Tales From Tech Support - That's NOT how that works!

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*** When the boss THINKS he knows tech stuff!

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Tales From Tech Support - That's NOT how that works!

Today's stories are from the subreddit r/talesfromtechsupport
#talesfromtechsuport #unclejon #funnyredditstories

Welcome to r slash tales from tech support! Where we get to have a little chuckle at the technically (technologically) disadvantaged! (like me!) Today, I went digging into some really good r/talesfromtechsupport stories. Enjoy!

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Disclaimer: All media, including but not limited to images and video, of persons in this video are for dramatization and creative use only and are not representative of the individuals, events, and happenings that are told in the #stories.

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Back in 2014 I was basically forced to retire early from my 24 years in state IT. I had several hobbies, so had plenty to keep me busy, as well as becoming my elderly Mom's live-in caregiver. But after she passed, my own health went to crap, ending most of my hobbies. Luckily, I do have a couple that I can do sitting in my easychair. It sucks being disabled and homebound, but I keep the ol' noggin and fingers exercised. 😊


There's few things I hate more than managers and bosses who only look at the lowest price when ordering things, and dosen't talk with the people who actually know about it and has to work with it.
Best story from co-worker, she worked on a ship, a ferry sailing between 2 ports, on board they had deep fryers but needed new ones, management just ordered the cheapest they could find, BUT had not been taking into account that this was ON BOARD A SHIP, the laws are VERY strict about equipment and furniture in this case, NO TABLE NOR EQUIPMENT IN THE KITCHEN IS ALLOWED TO BE "FREE" IT MUST ALL BE FIXED TO THE GROUND OR A WALL (fx. all tables and chairs in the eating area is fixed to the floor), so it dosen't move around in case the ship tips around, normally you would have them on wheels to be able to move them around for cleaning, but not on a ship, and the cheap fryers was of course on wheels, but they had ordered them, unpacked and moved them on board, placed them in the kitchen and the instant the safety manager saw them he said "NOPE, those are not allowed to be here, we're not allowed to sail with them even on board like this, what IDIOT ordered them?", so they had to start from the beginning and this time the kitchen manager and the safety manager were the ones who said "THIS is the one that must be ordered, and nobody else has ANYTHING to say about it".

Theres a few movies about ships getting turned upside down and you many times see tables and chairs lying in a big pile, this is why they have to be fixed in place.


I grew up on a farm. I saw many farmers retire to the nearby town, and then rust out and die within a couple of years. Their reason for existence was lost. When my father sold the farm (I had a well paying job and a life in a big city) and retired into town, I asked him what his plans were. He rattled them off, and it was about 6 month's worth. About a year later I visited and he was watching Days of Our Lives. I figured he wouldn't be with us much longer. Fortunately, he got much more involved in the lawn bowls club (as a greens keeper) and his old time dancing. He ended up lasting another 25 years. In the month before his stroke, he had played lawn bowls 3 times, and been old time dancing 7. A retirement well lived. I decided that some people have no interests or identity beyond their work. They won't last long after retirement. Some people have it sorted. They work long enough to be sure they can fund what they REALLY want to do, and then they retire. I made sure I had plans and projects lined up before I retired 3 years ago. I'm still working on those, and will be until I die (hopefully no time soon).


I have seen companies that keep old employees around in a phantom role sort of as a compensation for years of service. They don’t really do anything but they still have their office for when they come in and they can discuss business even if they don’t actually conduct business. I also saw a gentleman who had been a very successful lawyer and even served as a county attorney before being nominated for a judge position. Then he had a stroke and he could remember being a lawyer but couldn’t remember how to be a lawyer so he had to retire. He was in a fancy retirement facility and would spend the day wandering around looking lost and telling people how he used to be a super successful lawyer. You are right in saying that it can really suck growing old and having your mind wear out before your body does.


My fam often jokes that my dad will never fully retire. Even when he doesn't feel good he needs to be doing something. The ONLY time I saw him doing nothing but laying down or sitting down was when he had covid.


Ten to one that email was terminated with their employment so probably couldn't give them access anyway.


When I was terminated without cause last year, I was doing one of my tasks, inspecting a control panel and my boss walked me into the front office, informed me of the termination, they brought me my personal items from my desk and I was walked out of the building. That took all of ten minutes and it certainly felt like being a criminal after 12 1/2 years of service saving them money.


14:40 best guess is some security concern, either about connecting to the wrong wifi and making something open to the public or someone heard something about hacking and didn't want to take a risk without getting it explained.


In regards to the floppys I'm a hundred percent sure that's exactly what happened. Have seen it myself way too many times.


And then you have the other people who misread the memo and start saying their username and passwords.


I was taking a basic class for CCNA and one of the teachers that came to my company explained subnets in an excellent way and I along with most co-workers caught on right away. I could do the subnets in my head and show how I did it on the chalkboard. Had that in my mind for months until an butthead teacher in the next class wanted us all to "do it his way" because it was easier...messed up the way I learned and and lost that knowledge so he effectively deprogrammed me on that lol. BUT then the higher ups in the company learned why us lowly installers of equipment wanted to learn it so bad "to take work from their money maker group" and put the halt on all future classes in the CCNA and up classes.


Turn guest off reduces the vulnerable surface area for malicious actors to attack. As OP notes, the guest network doesn't have WPA encryption against OP's better judgement. Basically, it is a security liability that the company doesn't need in all locations.


One reason for no guest WiFi is when you are in areas with sensitive information present. In theory of course you could take a photo and send it later but you wouldn't be able to transmit live video unless you had a phone data connection. But then, if it were that sensitive you would be searched anyway and forced to put any phone in a safe place before you enter.


Retired, so this is no longer an issue. While I was working, we had a couple clients who did work involving the DOD and possibly NATO contracts. Nothing that went <BOOM!> or anything like that, but we were not allowed to be connected to the Web, or even the cell phone providers. Our customers had Guest WiFi up front for filing reports and the like, but no access allowed on the fabrication site. It was a pain at times, but that was the Rules!.

Obey the Rules or no tickee and no P.O. (or check). I really don't miss those days at all...


Punching discs made them read only, but on the side kills them


The guest WiFi:
If it is "Open WiFi", then next to neighbors, I can understand they do not want the guest WiFi enabled, so the "Open WiFi" does not leak outside of the office/building to the neighbors.


You were right about the floppy disks ... corners not sides.

Had a similar problem with one of the staff in the typing pool back in the 5.25" days. She was typing up a manuscript for a presentation and had several disks that she needed to keep in order... so she stuck them up on her paper holder with magnets ... OOPS... Presentation day was quite the event that year, mostly apologizing for the lack of actual presentations.


I've had phishing schemes giving me a legit seeming number then they want to log into my machine, if I would have let them I'd be in a world of hurt.


A refectory is the cafeteria or dining hall where monks will eat at a monastery, OP was trying to refuel after the draining display of idiocy.


guest wifi makes sense
when you have a network note that connects to important stuff you dont want other devices to be in the same network area. it'd be a device within a critical network part that has no business being there. at worst it does things its not supposed to do. at best it eats bandwith where it's not wanted.
