Wick Rotation 'hits big w/ mystical types': nonwestern music antigravity noncommutativity paranormal

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Betreff: Re: Please comment on Raymond Chiao's superluminal signal paper
Datum: Sun, 6 Aug 2023 13:47:50 +0200
Von: Günter Nimtz
An: Günter Nimtz
Hello Drew Hempel:
We are used to this behaviour of Chiao and Steinberg: not to cite our papers. Here, you shall find all the explained superluminal effects.
Sincerely, Günter Nimtz
"Definitively, tunneling represents a non-relativistic process. The Wick Rotation operator may represent a candidate to eliminate real space and time co-ordinates inside the barrier?"
Wow - thanks very much Professor Nimtz! I will study that book chapter. I have your book also. Your mention of Wick rotation spiked my interest for sure and your mention of "strange models" by Chiao is spot-on. It's all very tedious to have to sort all these claims out. hahaha. He is close but not quite there yet!
"This way, thinking about i as an iterant is explained below. By starting with a discrete time series of positions, one has immediately a non-commutativity of observations, since the measurement of velocity involves the tick of the clock and the measurement of position does not demand the tick of the clock. Commutators that arise from discrete observation suggest a non-commutative calculus,....Here we see i[maginary] emerge in the non-commutative context of the Clifford algebra generated by e and η, and we see that, in this way, i[maginary] becomes inextricably identified with elemental time, and so the physical substitution of i[maginary]t for t (Wick rotation) becomes, in this epistemology, an act of recognition of the nature of time. One does not have an increment of time all alone as in classical t. One has it, a combination of an interval and the elemental dynamic that is time. With this understanding, we can return to the commutator for a discrete process and use iΔt for the temporal increment."
Math professor Louis Kauffman
"A simplest and fundamental instance of these ideas is seen in the structure of i=[square root of]−1√. We view i[maginary] as an iterant [5,6,7,8,9,10,11], a discrete elementary dynamical system repeating in time the values {⋯,−1,+1,−1,+1,⋯}. One can think of this system as resulting from the attempt to solve i[squared]2=−1 in the form i=−1/i. Then, one iterates the transformation x⟶−1/x and finds the oscillation from a starting value of +1 or −1. In this sense, i is identical in concept to a primordial time. Furthermore, the algebraic structure of the complex numbers emerges from two conjugate views of this discrete series as [−1,+1] and [+1,−1]. We introduce a temporal shift operator η such that η[−1,+1]=[+1,−1]η and η2=1 (sufficient to this purpose). Then, we can define i=[−1,+1]η, endowing it with one view of the discrete oscillation and the sensitivity to shift the clock when interacting with itself or with another operator. Note that if e=[−1,+1] and we take [a,b][c,d]=[ab,cd] and −[a,b]=[−a,−b], then ....[see above quote]
"This observation suggests another way to investigate general relativity in the non-commutative context."
see my earlier vids on Nimtz please! thanks
Phase shift::Group Delay=superluminal sound signal Prof Guenter Nimtz noncommutative time-frequency
Review: Zero Time Space Quantum Tunneling Superluminal Signals Günter Nimtz Astrid Haibel frequency
Ancient noncommutative natural overtone music scale instruments = advanced alchemy metamaterials
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by Anthony Zee discusses Wick rotations, saying that[1]:
"Surely you would hit it big with mystical types if you were to tell them that temperature is equivalent to cyclic imaginary time. At the arithmetic level this connection comes merely from the fact that the central objects in quantum physics exp(−iH T) and in thermal physics exp(βH) are formally related by analytic continuation. Some physicists, myself included, feel that there may be something profound here that we have not quite understood."
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the U.S. runs by fascist indoctrination so the shrinking middle class are taught to blame the poor and homeless as the problem, instead of the 50% of taxes spent on military contractor CEOs making $300 million a year, etc. Canada has a national healthcare plan that is seven pages long! The U.S. claims it's "too complicated" due to Health insurance CEOs needing their hundreds of millions a year in profit salaries. haha. Yes we have the worse wealth inequality and healthcare of any "advanced" industrial nation.


I was just skimming through this 2018 "How Democracies Die" book by a couple Harvard Political Sci profs. The end of Reconstruction is so tragic - how the voting rate of African-Americans was over 80% and got plunged back down to 11% in some 11 states in the South. And then the 1877 "compromise" that took the federal troops out - it just shows how basically slavery really never ended in the U.S. It's just really disgusting - what was the recent stat? 100 members of Congress and Senate are from former Slave Master families! Politics is such a creepy Chimpanzee Culture routine - basically like warfare but men pretending not to be duking it out.
I've been digging into the residential dwelling permit ordinances - there is ONE county in my state that "allows" a residential dwelling permit for a "primitive structure" and a year-round "composting toilet" as the individual sewage treatment system. haha. We had a news article yesterday about this new state law enabling churches and other religious organizations to have "microhouses" for the "extremely low income" - and those houses can have "composting toilets" - one city FREAKED OUT when a church did this. Hilarious.
Obviously the whole concept of "composting" is completely unknown about - since the Romans didn't do it and so their shallow street sewers contaminated the drinking water and now we have a global freshwater crisis. Western civilization has always been a joke.
Now I can see why the lady - the scientist who runs this channel never responded to my question to her. hahaha. Our problem today is one of hard-wired physiology - as that Netflix doc on the evil dude in India - the Jungle King mass killer - emphasizes how some people just can't be "reformed." Indeed. we lack a respect for just how some people are truly evil as their hard-wired character! It's like Freud said - these traumas from childhood and before puberty ends then become hard-wired as a person's character!
It's just psychological denial to think our "development" as "civilization" is not just based on "primitive extraction" of ecology - when abrupt global warming by humans was already known about even by Joseph Fourier in 1824 - two hundred years ago he published how "the effects of human industry" would heat up Earth - increasing the "dark heat." hahahaha.


Here is my response to Margaret Klein Salamon: It depends how we define "we" and how we define "time." Not if you take a hard look at the evidence. GEE McFearSun has presented this evidence and asked us to look at it! He's gotten some of the details wrong in how he's presented the evidence but his interpretation of the evidence is still accurate.
Let's pretend that people were in emergency mode. I was in "emergency mode" since the late 1980s! So I personally can speak in the "past" about this. I know from experience that people didn't care - but let's pretend suddenly people cared - that would be awesome. GEE McFearSun's argument is that it would not matter.
She says, "the truth is I don't know and they don't know." Well actually we DO KNOW that even if we stopped ALL CO2 emissions then the Aerosol Masking Effect means a heating up of earth another 1 degree Celsius global average from a 40% reduction of sulfur particulates! So that means if we stopped ALL CO2 emissions then Earth heats up at least another 2 degree Celsius global average - but that is MUCH hotter where food is grown.
So that means vast drought and shut down of civilization since food "at scale" could no longer be grown. This means nuclear power plants meltdown and probably nuclear missiles go off - already depleted uranium nukes are continued to be used, causing Two-Headed depleted uranium babies to be born.
Is any one going to blame a Two-Headed depleted uranium baby of being a Doomer Elitist? No - in fact that is the truth for all of humanity based on the evidence.
Sure activism is inspiring - and being "inspired" is fun!! But that's not the same as interacting with the actual scientific facts. Sure go ahead and STOP all co2 emissions - see what happens! James E. Hansen, top global warming NASA scientist says that ALREADY the top cause of temperature increase is from the reduction of Aerosol Masking Effect pollution.
THEN there's the 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane in the world's largest ocean! Can we even GET to that evidence yet or are we still fixated on the "inspiration" of some mythical mass movement that shutsdown civilization? Or are we SO arrogant to think that humans can "do something" still when we've done "such a great job" already of destroying ecology.
Agriculture is now proven to have spread patriarchy worldwide - the DNA has proven this. This is way beyond a WWII mass mobilization "emergency." haha. Humans have been around for 200, 000 years! We were not so bad before invention of agriculture.


It seems like Anirban Bandyopadhyay's recent superradiance demonstration of quantum consciousness is experimental validation of universal consciousness.


Can you cover the new Ectomycorrhizal study on red caps or pine caps that shows huge carbon sequestration while also a farm edible crop!! It's something like 200 tons an acre of carbon sequestered - by far the best in the world. We need to do this ASAP. There's an anthropocene new article on it - and one youtube vid on it. They want to spread this on tree farms and then harvest the shrooms as food and store way more carbon in the soil. ARE these sold in the US as mycelium sawdust blocks to spread around? thanks. Is that "the paper" you refer to? I didn't notice the "title" of the paper? That would be awesome to know so we can read it on our own also! thanks OK found it: Published: 12 July 2023 "The contribution of fungi to the global economy" 52.3 trillion a year? you said, "every single year" at 14 minutes - whew! So I'm guessing that 52 trillion is PER YEAR?! thanks "While healthy natural forests, grasslands and wetlands may store more carbon ... services worth an estimated $125 trillion annually [120]." OK I finally found that key "annually" unit of time! Wow I just found another article that also did NOT give the "annual" unit of time! Crazy. The article just gives the "value" but does not so if that value is accumulated over millions of years or what? No wonder we have an ecological crisis if we can't get the basic info of value across. hahaha. Here's the original source: "The net effect yields an estimate of $124.8 trillion/yr – 2.7 times the original estimate. For comparison, global GDP was approximately 46.3 trillion/yr in 1997 and $75.2 trillion/yr in 2011 "


Supposedly Peter Wadhams was forced out of Cambridge since his arctic ice prediction was wrong but people don't consider it some personal character trait problem of Wadhams. The last time the Arctic had no summer ice was apparently 3 million years ago -
"the last major gap ended about 2.6 million years ago, after which ice sheets spread southward and humanity’s ancestors began to respond to colder temperatures in Africa, forcing adaptation like the use of stone tools. Humans themselves wouldn’t evolve for more than a million more years....2.6 million years ago, geologic uplift forced the closure of Arctic Ocean gateways, like the Bering Strait, and thermally isolated the region. That restricted the Arctic’s circulation, causing a build-up of fresh water and conditions favorable for major ice sheets to form. From that point, there was runaway cooling as ice sheets grew as far south as present-day St. Louis and New York City. The most current cycle of ice ages began, and human ancestors were forced to adapt. This started the transition that would result in homo sapiens."
and so to squabble over ten years is silly. As far as "giving us more time to enjoy" - I guess it depends how "us" is defined. Already the Horn of Africa had 5 droughts of the past six rainy seasons and the UN said they couldn't get enough food aid - and the situation was twice as bad as the previous year. Luckily it did finally rain but I haven't heard the latest. And obviously the grain situation with Ukraine and Russia - with Poohtin's $75, 000 gold throne toilet invasion - so also the drought in the US this summer had put a bigger dent in the food supply than people realize. And for those people in the "peace" community it is well-known that nuclear apocalypse is actually a greater immediate threat than abrupt global warming. Noam Chomsky cites the two together yet Chomsky also underestimates the exponentiating acceleration of ecological catastrophe. Most people these days grew up in cities or at least towns - as I did - and so most people are hard-wired on a deep psychological to underestimate the dependence we have on Mother Nature for our basic needs of water, fertile soil for growing food, clean air - or hunting and fishing food based on ecology, etc.
So whether GEE is off by a decade or not depends on where you live on the planet. I had an old high school buddy in the peace Corps in Africa - and I sent him a blog comment to make sure not to renew his 2 year stay there - due to abrupt global warming drought! That was about four years ago - and maybe I seemed overly dramatic at the time. haha. Not anymore.
People instinctively demand on "staying calm" and that's a good thing but sometimes panic is appropriate. The Dalai Lama insists that even though his country was invaded and taken over that should not stop him from enjoying life and being in bliss. Well good for him. hahaha.


We show how the twisting of spectral triples induces a transition from a Euclidean to a Lorentzian noncommutative geometry at the level of the fermionic action. More specifically, we compute the fermionic action for the twisting of a closed Euclidean manifold, then that of a two-sheet Euclidean manifold, and finally the twisting of the spectral triple of electrodynamics in Euclidean signature. We obtain the Weyl and the Dirac equations in Lorentzian signature (and in the temporal gauge). The twisted fermionic action is then shown to be invariant under an action of the Lorentz group. This permits us to interpret the field of 1-form that parametrises the twisted fluctuation of a manifold as the (dual) of the energy-momentum 4-vector.


I suggested to Drew on Alt Propulsion Channel with Tim, that he cod try placing a coil around the circumference of his solid dielectric, in an effort to stop the arking on the edges, but placing an EMF field on the perimeter will possibly do a lot more than just stopping the arks . Could even focus the warp field . Unfortunately Drew is not open to esoteric idea as he stated... Is not this an esoteric subject though ???


Yes B.G. Sidharth makes this point and so does Basil J. Hiley. Noncommutativity is a newly discovered force that is like an extra magnetic antigravity force. We know that magnetism is from virtual photons but classical physics considers virtual photons to be just a mathematical correction! This is not true - virtual photons have been captures and turned into increased number of photons. The dynamical Casimir Effect is a good example or the Archimedes Screw and black hole simulations work of Sir JOhn Pendry.


Im not one of those who wants to use emf for everything but when it comes to thinking of new ways to achieve results that are yet to be achieved, seems i always land with the use of EMF . Could also try EF but i dont think you can separate the two and it may be a misinformation thought .


Roger Penrose's emphasis though is that since all matter is actually from photons and photons have no sense of size - so in truth neither does the universe have any real spatial scale. This is what Gerard 't HOoft calls the "eternal black hole" as the truth of matter and Paul S. Wesson also made this claim with his 5D black hole universe model.


You'd have to study noncommutativity since Penrose has realized that is the foundation of reality. Basil J. Hiley has a recent paper on quantum consciousness and noncommutativity. Or try Lou Kauffman and Eddie Oshins. Or Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes. Or B.G. Sidharth.


It's much more effect to meditate and navel gazing but since science is the religion of materialistic idealism then nothing is considered worse than a true investigation through yoga training.


Einstein was proven wrong about the foundation of reality. So a lot of the supposed truisms of physics need to be reconsidered. For example light has gravitational mass due to noncommutativity as B.G. Sidharth points out as well as Nobel Physicist Gerard 't HOoft in his article, "Light is Heavy."


Did you read Hazel Henderson's book "Politics of the Solar Age"? Late 80s book. A classic in the early 90s - and she just left her body a year ago or two? A professor in Australia has a book with the same claims. I wrote a paper on this in the early 90s for my "environmental economics" course at UW-Madison - and my instructors were PISSED - asked me first to "change my topic" - and then when I doubled down they covered the paper in red circles where I should have commas. haha. The only comment on the content was "I still think economists are smarter than you think they are." Also Professor Robert Nadeau's book "Environmental Endgame" - 2006 or so....


6:10 is not an emf field a conductor, ever heard of a "carrier wave" this is the same workings of Tesla wireless power.


Hey that's fascinating! So you're saying that something that will happen in ONE BILLION years from today is currently happening RIGHT NOW due to humans - we are kicking out CO2 emissions at a faster rate than the past 500 million years - so around the time complex life first emerged. So just "googlescholar" the phrase 'biological annihilation" - this is not about 1 billion years into the future based on solar physics. This is about TODAY - right now!! hahahaha. Hilarious.
