alternative.


Thanks for the good advice! This is why I'm my next job I'm insisting on keeping work and personal life separate! Gossip is morally decaying and I don't have the energy to deal with it!


Marie, you took the words right out of my mouth. When you said to keep it professional and don't share any personal information, I hollered. You don't go to work to make friends, not to say that you shouldn't be friendly but you don't know who you can trust these days, especially in the workplace. When you were talking the viewer trying to fit in and be a part of a group, I already knew what the problem was. I tend to stay in my lane and keep it strictly professional.


You deserve a million subscribers, you're very helpful thank you!


If I catch someone talking about me Ill just look them in the eye and they stop. If youre gonna talk crap on someone say it to their face. Cowards only go behind.


Thing is when your manager talks about Your business in front of coworkers!! Instead going outside and talk with me on the phone or pull me to the side. Like that's unprofessional..


I needed this! I started a new job about 4wks ago, and from day one there this older woman who I felt she has something against me. My intuition was right on, today I found out she was talking behind my back. It's so absurd that she did that when she takes long lunches and always on the phone for personal stuff! I dont know what her problem is but I wanted to confront her but I will not. I will work harder and ignore her nasty pettiness. People that are happy with themselves dont go and talk negative about someone they dont even know. This woman obviously has issue with herself, her life must be that miserable!


My motto was always was to be kind to co workers but never be too friendly to people and keep some distance but couple of years back, I let my guard down and started to be too friendly and started sharing about my life and ended up realizing that this was so wrong .Co workers started sharing my personal information and some were rude and started to make me feel they were entitled to my life. They would call me at home and text me why I am not at work and so forth.I decided to block their calls and kept some distance. I was lucky that I had some friends outside my workplace that were supportive of me at that time, My parents used to say, to be successful in life, be humble and kind but always act professional especially at work and keep some distance from your co workers to maintain professionalism and privacy.


When you don't talk about anything personal, some co-workers will begin asking. I lie to them because it's none of their business. I know everything about their lives but they knows NOTHING about mines.


My own supervisor has been doing this to me for over 10 years and has successfully worn me down and I so want to be done with it but I'm such a people pleaser. After watching this video, I look back at the last 10 years and think, "wow, every time she has tried to bring me down was while I was perky, happy and positive". Thank you for posting this video! I wrote down so many of your points and will keep this on my desk at work to read over and over until it's drilled into my


I just wanna thank you for this video. I literally was looking for a video like this. I just started a new job just like this girl you are talking about. I really enjoyed this job my managers are co-workers..I thought were great too. Until I heard from other co-workers they were talking behind my back about me being new. After hearing this news...I started to beat myself up. Genuinely upset. But I see that I just gotta do my own thing & say "whatever" to the rest.


I have gotten to the point where I just ignore the petty people, I dont speak at all yet they find the time to direct sly comments my way


I never go out of my way to be friendly to my co-workers because they will do what they can to use it against your also your bosses are the same way I will be polite but that's it.


Literally everyone i work with in this office have a depressed straight face. No wonder why. They all have to go home and do the same thing everyday and I'm a young 22 year old who is a intern in this field who's energetic, creative and enjoy hobbies. I think they're mad because God blessed me very early in my life when most ppl wouldn't get this position unless they had 6 more years of experience than me or had like a bachelors but God's blessings will make you be hated by the wrong ppl. Don't buy into it because you'll drain yourself. I just accepted that I'm here to do my job not to change ppl mind. I am open and approachable and always tried to develop a relationship with my co workers but they don't want one so they're missing out


I went out after work once with these people, and I was bored!! I'm not into drinking, gossip, ect. I can't relate to my coworkers cause we're not going to the same place, have the same goals, ect. And that's okay!


This is my favorite video of yours. I'm dealing with this situation at work, I'm cordial, ask work related questions, make small talk about non personal subjects ( restaurants, movies, plays, cruises). One of my colleagues doesn't like me & I haven't done anything to her. I've only been at this job 3 months & I keep my guard all the way up.
