Why Do People Talk Behind Your Back Psychology

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Have you ever wondered what is the psychology behind why people talk behind your back? In this episode, I will expose the 3 reasons why people talk behind your back. And I also have solutions so that people can stop doing it. Stay tuned.

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Nicholeen Peck
Teaching Self-Government

Key Moments in this Episode
00:00 Intro & Summary
00:41 Make friends?
02:04 Lazy person project
02:44 Low self-esteem
03:31 Praise
04:17 Do projects together
04:53 Be a good friend
05:32 What's next

What To Watch Next
How To Be A More Calm Parent

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About Nicholeen Peck
Despite your best efforts at raising children, is your family dysfunctional? Do your children set the rules and have control of your home instead of you? Are you looking for parenting skills that will help you create a united, happy family?

Then meet Nicholeen Peck, one of the world’s most effective parenting experts. Whether you want to fix child behavioral issues, create more unity in the home, or simply strengthen your family relationships, her proven system — Teaching Self-Government — can help you turn chaos into calm.

"People are starving for help to save their families," says Nicholeen.

Since 1999, her seminars, workshops, one-on-one training sessions, parenting videos and books have helped thousands of families worldwide regain peace, be happy and maintain unity in their home. The secret? Learning how to use effective family systems based on parenting that’s deliberate and pro-active (instead of reactive). It all starts with the principles of self-government. If you’re a family of faith, you’ll especially love how your faith and values can be woven into her parenting system.

Nicholeen Peck’s Accomplishments

* Author of “Parenting: A House United,” “Popular Parenting Methods: Are They Really Working?,” “Roles: The Secret to Family, Business, and Social Success” and many other books and magazine articles.
* President of The Worldwide Organization for Women (WOW).
* Nicholeen regularly speaks at the United Nations and other congresses around the world as an advocate for strengthening families and motherhood.
* In 2009 her family was featured on the BBC reality show, “The World’s Strictest Parents.
* Trained as a foster parent for Utah Youth Village.
* Has parented many troubled foster children.
* Successfully raised (and raising) four children of her own.

“Her loving parenting techniques work with ALL children.”

“Thank you for your insights and solutions. They have helped my family so much.”

“My husband and I have started implementing some of your techniques, and our house has been so different!”

“I feel that my children respect me more. I will be eternally grateful for what I have learned from Nicholeen Peck.”
Michelle Baker

“If you want to forge the strongest family bonds possible, to repair damaged relationships, and redeem a child that seems completely lost, then this program IS for you.”

Video by Nate Woodbury

Рекомендации по теме

It is not so much when people talk behind my back. It is when they lie about you and you hear it from others.


Whoever keeps his mouth and tongue from slander keeps himself out of trouble....


I enjoyed people talked trash about me, it makes me realize who are my true friends and family


Once heard “If they are stabbing you in the back it’s because you are ahead of them!”


When someone tells you about the gossip they heard about you remember to keep your composure and not feed into it.. You have to question why those gossipers were comfortable enough to say it in their presence…… Maybe the circumstances were they just happened to overhear it while walking past the break room….
Unfortunately the truth is that sometimes the one telling you is also an active or passive participant to the person who felt safe enough to gossip about you in their presence. So why would they feel so strongly about disclosing it? Because broken people enjoy that.
It can really mess with your mind at work and socially…. It’s hard to brush off and I personally began to spiral into a bad mental space because of coworkers I’d just began working with and was really happy to be in a fresh new position at another hospital…. It was slowly evident that my chipper energy was not enjoyable for a few really nasty women, even one male coworker…. My patients loved me but as soon as I walked out to the nurses station I felt the energy and I didn’t know why or what…… it continued, I met some great people but it only 2 or 3 to ruin a shift and screw with my head ..


Number one makes complete sense! My situation doesn't fit the traditional "jealousy" narrative that many people say. I completely get it now!


It's rather simple, really. JEALOUSY. I have a neighbor who is a complete loser and she is always on the warpath talking about everybody. Her whole life revolves around gossip, slander, hatred. She never has one kind word for anybody behind their backs. I finally got fed up after years of her lunacy. I haven't spoken to the old witch in 2.5 years and never plan on giving her the time of day again


It’s sad that people talk about people just to feel good about themselves


Wow I needed to hear this... Now I'm unbothered... God is good 😊😊😊


Number #1 reason is a low self-esteem shallow behavior with no value or self-worth


Much wisdom here! I used to handle this kind of situations in a very peacefull way, knowing that 90% of the times it was because people had low self esteem so they were no real "treath". Always paid off.

Unfortunately, recently I'm simply not able to stay calm and patient anymore and had different moments of anger outbursts and aggressiveness towards the people that talked behind my back. Reality is that to act in such a smart way requires you to be extremely strong. When weakness comes to you (because of a bad period in your life, some bad experiences, some expectations that didn't realised), it becomes really easy to start acting immature and aggressive like a scared and wounded animal. Stay strong brothers and always act with serenity of mind!


I have lost a few friendships over gossiping! Why doesn’t the person just tell you to your face


I told my very "Adult" sister something in confidence, no one knew but her and I. I thought at this point in her life she was old enough to trust, She has done this in the far past but, I figured she had grown, I guess not. A week later my Mom questions me about that very same issue when I came over for breakfast. No one knew, but myself and my Sister up to that point, only way anyone else wold know is if someone spoke up. Years of building bridges, trusting gone in a moment.

I know my Sister is pissed at me because she has to work and I took the last 3 years off living off of saving and investments. It's been an issue for a while with her. Last time I ever trust her with anything.


I keep to myself and am very shy. I do my work. I don't want your friendship. Let the quiet people do the job. Be mature we are not all the same. Getting of my soap


Thanks! 2 things: 1) wow, so this woman at work who is always gossiping about the other shifts and how badly they perform just wants to feels better about herself temporarily... for 8 hours a day... + the 30 minutes BEFORE she has even clocked in... Seriously, she never ever shuts up :p 2) I will watch that parenting vid even though I have no kids, because handling some people is like handling kids ;)


Thank you so much I been worried all day now I'm at ease... It's still in the back of my mind doe what a waste of space... Grrr...


Reasons why people talk behind your back 1) They want to make friends 2) A lazy person project 3) They want to feel good about themselves. Solutions 1) Praise people more 2) You can do meaningful projects together 3) Be a good friend


What I hate is for a person to talk about me behind my back then all in my face like we buddy buddy that right there baffles me


I have been hard time at work because of the amount of shit I hear my co-workers say about each other. It made me feel like I work with a fake team and it made lose some faith in humanity because these people are people that I used to look up to and now I have been promoted to be within their circle


My daughter is having some issues with her peers. These are good points to share with her. Thanks. 👍🏻
