7 Tips for Growing Freshwater Plants in an Aquarium

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The whipping sound after the tips scared my cat and it made me laugh because I seen comments complaining about the same noise 😂


Great advice.
For me plants became an equally interesting and engaging part of the hobby as did the fish, shrimp, snails, etc.


Dwarf hairgrass is one of the easiest carpeting plants I have lots of luck in different substrate and different water conditions although trimming it can be quite messy to the tank


My two tips for growing plants ... 1. Plant the plants, 2. put fish in. The end!
Works for me.


My light set up for my 60 gallon tank is kind of diy. I went to Walmart and bought 2 red & blue grow lights along with a string light. I already had a 24" nicrew light. So I took all of them and set them up inside my aquarium hood about 6" above the water. Tank gets plenty of light and after 2 weeks I already have growth on all my plants.


Thks for sharing this video. For me i use low tech tanks and i started with java ferns and other easy to grow aquatic plants for my tank "D


3:35 I grow a lot of low light plants and some grow etiolated or stretch toward the light which is the aesthetic I prefer. The floating plants also serve as a refuge to fish, since most in the wild are not exposed to open water.
4:08 Contrary to popular belief ramshorn snails do eat plants. I raise a lot of these, at first in a form of a stow away. Now I raise them to cycle tanks and feed my puffer. Some ramshorns can be _cultured_ to not eat plants while the rest will do so by default, according to my experience.
Some will ignore plants and go after the decaying parts or even the algae; the others will be opportunistic and eat the plant regardless. Depending on which snail breeds, their offspring will either eat plants or not.


I add CO2 with sugar and corb syrup mixed 4 to 1 or 5 to 1. I add yeast. I seal the line and run it to a half filled with water then I run an airline down to a couple of small airstone near the plants. With a small brass valve I can adjust the amount of CO2. The thump keg helps remove any bacteria or sludge from blocking the line or stones. I have used this for around 30 years and every aquarium has had wonderful plants


Do not use sand as substrate.. Sand is inert and due to how dense it is in the water, it makes it hard for the roots to properly grow downwards. I recommend you use aqua soils, like JBL Manado, which is perfect for root growth. Use sand only as a top decoration over the substrate, don't use it as a planting medium.


Finally an Australian fish keeper! subscribed, as not all the USA fish, plants and products are available down here. :D


Good video! Another thing I'd add is cleanliness. The more waste and ditritus you can keep out of the tank, the healthier your plants will be and the less algae you'll see.


Dude great video straight to the point.


I really don’t like that whipping sound either although I enjoy your videos! Loose the noise! Thanks!


Like your video...I have a selection of "growing" plants in the aquarium. I don't buy them, I get them from my walks around the lake with my dog. It doesn't matter if the fish eat them because I can replace them - all free!.


I have jungle val and dwarf sag. And I only vaccum areas where theres no plants as my plants do well with the fish waste. Also when I rinsed my sponge filter with aquarium water in separate container I'd water my house plants and they responded well to that.
As for moss i never ever had luck with java moss.
But lots of luck with Christmas moss. Weird hmm?
I miss my neon fish and my new platies pop a lot.


Great video, cheers from South Africa


Yay, I appreciate the shrimp content XD


Hey all I could use some help.
I am doing the dry start method with Monte Carlo. I had the light on about 10 hours a day, saran wrap and closing the humidity, I’d water it two sometimes three times a day with RO spray bottle.
Two different tanks, Monte Carlo looks like it’s dying after several days.
What have you personally learned about planting Monte Carlo in the tank? Thank you in advance😊🐠🌱


why is there a golf swing sound effect in the background of this?


The forks for holding cucumber or zucchini to feed the Pleco"s. One of the first things I learned about fish keeping .
