Science of Dreams: What is Sleep Paralysis?

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What happens when the mind wakes up but the body is still asleep? Sleep paralysis is a chilling experience for those who face it. Learn more from our three experts, bestselling author Dr. Matthew Walker; sleep researcher Dr. Raj Dasgupta; and Jungian psychologist, Dr. Lori Tyler.

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Last night I woke up from a dream and was in a paralyzed state. I heard someone picking my lock, , getting in my house then running toward me with a light. Shouting “like a thief in the night” over and over. When I got free I nearly broke the table next to the couch. Having had sleep paralysis since I was 3 now being 41 … it is no less terrifying now than it was the first time it happened.


I had recurring sleep paralysis when I was younger, but it mostly happened following traumatic events, bad mental states, and when I slept on my back. Something to consider if you’re trying to get to the root of the problem, it definitely can kick you while you’re down


I do not wish this on no one truly terrifying experience


When you realize you are in a sleep paralysis and hallucinating...but can't move...just remember to shake your head as much as you can. You'll wake up in seconds.


I have terrible sleeping habits so sleep paralysis happened quite regularly to me, I can sort of feel it when I'm about to get sleep paralysis and usually if I act quick enough I would immediately wakeup, but if I'm not then I'm gonna get it. My biggest tips is just don't open your eyes because you definitely gonna see some gnarly stuff, just calm down and focus to try to move your body, either wiggle your feet or your fingers then slowly you would realize that you able regain your body control


Only 25% of people experience sleep paralysis?? Only 25% of people hiccup?!?


I started experincing this when i was in 9th grade but then it happened only once. after that it became pretty common for me in 11th and 12 th was so scary that sometimes i just couldnt fall asleep thinking about this and by thinking itself brings me into this state without even going to sleep finally i chose to go sleep with my parents and somehow under the warm embrace of my mom i felt safe and happy ( i know too embarassing for a 12 th grader😣).plus i suggest going to sleep early because to me ..i used to pull allnighters to study and became quite sleep deprived when i suffered sleep paralysis. To me when i felt paralysed while being concious i also felt this supernatural force pushing my face to one side(back then i thought it might be a symptom of stroke) i also felt choking.


I have had sleep paralysis and what I experienced was terrifying I saw this figure that was right in front of my face and I tried to close my eyes and not see it but that didn’t work I tried talking for help and that didn’t work I tried moving and that didn’t work and so in that moment I just stood there watching it and it was scary. You usually have sleep paralysis when you are stressed or worried about something and I actually had sleep paralysis 2 days in a row.


I had this problem as a child. It happened several times a week. Weirdly I thought it was less likely to happen if I slept on my back. I would feel that I was floating towards the ceiling and then a few seconds later I would feel a presence there with me. It was so frightening. Sometimes we would be together up in the dark loft, I would be unable to move or scream. This was the part that was so absolutely terrifying. I'm still feel uncomfortable going into a loft because of it. Occasionally I would float downstairs and see my parents watching TV. It lasted a year or two, I was very young, I guess just as I started to understand reality. I am 53 years old now and it is still ingrained in my memory…
It’s strange but I remember the exact moment when it all stopped. One morning (I was looking into the fridge) and I came to the realisation that I was now above it, too old for it. I was in charge from now on. I just knew I was over it. From that day on I never had the experience again.


Im nearly 30, experienced this for the first time today, hearing someone move around my home and my room even though i live alone, and then a feeling that something is sitting on you, truly terrifying, positive mental attitude and a hope it doesn't happen again.


Why would the brain betray us with terrifying alucinations? I have had this thing a lot of times, since I was seven years old. I was finally free from this when I punched a persecutor in his face in a dream. I felt like I had punched the devil's face. It felt so good having the opportunity to fight back these nocturn enemies.


i’ve had three scary experiences over the last few months, only a few weeks apart from one another.

the first one happened while i was sleeping on my stomach. i couldn’t move, speak or breathe, but my eyes were open and they kept trying to shut but i fought it as much as i could. it felt like there was something standing outside of my closet and i could feel the energy shifting. I woke up not very long after the whole thing happened.

the second time this occurred, i was woken up very quickly, however it was a far different experience. this time when i woke up, my eyes were open, and i felt something trying to pull me off the bed onto the floor. now, in my mind it felt as if i woke up, but couldn’t keep my balance. as i was stumbling towards my door i grabbed my stand up speaker connected to my TV, but when i did that i started being wrapped with the power cable, sort of how a snake would coil around its prey, suffocating it. Shortly after I woke up in my bed and everything was fine.

the last and most recent occurrence actually was only 2 nights ago but far less severe. I woke up, and felt some sort of energy at the side of my bed. my eyes kept trying to force themselves shut, but again as I did in the first experience, i fought to keep them open. once it felt like i had control of everything I reached for my blinds and opened them shining the light inside my room. eventually, 25-30 seconds of this struggle I woke up.


My head starts the throb and my ears start to ring, thats when the fun starts, i learned to enjoy it after my first experience 20 years ago.


I just experienced this, mine felt like it lasted around 30-50 seconds


When I have sleep paralysis I usually yell, pray, or tell myself to wake up and force it into happening. I do not wish it on anyone. It is truly troublesome!


I am thirty-nine and have dealt with it for as long as I can remember. In my case, more often than not, I feel pressure on my respiratory system, which makes it difficult to get oxygen, and that's when I panic. The experience lasts less than a minute but feels like an eternity.


Through a psychological standpoint. “You are locked down..” it started occurring to me whenever I felt locked down and trapped in waking life. I’ve always been told dreams try to tell you something, so does your body. Fix the problem and cure the body.


I had sleep paralysis bad in my late teens and early 20s, surrounding lots of traumatic events, and lots of drug use. Most commonly occurring when sobering up from the drugs.


its worst if you panic i just sometimes let the scary things take me lol then i force my feet to move first then i wake up but if i sleep right away after sleep paralysis happen it goes back


I experience this alot. Definitely scarey for sure.
