What is sleep paralysis?

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What is sleep paralysis? After the anatomy of dreams video many of you were asking the question "what is sleep paralysis?" and why does it happen? In this video we're going to cover the neurobiology and neuroscience of sleep paralysis and try to uncover some of the fascinating theory behind why it happens.


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Have you ever had sleep paralysis? What was it like?


I've gone through this so many times that I already mastered the trick and let me share it with you:
1. You are conscious, so you can keep calm by telling yourself "It's not real it's all an illusion"
2. Instead of trying so hard to wake up try to go back to sleep instead and after a few moments you will wake up in a calm state instead of waking up out of breath and with your heart beating out of your chest.
You're welcome 😊


Sleep paralysis is pretty scary if you ever experienced it. You literally can't distinguish dream from reality anymore. Had it happened to me twice before and to this day, I still sleep with my nightlight on. I am still unsure of what I experienced. Part of me be giving myself a scientific explanation while the other part still terrify and confuse whenever I think about it. The shadow felt so real.


This was a bad video to watch right before sleeping because it’s very scary haha. It’s very educational though.


I have experienced sleep paralysis multiple times. All the experiences were when I was about to sleep and the worst part is that I always felt it coming and knowing the horror that awaited me. There was this time that it happened when I was sleeping on my stomach, my face pressed against my pillow and couldn't breath. The double horror of me hallucinating and thoughts of me dying was devastating. The levitation made me think that I had already kicked the bucket. ha ha ha.


I experienced this whenever I'm stressed and everytime it happened, I will recite Our Father multiple times. It eases me every time.


Me: *searches up sleep paralysis*

Anxiety I never had: *yes, finally!*


*You May Not Sleep Now, There Are Monsters Near By*


I had sleep paralysis once a few months ago. I couldn’t move and when I tried to talk my words were slurred. My mom who doesn’t live with me was coming into my room and saying very weird and creepy things. I then heard something like a demon saying indistinguishable things to me. I then said, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ”. That was the only thing I was able to say it clearly. It instantly stopped and it hasn’t happened again.


I get sleep paralysis 2 to 3 times a week ever since I was a kid. I only had one hallucination though, where a black shadow was walking towards my bed while hearing something talking in my ear, I was so scared my heart was beating so fast. I always get the feeling of something evil that is trying to possess me that I can't see. Most people don't understand how terrifying this is until they experience it. Keep up the great work!


Me: tries to have lucid dream

My brain: "I'm about to do what's called a *_P R O G A M E R M O V E_* "


Last night was my first time experiencing sleep paralysis and it wasn’t even scary it just looked like I was hella high I saw rainbow my room was blue and the walls were moving AND IT WAS


I’ve had it 3 times. The first time I felt like my body left rocketing to space at very high speed and then slowed down to the point where I was floating. I had no control over anything. The second and third time. I felt like someone had grabbed both ankles and dragged me across the ground, going through walls... That wasn’t as fun.


why did I watch this a 1am. My imagination is now gonna see/hear things when I go to bed.


I suffered from sleep paralysis constantly since I was 11 years old, I used to fight with the devil every time I got paralyzed I would yell at him that God is stronger than he and he immediately disappeared, at 38 years old some older people told me to place a Holy Rosary at the head of my bed now I am 40 and I have been able to sleep very well since that time 🙏🏻


Experienced this several times, all conscious and eyes opened. Heard conversations perfectly placed, saw some horrible things, levitated and was hugged by a demonic lady even smelling her perfume. Really out of this world experiences.



Sleep Paralysis Demon:


I have this few times a week just pray while you have it then its go away


I have had sleep paralysis about twice a week for 35 years. It can be terrifying not to be able to regain control. My hallucinations when I was young were the typical demons but now I'm completely aware of what I am experiencing I get more familiar hallucinations. Like seeing a family member talk to me when I know they aren't there.

I have trained my partner to look for the signs and shake me. I try and scream and he hears a small noise and he shakes me. He has videoed me a few times. It's creepy. Eyes completely aware but paralysed. The hallucinations are usually a combination of what is in the room with a layer of hallucination.


I get sleep paralysis almost every week & now I've mastered it, I just stay calm because I know its just an illusion & then I wake up in the morning in a calm state.
