What is Messianic Judaism? | Rabbi Jason Sobel Explains

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It's exciting to have so many new people connecting with us on our weekly Torah Portions, and online in general that has a few questions about what exactly is Messianic Judaism. I'd love to take a minute (or three) and help bring some clarity, an explaination - Blessings, and Shalom

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Dear Rabbi Jason Sobel shalom. I am very happy to hear this from you. God bless you and the people of Israel. I am a Christian myself, following Yeshua (Jesus Christ)


How awesome is it that we have this deeper than blood connection with each other, Jew and Gentile, all because of Jesus!


Shalom Rabbi! I am a follower of Yeshua from Istanbul. I lived my life with false beliefs, cults, etc. At least, I found Yeshua, called him with his name and he answered me. Reached me and accepted me. Well said Yesheyahu: Yalid yulad! Halleluyah for that day! Yeshua is the only one who is hearing and answering my prayers. Once upon a time, I was crying b'cos of unhappiness. Nowadays I cry b'cos of happiness. Hope to pay a visit to Israel someday and hope to feel the tracks of all prophets and Yeshua Hamashiach. May the peace of Yeshua be with you and all my human brethren always.


As a Gentile Christian I I don't think I can properly understand the Tanakh and the Gospels without acknowledging the heritage and culture of the Jewish people.

When I learn why and where specific words are used in the Hebrew and the Greek it adds a layer of understanding and revelation to Gods word that wouldn't happen otherwise. The Jewishness of Jesus and the disciples is very profound and significant, and shows the faithfulness of God in keeping His Word.

Bless you all in Yeshua's Holy Name. Shalom


The Messiah didn't come to remove the Torah commandments or the feasts of God. Messiah came to teach how to live the Torah daily, and follow God's commandments both physically and spiritually.


The early church had both Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ, it’s time that we unite and expand the body of Christ.


Very interesting video. I was raised Christian and then spent 3 years going through the process of conversion to Orthodox Judaism. Jesus came back into my life about a year and a half ago. Thanks for explaining messianic Judaism!


Thank you for spreading the word of Yeshua bin Yusef.


Shalom, Rabbi Jason Sobel, I am of the Eastern Orthodox faith, and my Priest, Father Jonathan Bannon teaches in the Messianic style [ i guess you could call it ] in the chuch i used to attend but can't any longer for I am a care giver to my 74 yr old husband whom had triple bypass open heart surgery last yr, and in stage 4 kidney failure, so even though I go out form time to time to get groceries and things for us and the house, I can not travel as far to my church, sadly, ] so Father Jonathan is guiding me online on what to read, and stay close to God. God grant you many years, Rabbi Jason.


This is exactly the video I have been waiting for. Thank you for explaining this so wonderfully ❤


I’ve been a Christian my whole life. As a child we were taught the Christian religion and customs. Over my younger adult years I often wondered if Jesus was Jewish how as Christians we are so far apart from the Judaism practices that Jesus followed in his 3 years ministry on earth. I just completed watching The Chosen series in Amazon and something awoke in me like never before.When I found Rabbi Jason’s video here I had no idea he was associated with the Chosen series, God led me here. God granted me discernment about the Christian religion and how it has been infiltrated by pagen practices and how the Romans through Catholicism formed it into what they wanted to control our behavior. I feel so deceived and cheated and the deception has occurred for my whole life. I feel God calling me to the truth and I am so great full that my blinders have been removed.


The first Christians were Jewish I am born to a Jewish mother and gentile christian father they both follow Jesus. I just love messianic Judaism I fell like I am home home I just love how Jews and Gentiles worship together but through out my life my parents and I went to the local Baptist church


I am a messianic follower born Christian, there is only 2 of us, my teacher and myself the pupil...getting ready for the arrival of his kingdom...bless you all


I have just started on this journey! I am so happy I found this channel and really want to get into a messianic community.


I started Shabbat observance with the leadership of FusionGlobal videos and MC Sobel’s book “ Aligning with G-d’s appointed times” ..

My connection with Hashem Yeshua-Jesus is truly turning to “ HD” quality.
I recommend all “ Christians” study the Moadims and really try to implement them in your walk. The blessings are SUPER WONDERFUL and Comforting!
Yeshua saves. Tks Rabbi Jason 🙏❤️‍🔥🎣🥖🔜


I have really enjoyed your contributions on "The Chosen" series. Absolutely fantastic! Shalom.


Im so happy to find this channel! It is a blessing to listen your teaching! I pray for your ministry from indonesia. God bless!


I was born in a Catholic family but I deeply believe in the Messianic Jewish tradition...I believe in praying in the language that Jesus spoke which was a dialect of Aramaic.


Finding this channel is a true blessing!


You can hear the love and joy coming from anyone that believes in Jesus. I am still working on my faith and want a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus). I have heard stories of people who have encountered Jesus, and the feeling of love is said to be unlike anything experienced on Earth. I’m a Christian and want a relationship with Jesus.
