Everything You Should Know Before You Get Corydoras! 7 Tips for Keeping Corydoras in an Aquarium!

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0:00 Intro
0:54 1. Add cover
2:15 2. Keep them in larger schools
3:30 3. Ensure they are being fed
4:10 4. Feed them worms
5:27 5. Use a fine substrate
6:32 6. Add tannins
7:44 7. Keep them in cooler and faster water

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I had an albino male and a female who was greenish in color. Sorry that I don't know what type they were. Either way, they loved each other and mated for 9 years. I gave over a 100 fry fish to the pet store from these two. I watched the whole process of her attaching the eggs to the wall of the tank and I assume him fertilizing them. When my big girl died, my albino boy died soon after. They loved each other


I LOVE your fish-centric approach (instead of what fish can tolerate to satisfy hobbiest's desires)! Thank you for caring about them!


I have a group of 18 Gold Lasers that were originally in a 30gal. I never saw them and they were SUPER skittish. I recently moved them to a 75gal with more plants and cover and now they're out ALL THE TIME, up and down the glass. I am shocked how much more active they are! Great tips, thanks for another great video!


I agree with the cooler temperatures, especially for panda corys. Mine are always happiest in unheated tanks around 70 F.


Great informative video Nick! Very clean and enjoyable footage. Keep up the fantastic work! 😀👏


A really solid video, with good info and great corydora footage. Well planned out, and I think, a bit of a calmer, more mature vibe from you, whether deliberate or not? Great job! I like it! I would not hesitate to recommend this video to someone considering getting corys.


I used black sand substrate to my tank, they looked amazing, i had 10 pandas, and they were never skittish, They schooled and had such a fun time together, wonderful critters those corydoras.


This video is old so I doubt your still checking it but I still wanted to say thank you I have some Albino corys and it’s unusual hot in Pennsylvania right now and I notice them breathing kinda fast. I change the water flow and found a way to lower the tank temperature and instantly they went back to there fun loving selves


That was the best and most concise Cory tip video I’ve watched!


Thankyou for demystifying my fav fish and helping me be a better fish mom x


This was great timing indeed I just got myself a small school of 5 pygmy cories that I absolutely love!! Super cute and really active intriguing characters. They are currently house with my Betta Pisces in a 5 gallon right now but I plan to move them all to a 10 gallon in the next month or 2 :) thanks alot!!!


Hope that this video came out sooner

My dad’s cory tank has gone through severe casualties due to parasites and molds, half of the corys were gone, and the survivors are still rebuilding their immune system since they bathed in medicine for a month


Great info! I would also like to add that you should probably put their tank in an area that doesn't have high traffic. My corys used to have a tank in the hallway where people always went past and they were quite skittish until I moved them into my room - now they come out a lot and aren't as scared of people. Now they're calm, explore their whole tank and have no problem swimming to the higher levels to see what's happening.

But when I started keeping corys I did have a few problems with them because I didn't know how to keep them. Now that they're in a better tank with lots of cory friends they look so happy and breed all the time for me! I currently have a batch of 50+ peppered cory fry that I got from corys I bred myself from my first few.

I keep peppered cory in a heated tank (about 22⁰c) with two young goldfish I also bred myself. I wouldn't normally do this combo but my goldies unfortunately have some deformities, especially around the mouth, so they can't even suck up juvenile corys. In fact, the goldfish and corys hatched around the same time as each other so they've been raised together throughout their whole lives (I only had one tank available to raise fry so I just stuck them in together). It worked out pretty good!

The tank has some plants but they're mostly large amazon swords. I still need to get some smaller things like moss and guppy grass. It has soft gravel but it's larger than I thought it was so next payday I'll be getting sand to have a layer of something the corys can stick their noses into. Will also need to get a few more hiding spots for them but they still have wood they can hide under right now. The tank just needs a few more things to make it into a cory haven.

And if I remember correctly I have 14 females and 5 males. Though I will be selling a few of those females just to give them a bit more space. All but one I bred myself (that one is the father) and two are albinos I got lucky enough to get in the batch (they are still peppered cory though).


Some good info there. Great vid. Cheers bro


Great video packed with knowledge. I love the little guys!


I love my albino Cory’s. I have four. They are so full of energy, and friendly. Their favorite food is bloodworms.


Having suitable tankmates is also a good tip/idea. I have a couple of Yoyo Loaches in with my 12 corydora and they tend to stick close to eachother.


The sterbies at the end are excellent high temp corys to keep with discus, they have bred and have many more now all at 86 degrees.


I've been thinkning about getting some more so this video came right on time, thank you.


Thanks for sharing! Great presentation. I love all of your snails.
