Jordan Peterson: Women want workaholic men in positions of power

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Do those kids know how lucky they are to have professor like him!?


I have a playlist called "Reality check" I force myself to watch from time to time.

This went straight in there.


Married to a workaholic myself it has been quite difficult in terms of time - but he’s highly conscientious, kind, compassionate and works all hours God gives


I just want to thank Mr. Peterson for actually teaching these children something substantial. Something they can actually learn


“I divide my officers into four groups: smart, diligent, stupid, and lazy. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are smart and diligent—their place is the General Staff. Some are stupid and lazy—they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Some are both smart and lazy; they are qualified for the highest leadership duties, because they possess the intellectual clarity and the composure necessary for difficult decisions. Beware of those who are stupid and diligent—they must not be entrusted with any responsibility because they always cause mischief.”

— Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord (1933)


I'm glad this was a short video, I have a patriarchy meeting to attend in 45 minutes


Lemme tell you, I quit a good-paying, high status job in order to enjoy life a little more, and it's day and night when it comes to getting dates/girlfriends. I'd always done fine with women, and figured it was my decent looks and winning, interesting personality. Wrong! It was my job. It's a tough lesson to learn, but you have to realize the deal. It's just a lot more work when you don't have the instant status indicator of a good job.


"When man has no other world's to conquer, there's always woman."
True yesterday. True today. True tomorrow.


Patrice O'Neal said it years ago, "Women don't want to win, they want a winner."


so true. The job of directors/CEOs requires exceptional stamina to maintain his team in top notch shape: not easy. Unlike being a PM with a drama degree lol


They want a guy who is in position of power, workaholic, a businessman type. At the same time they want him to have a lot of free time to spent and share with her. Impossible task.


I am sorry to contraddict you but in the video Jordan doesn't say that women want "workaholic men in position of power", he says (around 2:00) that women go for men who are 4 - 5 years older and with equal or higher socioeconomic status. Otherwise they would all be monsters!


My grade 12 math teacher quit his job as an accountant earning 6 figures to take up teaching because he enjoyed it much more. He definitely saw the insanity of workaholics loll. One of the best teachers I've ever had btw


My childhood best friend became a lawyer and by 30 he was a self made millionaire with his bentley, 2 homes, law office, and infinite vacations every year. I worked for him as a paralegal for 3 years. I quit the profession because although I am by no means lazy, I just dont have anywhere near the drive that he constantly has. He is constantly working. He could be on a date, but at same time he's texting me (his paralegal) about our next step in a case. Everyone might go home at 6, but he might stay in the office till 10 because he wants to finish some phone calls. Regardless where he's at, he's constantly working, although to him its not work, its more like a habit. I really dont even understand when he sleeps

He is never not on top of things, and his efficiency is just mindblowing. He has probably a relatively moderate IQ, but he is so engaged in work, he probably remembers hundreds of different phone numbers. To him, his job is like a video game: its fun and so everyone and everything is easy to remember and understand

He's also like never watched a movie, never played a video game, never read a book (only a little bit of legal books for when he needed to study for the bar). He never just sits down to relax

As a kid he was always the one saying "yo lets go do this, lets do that, etc". He was probably diagnosed with all sorts of bipolar or hyperactive disorders (also was jailed 11 times), but in the end he found where to direct all that energy: making money.


We want those positions because we derive our happiness from the struggle of accomplishing those big audacious goals.
I'm deeply bored with mundane jobs but a truly challenging career path I will obsess over it until I've mastered it.


3:23 Somewhat of a strange thought but I like that his hand goes perfectly across the black border in the background


Jordan “the data on this is very clear” Peterson


Women go for men who are 4 - 5 years older and with equal or higher socioeconomic status.


Thank you for including the link to the original lecture aswell.


JP's correct here. Have seen this scenario play out in real life. Workaholic men in high positions are alpha males, women like men in power plus the status and money yet many come to resent these men as they're not around.
People in general don't know themselves well enough to know which personality and temperament type best suits them when picking out a mate. You need to know if you can tolerate being alone, constant travelling, entertaining, moving often, etc. Independent-minded women who don't require much coddling and affirmation can do very well with workaholic types whereas the dependent, sensitive types get lonely and come to resent it.
