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The Minecraft 2022 Mob Vote is super close so what better time to look back at the past ones?! 🔥 in todays video we take a look at EVERY mob the Minecraft community has ever voted on, cut and winners, and rank them against each other!


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if you read this comment "KRAKEN PLS"
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what was the single best mob from the votes EVER??! 🤔

P.S. for more on yesterdays big leaks check out my short real quick!!


Don't let this distract you from the fact that the phantom literally only won by like 71 votes. _Seventy-one votes._


Imagine if they added the guardian blaze thing and made a rare drop one of its shields and have new shield enchantments as well and the shield itself having a fire resistance effect when equipped.


Your comments on the phantom gave me an idea to improve them: make them spawn every single night no matter if you slept or not, but make them neutral. They won't attack you unless you attack them or if you haven't slept for 3 nights.


I hope the copper golem comes in the archaeology update. I want more golems


The change I want for the phantom is to spawn every night but they are peaceful green eyed, if you attack or didn’t sleep for 3 days their eyes turns red & attack You 👀✨


the list isn’t bad, only thing I disagree with is the ambient animals. I actually like that idea the animals and mobs are passive towards the player or don’t provide any use to the player. Makes the world feel more lived in and that you aren’t just roaming a barren world besides a few villages.
I even like how the warden don’t drop really anything too useful, a creature that has a purpose and exist for reasons besides the player. The world feel more lived in, experienced and shared instead of the player owning the world.


I think the Glare and the Copper Golem should still come to the game. There is no vanilla way to check the light level of a block in Bedrock Edition. You have to track down a resource pack for it.


I'm not gonna lie. The one major reason I voted for the Glow Squid over the Iceologer is simply because the devs were PUSHING for the Iceologer SOOOO HARD. It was my way of saying "Nah, if you're gonna have a fan-voted mob, you better leave it COMPLETELY up to us." They were trying hard to make the Iceologer win the mob vote.

The only other reason I didn't vote for it is because they didn't name it "Chillager."


1. Vulture
2. Allay
3. Kraken

The game sorely needs more birbs, chickens and parrots can't be the only ones. I think the potential of the vulture is great, it could circle around items from player deaths, maybe pick up particularly important items like weapons or armor to prevent some of your stuff from despawning. They could also circle around players that are on low health, waiting for their next "meal". The ostriches would be cool, but I don't see much of a use

I didn't like the allay at first, but after seeing it it's so useful! Unstackable item sorters, remote item collection, and cute too

The kraken should've been added for the aquatic update. There are dolphins and drowned, but there's not much of a danger in oceans and they're kinda boring


My personal tier:
X. Iceager
S. Phantom, armadillo
A. Sniffer, BIRD, fox, frog
B. Ground Trapper, Golden monke, ostrich
C. Baiji, Firefly Squid, mangrove crab, курва пингвин, The Goat
D. Hovering Inferno, Alligator, deer, Rascal, Meerkat
E. Alpaca, bloom cow, Glare, Tuff golem, t e r m i t e
F. Maw, allay, copper golem
🤖Why you so lazy to press a button?
👻Being cute doesn't makes allay any better
🐙Maw turns transporting mobs and items into a deadly course
🐜t e r m i t e
🦙Alpaca is like an ambient mob
🐮We already have mooshroom and it at least gives you stew
🪴Would be better if glare worked like a defender
🪨Tuff golem would be useless on bugrock as it already has armor stANDS with hANDS. Also we have a frame
🦘Meerkat is just. A meerkat.
🦌Deer is just a food source or ambient mob
🐊Alligator is kind of LAME.
🐑Imagine getting an iron pickaxe while having a diamond one
💥Basically blaze.
🐧Penguins are lazy like the "sad" polar bears.
🐬Basically dolphin
🦑Decorative but well good.

🐒Uh oh stinky
🦢Ostrich would be a cool ambient mob or a food source
🦛"Great taste for enchanting powers" is good but... Don't we have an anvil?
🦅There are not much birds, and badlands are empty. So vulture is a cool mob.
🐢Sniffer adds more farming content
🦊Cool and cute
🐟Phantom is underrated, he gives you useful membrane
🦔Why you hatin' him? He gives you scutes used for a wolf armor (wolves are the only mobs that defend the player, golems not included)
❄Iceager is the best mob ever!
1. New mob in raid
2. Gives you a weapon
3. Cool in both meanings


You should either make a general mob tier-list, biome tier-list, or an update tier-list!


I know u said you won’t redo this, but I think the “Inferno” deserves another chance. The mob was actually added to Minecraft Dungeons as “The Wildfire, ” and served as a mini-boss in the levels it appeared in. It rapid-fire shot one fireball that dealt a lot of damage. Its shields protected it from typical attacks, but they were easy to shatter. Not only that, but it actually REGENERATED if it stood in fire or lava. Respectfully, I think it deserves a place in the A Tier.


My top 3 of those that were not implemented are the Copper Golem, Iceologer or “Chillager”, and the Moobloom.


It would be so sick if phantoms spawned in dark oak forests and swoops around attacking players and mobs through the canopy or sum


Some more Golems would be perfect.
Kind of like the 3 shown yesterday in the official Legends video.
A turret Golem would be so cool for defense around your base.
And they did say they wanted 'Legends' to have a similar feel, so adding the same mobs would be perfect 👍


If the glow squid is struk by lightning, it should become a glowing deep sea monster.


#1 Glow squid
#2 Kraken
#3 Copper golem


Would be cool if the phantom spawned above deep dark biomes at night as an indicator.


I think that the chopper should be S tier because because mojang said that it would interact with enchantments and possibly enchant items for you along with it being made up digging and I would jump scare you by leaping out of the ground and also they never said it was a desert exclusive mob so with all that I think he is an easy S tier
