How to stop Impulse Buying, Emotional Spending & Retail Therapy (Family Minimalism 2019)

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Call it what you'd like, retail therapy, impulse buying or emotional steals from our sense of contentment and CLUTTERS our house! Today, let's talk about simple way to put a stop to these unnecessary purchase so we can have peace of mind AND a peaceful home!!


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One thing I forgot to mention, it can be helpful to print a calendar and cross off each day that you're successful--- get the kids involved, too!! 💕 THANK YOU for watching...we greatly appreciate it!!!


So I tend to justify fast food when the happiness window is closing and the kids are hangry. But I just started something new! When my car is hangry I run into Kwik Trip and buy a bundle of bananas. For $1.15, I get 6 bananas. Everyone gets a whole banana and I have just bought myself 30 minutes to get home and pull supper together. It changes everything! :)


I deleted my Facebook because of all the ads . My life has been richer because of it. I have been cooking more and listening to audible books while I am decluttering my home. My husband even noticed the other day that our home was getting cleaner.😊


What cured me of impulse buying was working a minimum wage job and thinking “how long do I have to work to pay for this item?” Is it worth that to me?


I had a $500/month Starbucks habit. My friend pointed out that the machine to make it myself was approximately the cost on 1 month of Starbucks. I bought the machine and made a deal with myself that unless I am out of my town (too far from home to make it myself) that I couldn't go to Starbucks. After 2 months, not only do I not miss going (several times a day) but I enjoy the process of making my coffee every day and I like mine better than Starbucks! What started as a financial decision turned out to be something that has added to my life.


Reminds me of the quote, "Small leaks sink great ships." 🚢
Little purchases sure do add up. And if we are willing to patch those small leaks, we won't SINK our finances.


I have to say that ever since I found your channel last year... I can't believe the domino effect that minimizing my home has had on the rest of my life and on my family! My son is keeping his things tidy, loading his dishes into the dishwasher, feeding our dogs and often making meals for everyone on his own free will! I watch my husband straighten the comforter on our bed if he walks by it, he goes through the junk mail right away, and he's even downsized his clothes! We have a vacation coming up and I'm so excited to pack a minimal suitcase for the first time ever! And last but not least---we're buying a home. We actually chose a simple, smaller adorable home and we're downsizing even more so that we only take what we really need and love! Daily clean up of our home takes literal minutes now!!! I timed it---I can casually unload my dishwasher in 2 minutes! Success!!!! My countertops are so clear and it just feels amazing! Dawn I can't thank you enough for the special way you share your minimizing ideas with us. Your channel was the first one that really made me feel that I could do this! Not wish to, but actually DO it! It has truly strengthened my family's bond! Keep on keepin' on, my friend!


A tip I use to stop online shopping is I make a “wish list” in my planner. Every item must stay on the list for at least 24 hours! Funny thing is after the impulse is over, I don’t buy as much! And!! I am really thankful that I DID NOT buy the item(s)!! One more list I have made is the “I thought I wanted, but didn’t buy “ list!! I get to pat myself on the back for the items I don’t buy! Sounds kind of funny, but these really work for me! Biggest benefit is instead of my bank account being almost empty at the end of the month, it’s quite healthy!!


I’ve noticed these things as well. Just going to the doctor today. I had a bag to drop off at the thrift store of donations, I was so tempted to go in and just have a look around. Then I told myself no!! I just dropped off a bag full of things. I don’t need anything at home. I’m good. I was so proud of myself!! 😊


I don't know anyone who can't benefit from this info. Thank you from a 60 yr. old who's downsizing.


I grew up in a house where retail therapy was a way of life I'm slowly trying to change my mindset and one of the best ways for me to avoid mindlessly strolling the shopping aisles is to go take a hike on a trail instead


When I feel like impulse buying when buying other things I actually had on my list, and I REALLY have a strong urge to buy it, I think about my savings account. Right there and then, I ‘reward myself’ that I didn’t buy it, by going online and transfer the same amount of cash I would have spent on the impulse buy, from my checking account to my savings account. Really great to watch it grow!


I was just having this convo with my husband about how our society is so "deserving" driven. "I deserve this because of this." Its spilled over to into consumerism and companies are great at telling us to buy this or that because we deserve it. It's easy to get trapped into believing that we deserve it so we need to spend money on and before you know it we have all this stuff.


The things we need the most, we get the least of and the things we don’t need we get the most of .


Things that have helped me buy less: 1. Learning about the tremendous damage fast fashion is doing to the environment--I now buy way fewer clothes, and when I do buy, I try for the most eco-savvy fabrics. 2. It is projected that by 2050, there will be more trash than fish in the ocean. Our rampant over-consumption of consumer goods is killing our planet! I hope I'm not sounding preachy, but really, all other issues are moot if you don't have a planet to live on, so, I'm trying to NOT buy trendy things, single use/disposable things, things that don't last, non-biodegradable things whenever possible.


Your videos have changed my life! I am a 70 year old retired grandma of 6. I was an online shopper....big time. As a result I had a cluttered condo. Sooo I have been decluttering and now I am starting a spending freeze. Thank you so much!!!


6 and 8 years ago we did what we called "a year of necessities." We needed to pay off student loans and some debt so for those years we only purchased things we absolutely needed. It definitely made us aware of what we didn't need and appreciate the things we had. Also, after those years, our purchasing has been much more intentional.


When I was picking my kindergarten grandson up from school during the week, we wanted to get a treat everyday. Well that didn’t last long because I didn’t think it was good. So we made a “Dutch Bros Tuesday” and that was the day we stopped and got coffee for me and hot cocoa (winter) or smoothie (summer) for him. He’s now 7 and we still enjoy our special day getting our treat. It also helped that he knew when it was going to happen so he didn’t ask to stop every day. Worked out great! And helped me to resist “just stopping for a coffee” every day also.


Loved this. I always noticed that when one is having to spend money on something that you don’t want but need, ie, a repaired washer, etc, you use the term “dollars”, when stating what it cost. But.... when it is something you want but don’t really need it’s just “bucks”. Vocabulary is soooo psychological!!


This reminds me of when I got rid of my tv and found myself doing things I never did before like taking a walk after work, coloring, reading, calling a friend. It was really eye opening to see how tv was sucking my time away and also my life in a way.
