Should Christians Watch The Chosen? 🤔 Jesus is VERY NERVOUS in The Chosen, but NOT in the Bible.

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Jesus of The Chosen is VERY NERVOUS! I Can't Watch Jesus Pace and Practice in Season 2 Episodes! The Chosen Changes Bible Characters and Stories In The Chosen Season 2 Creates a DIFFERENT JESUS! Jesus Doesn't Heal or Know What to Say?? False Teaching Exposed. The Chosen Season 2 and Season 3 have been very popular, but honestly, Christians should know better than to continue watching and supporting this show, in my opinion. In Season Two Episode 5, alone, the Jesus of The Chosen does not know what to say, he is rebuked by John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene falls into sin which is not found in the Bible, and in the rest of the Season, the Jesus of The Chosen is corrected by the Apostle Matthew, rehearses a sermon endlessly while showing that he is nervous to speak in front of a crowd of people, he doesn't know what to wear, his team make him a stage and hang up fliers for the sermon on the mount, and FINALLY, after all of that preparation, the Jesus of The Chosen is able to deliver one sermon in front of a group of people! In The Bible, on the other hand, the real Jesus says, "He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak." (John 12:48-49) and "He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me." (John 14:24) HIS WORDS WERE FROM THE FATHER, He did not have to practice them and ask for correction and input from His disciples!

Very simply, The Chosen is creating a different Jesus, when they do this, and I fear that they are creating a false Christ, "And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many." (Matthew 24:4-5) They are creating a Jesus that is not the real Jesus of scripture, and I do not know of a Biblical way to classify that, other than to say that he is a false Christ. I hope that this video is helpful to someone, and I am sorry if it feels a bit rushed. I was trying to get through a lot of material and also to give my own thoughts on the matter, in 20 minutes or less. More to come!

Thank you all for watching and God bless!

Standing For Christ

Tags: The Chosen Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 The Chosen Dallas Jenkins the Jesus Christ of The Chosen is False Chosen Exposed Idol False God Bible Biblical Christianity YouTube Shorts YouTube Videos The Chosen YouTube Why Doesn't Jesus Heal Little James Know What to Say Sermon on the Mount Woman at the Well John the Baptist Jesus Revolution Jonathan Roumie Dallas Jenkins Catholic Mormon Divinity of Christ Trinity Heresy The Pope Catholicism the Vatican Israel Jerusalem Prophecy Revolution Asbury Revival Derral Eves YouTube Watch The Chosen For Free The Chosen App Watch For Free The Chosen App Matthew Mark Luke John Peter James Watch The Chosen Free Download The Chosen App

You forget...he's fully human.
He must experience all that is human.


The Chosen is not the Bible. It is just a show to bring awareness and to let people see that he was one of us and shared some of the same struggles.


Short answer: yes. Long answer: 100% yes. The first episode of the show displays what the show is about. Dallas isn't trying to replace the gospel message or change the Bible. He's making a show, set in the time of the Bible, using the Bible as source material whenever possible. (Most of the time, really)
When people say things like: "Did Jesus say that?" "Did Jesus do that?" I refer them to John 21:25. Jesus did way more and said more than what was even recorded in Scripture. Dallas always asks if a situation in the show is plausible and fits Jesus' character. He also prays over everything and has multiple Bible scholars to consult with. The guy wants everyone to learn about Jesus, and sometimes we as hard-core fundamentalists (I grew up one) or whatever sadly can't always see the forest for the trees. It's a brilliantly written and acted show. People are coming to Christ. Pray for Dallas instead of eating our own...


Jesus had human emotions of course he got nervous and had humor people will hate no matter what


He was anxious in the garden…. “Let this cup pass from me…” don’t knock The Chosen. It’s good and better than the smutty stuff Hollywood puts out. I know- I’m an IATSE union member, IGC Local 600. I’m also thrilled beyond words they aren’t a union show. If typical Hollywood producers had this show, then your comments would absolutely be warranted. And the way typical Hollywood works, vs this production- the crew is treated much better. Furthermore… remember how much the Bible was changed and deliberately left out, but can still be found today. I.e:( oops- Mary Magdalene wasn’t a whore, after all- Catholic Church apologized for that) and I wasn’t there to see Jesus in person… to say how he truly was and what brought him angst. Remember, he incarnated as a MAN and I’m sure involved all the human feelings and emotions that go with being human. Don’t be so quick to judge, as our Lady Queen of Peace asks of us at all her present and past apparition sites.


This whole thread of conversation just enforces the fact that we all love God and want to follow him correctly but for some reasons we just argue among the Christians as to what is right. For me personally chosen helped me realise that Jesus was as much a human as he was God by portraying his humour sense and the pain he had to go through. As a visual learner I found chosen incredibly helpful in visualising the BIBLICAL parts and help me change the way I read bible.


At the market of the temple in Jerusalem he overturned the tables of the money changers, shouted and scolded the merchants... often they portray Jesus as a wimp, but to awaken people sometimes it takes strength and power... and God is not only mercy peace love kisses and hugs....


As christians we’ve got to understand that he was human too


Mathew 23:13
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

Pray/meditate on that, you, maker of this video.

Who are you and where have you come from that you speak out against how God choses to reveal himself?

Do you believe God incapable of planting a seed in peoples hearts through this show?

Bringing them closer to pick up a Bible, and read for themselves.

Do believe God incapable of also giving people discernment of good and evil, and enough curiousity to always strive for knowledge and truth in order to reach the light?

Genesis 50:20
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

God is in control. Nothing stands or falls without God’s will.

It is the third season already and it continues to be successful, going on to a fourth.
Who knows how many more will come?

If after this you are still having trouble with it, you need to ask yourself why you are having trouble with it and perhaps God will reveal it to you.

I’ll give you a hint.


Its like people tend to forget sometimes that Jesus, our Lord came as an actual human who also felt the things we feel everyday and he overcame them all....
If not so, he wouldn't have felt pain during

This movie is helping people turn to their Bible's and to God and we d same Christians are criticizing

If d devil is is everywhere, what makes u think he is not in our midst trying to cause dispute amongst us....

Enough of the complaining, for d first time non-religious people are sitting to even watch a christian movie....

A christian made this movie and d first thing u think is that he is mocking

Well, news flash, d movie was made to draw non-believers to God, not only for d christians....

Christ died for d whole world, not only for christians....


Jesus sweated blood in the garden while praying to the father to take the cup from him, which was going to the about anxiety..what do you do with that .


Jesus was fully God and fully man, of course he experienced nervousness


The Chosen Is a Great Series but it’s Actors are all human and I think of it this way…. Yes, Jesus Knew exactly what He was going to say but don’t you think He also Knew exactly what to expect from those who heard Him…… He knew because He Was at that time a Human Himself and I am sure it broke His heart to Know that Many would reject what He would say/teach and He also Knew the Horrors of the hell that awaits those who refuse to accept Him as Who He proclaimed to be!!! It was out of Pure and Unending Love that He CHOSE to come to earth as a baby, grow into a Man who would give His All For these who would Not acknowledge The Truth of Him, God and that as born Sinners without Him as their Savior would spend an Eternity in the Fire…… I Know His Heart Was Grieved heavily by that knowledge.


So let me get this straight, The Son of the Living God who cast out demons, walked on water, healed the sick, made the blind to see, died and rose again on the third day was nervous? He is also called the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Not to be confused with the cowardly lion (Revelation 5:5) to display His absolute authority and power over all creation. Every knee shall bow. Every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord


It's interesting how people interpret Jesus's humanity differently. As I read the gospels, I continually got the picture that Jesus would feel overwhelmed by the people he preached to. It seemed as if speaking to the multitudes was almost taxing to him, and he would retreat to time with his disciples to recharge. I never really saw this as nervousness, but that he was likely an introvert. Being nervous, sad, angry, or disappointed is not sinful. He was fully man, which means he fully experienced all human emotions. Emotions are not sinful, but sometimes how we manage our emotions can be sinful. The fact that Jesus's was overwhelmed, yet that did not stop him from speaking the Truth, is further proof of his divinity.


Not Nervous? Examine the night he spent in Gethsemane


Even though he is the incarnation of God; God limited his son Christ to go through what we as humans go through. He may have come to die for us, however just because he is God in the flesh he wanted to experience what we go through as just humans ourselves. I believe he felt human emotions and our weaknesses when he was on Earth.


never forget Jesus is 100% man AND 100% God. he feels what we feel. nerves, pain, all of it.


Jesus talked to the father often. He was preparing by listening to what God had to tell him to say. People are ridiculous, anything to do with God or Jesus they must complain about. I feel like people are talking crap about the show, so people don't become inspired and don't look into getting saved. It's even more disturbing that it's some of the wholesome channels I used to be subscribed to.


I get that Jesus, while Son of God, is ALSO Son of Man on earth. In order to relate to us, He had to experience the things we experience. I loved this part because it helped me understand WHY He gets me. He was sinless, but that didn’t mean He couldn’t feel our feelings, anxiety, joy, grief…
