Ranking EVERY Mob Vote in Minecraft

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In this video I rank all of the Mobs in the Minecraft Mob Votes! From the iconic first vote adding the phantom into the game, to the latest 2023 mob vote introducing the crab, armadillo, and penguin, this video ranks them all. Do you really believe that all of these mobs should’ve been left out of the game? And which ones would you want to see in Minecraft?

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It was never stated that the Hovering Inferno would spawn in the Nether Fortress, instead it would be a “random encounter in the Nether”. Do I know what this means, absolutely not, but it sure is a thing.


Copper Golem was so snubbed, but I’m confident we’ll see it in the game soon. Also, Monster of the Ocean Depths would have been a great addition - I think the seas really are lacking a giant hostile sea monster, and they won’t feel complete till we get one


“May get added eventually” When then? When will the Moobloom get to come to Minecraft? Or the Wildfire, or the Rascal, or the Tuff and Copper Golems??? We all know the losing mobs will never come to Minecraft, that’s why we’re fighting for all the mobs to get added. #STOPTHRMOBVOTE


Dude just forgot about the iceolloger/chillager the best pic of that year

Also team crab lesgooo

Also also just sayin the best way to fight the hovering inferno is the ignis remnant form the mod l_ender cataclysm the probably best recreation of the mob


you know, I should've voted the rascal instead of sniffer. The sniffer was so underwhelming, as it only has 2 new plants getting added, which is only for decor, and dye, and nothing else.


1. Crab (extended reach and breaking is
2. Armadillo (we've been asking for dog armor for so long plus the savannah is dead)
3. Hovering Inferno (a lot of potential and will make getting blaze rods more exciting)
4. Copper Golem (copper buttons, statue and random pressing do i need to say more)
5. Rascal (could've been handy when you're running out of pickaxes when mining and you dont want to travel to the surface)
6. Penguin (would be insane if it also boosts on ice and when sitting with you on the boat)
7. Sniffer (i rlly hope they add more plants in the future)
8. Allay (basically minecarts with hopper but slower)
9. Iceologer (imagine climbing up a mountain just to get ice blocks hurled at you)
10. Tuff Golem (lacks explanation on how they freeze and unfreeze and such)
11. Glare (will help bedrock players)
12. Moobloom (the only thing i can imagine getting from the moobloom is a way to farm flowers)
13. Phantom (slow falling potions and elytra repair come in handy sometimes ig)
14. Glow Squid (a glowing squid thats only purpose is to make signs and item frames glow)
15. Barnacle (who would want to get pulled deep in the ocean lets be honest)
16. The Great Hunger (grindstone but worse)


I love the phantom
Cool concept and looks cool.
Annoying yes but I love the creepy mobs. I also wish we had the iceillager.


They need to just add 3 mobs a year, I don’t understand the big problem.

Also, they literally need to have a update forced on adding mobs to every biome so that they don’t look done, and we still want dogs like we got cats. Still upset that they made the ocelot useless though


personally I would have put the Moobloom above the phantom. would have added more life to the game (not that it's lacking, by any means)

Also I love the sniffer and would have probably put him a bit higher. a lot of people are disappointed that it doesn't really do anything, but he's just a lil homie and I think that that's the point. Maybe swapped with the rascal because I foresee a lot of potential bugs and frustrating despawns with different cave systems and such since you needed to find him three times.

great list, thanks for the commentary


The penguins aren't in snow because they are EMPEROR PENGUINS which live in tropical areas and probably done on purpose because they already added so much to the snowberry areas


I hope instead three new mobs they start to incorporate older mobs into the new mob vote. For example, for next year we get copper and tuff golem’s against a new third golem option.


6:10 are you serious

I know this is your opinion

But did you forget the useful critter like the tuff golem over the 2 other mobs ? You serious

6:56 ok ik what im about to say might kill me but the copper Golem is worst than the allay

Like its cute as a great mechanic and adds a new button to the game but what does it do



Probably a hot take: Glow Squid is WAAAAY better than moobloom.


No i personally think Glare is underrated i like him


The penguin is a rockhopper penguin, a penguin that hops on rocks, doesn’t live in snow


7:49 "Who knows?" everyone knows, from past mob votes, that mojang only implements the bear minimum in each mob, so don't go having any hype ideas about what the armor could be when it is most likely going to be a scute armor that can't be upgraded or trimmed. You'll put it on your dog and you'll sit him in the corner of your home 24/7. It's useless unless you fight mobs with your dog which is something that a marginal amount of people do.


Sad to see how low the glow squid and glare are. They were bad choices that don't have that much use but the former feels more insulting by not helping players see better in deep waters and confusing the players into thinking it had a hypnotizing effect, which would have been interesting and added more depth to it


I’ve gone out there and said I’m quitting YouTube if the armadillo loses
I would like to remind you we have all agreed to not vote for the blue mob because of the 🤢 phantom & glow squid 🤮 and voting for the crab is treason, not to mention it wouldn’t effect bedrock payers too much because reach is already pretty good in bedrock. The penguin is cute which has made 80% of my friends decide to vote for it but we already have a cute aquatic mob that can make you go faster, the dolphin.


4:38 you know penguins live in more places than just the south pole right? Right???


What if the armadillo wins and along with it gets added the ostrich, as this mob that lost finally makes sense to be added into the game? (As they're both from the savanna)
