My Top 10 Easy Beginner Aquarium Plants

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On the Aquarium Co-Op aquarium channel we focus on freshwater fish, tropical fish, aquatic plants and in general all freshwater aquariums. Our goal is to help take your pet fish and graduate you to an aquarium hobbyist. Aquarium fish in general we find are a great way to learn about ecosystems. Your fish aquarium will reconnect you with nature. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to aquariumcoop and check out our weekly videos.

Cory is employed by Aquarium Co-Op LLC. He also owns Aquarium Co-Op LLC. Therefore technically all content is sponsored by Aquarium Co-Op

#Plantedaquarium #Aquariumplant #Aquascape
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I bought a java fern today, paused the video, went and took it out of the gravel. Thanks cory


"I've never seen anyone kill these"

Challenge accepted!


I've had a moss ball for two years. I had forgotten about it until you mentioned them, he's doing great


Java moss
Java fern
Moss ball
Apontogeton crispus
Amazon sword
Bacopa carolina
Dwarf sag


Hey Cory, I'm in the middle of a 20 gallon start up. I've been going down a rabbit hole with your channel and I've got all my questions addressed. You're the man 👍


Hi Cory. Thanks to you, I became a plant lover. When I started my tank, and after a while put plants in it, my plan was to have a tank to use as a plant keeper and as fish quarantine before I put it in my main tank, a far more bigger on, the "quarantine" tank is about 20 USG. I put fancy guppies in there, mainly to get a cycle going. The plants I bought was a nice fit for my larger aquarium. And everything was great until I decided to not get a larger tank. Some of the plants are fast growing, don't get these if you're not in to trimming like crazy. The tank looks like a fantastic jungle, the guppies are thriving, but after a while you get overwhelmed - and your plants want light, so they compete about the light, so the tank gets darker and darker. Get slow growing plants, like anubias and such. My plants are doing too well, including the red and purple ones


May I add a couple plants to this list? From a newbie like myself:
-dwarf lily
-red tiger lotus (I think I got lucky)
-green wendtii
I can't believe how much luck I've had with dwarf lilies, they are super rad, totally awesome, and whatever other sick 90s slang you can come up with!


I kept waiting for anubias. I found it to be a great plant when I was starting in the hobby. Another top video Cory. Wish moss balls were that cheap in Australia!


"I never seen someone kill susswassertang."
Hold my beer... :)


Been waiting for this for awhile! Thanks for all your help, it’s hard to find solid advice when your just getting into the hobby.


This channel has saved my life and my fish's life. Thank god I found you.


Can we have a series of you making a really high tech expensive tank? Always see aquarium stuff for beginners, but what about us Veterans?😭


Hey Corey!, Corey here - Just started my first live plant FW tank and I used your videos to guide me. Thanks for all of your help! And, the plants you shipped arrived quickly and looking great! Thanks!


Good list. I'd also recommend cabomba, indica rotala, anubias, ludwigia, wisteria, and banana plant.


I had Java Ferns in a tank many years ago, and had them planted right down in the substrate. Had no problems at all with it. I originally planted three that sent off runners that eventually took over one end of the tank. Never had any problems with it dying. I used an iron based rock and sand as my substrate, and had no issues of any kind with plants. The only plant I ever had an issue with, was wysteria. The stuff very nearly took over the entire tank. To say that it grew like a weed would be an understatement. Even after I took it out, there would be little bits that I would find growing again a few weeks later. Took me three months to finally get rid of it. I can't remember what the other plants were, but all of them grew to epic proportions while I had the tank, especially the Java Ferns. I eventually gave the tank to someone else when I moved, mostly because it was too big to really transport across three states in a little car, but as far as I'm aware, that guy still has it, and still keeps fish in it.


I've seen a ton of YouTube videos on beginner plants. But you threw in some new ones that are interesting that I never heard of. Good video, once again Cory!


I've set up my first tank with plants just recently. I've really been enjoying the Ozelot Sword that I have in there. It's about 8 inches now, but the slight variation in the colors of the leaves is the seller for me.


Have all of these in my tanks! But the one plant I find to be the easiest and prettiest isn't mentioned in this video:
Ludwigia repens.
Seems like you can watch it growing. Grows sooo fast. It's really easy to propagate, you can just buy a few, let them grow and fill the rest of the tank with it.
And it looks quite spectacular when it grows out of the water...


Ordered two cryptocoryne parva plants last week along with easy green and easy fry food. Absolutely LOVE the products! Loved them so much that I ordered some jungle val and italian Val today! So excited to get them in the mail! Will be buying all my plants from Aquarium co op from now on. Local store has not the best plants.


"you put it in there- you'll have it" i'm sold
