Messianic Judaism Vs Christianity

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This man says one thing. That man says another thing. Some other man says some other thing. But the scriptures only say one thing.


I agree completely. We need to understand that the law doesn't mean more save or save guaranteed. Yeshua is the way the truth and the life.


I can't express in words on here how very GREAT this video is! You, Dr. Brown, always seek to unify, rather than divide!


I love the specific jewishness of the Messianic Judaism 💙💙💙 I'm a Christian and have the deepest respect for Isreal. I just want them to find there KING Yeshua and know he is the KING of KING and the Savior of all mankind. He is their KING and my KING and we are brothers in Christ all to the Glory of GOD the father the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 💙💙💙


There’s a marked distinction between the two that a lot of people don’t realize and that’s why I have a concern. Generally speaking, messianic Judaism (MJ) views Jesus as a means to an end to point people back to the Torah and the Law. You can tell because if you see a Christian going to the MJ after a while all they talk about is the Torah, and notice how you hardly ever see any MJ at any Christian events. That’s because they’ve essentially concluded something very different about Jesus in their hearts and over time than mainstream Christianity. In other words, Jesus came to point people back to Judaism, hence the name Messianic ‘Judaism’, they say that we have not been grafted into Christ but gentiles have been grafted into Judaism through Jesus, so the body of Christ along with Jews now must follow the Law, rituals and festivals - even the Levitical law for some people.

While Christianity is the opposite, it states that the Law, festivals and prophets all point to Jesus so that both Jew and gentile no longer need to live under the Law or follow the festivals but are united in the centrality of Christ and now have the righteous requirement written in our hearts (sermon on the mount), where Jew and gentile as the natural and wild branches have been grafted into Christ.

So for the former, its foundation for Jew and Gentile is Judaism and Jesus just came to point to it, while for the latter the foundation is Jesus and the OT stuff like the Torah, Law, Festivals, rituals and prophets all point to Him. Why would you want to hold on to the things (OT) that point when you have the real thing it pointed to (Jesus)? tradition. The OT is scripture, but it’s the old covenant that pointed to Jesus. Read Romans. I get concerned when a Christian begins to delve deeper into messianic Judaism, because for the sake of going ‘deeper’ are they really just slowly falling away to become a Jew through messianic Judaism and ultimately abandoning the centrality of Christ and the cross.

Keep in mind that messianic Jews differ from Jews in that Jews don’t believe Jesus is the Son of God but only perhaps a prophet and that the NT has it wrong. the MJ believes that Jesus IS the son of God, but differs from Christianity in that they believe Jesus came only to bring lost Jews and believing gentiles back to the OT Law and festivals through grace. I personally think MJ is a derivative away from biblical Christianity, and perhaps even a clever way for 1) Jews to not have to abandon longstanding tradition in order to accept the simple yet powerful message of Jesus, as well as a means for 2) Christians to drift away but don’t want to face it so they go to MJ to embrace the roots of Christianity without fully realizing they may have rejected Jesus as our foundation, hope, savior and hope in an of Himself. :)


I know Dr. Brown from the past, he is very mature spiritually now. He is not avoiding questions anymore like other theologians, see for example how he address the problem of homosexuality. Thank you, Dr Brown, and I say this as a Jew.


Keeping the commandments (including all 10)….. is what will keep us One in Messiah


Same faith different cultural expressions


Dr. Brown is a fantastic teacher! True man of God. He won't steer you wrong.


This divide needs to be healed, not to be pushed under the rug. The differences are ones of following the commandments or not. If we do not honor the Sabbath, we are not following all of the commandments, and the Sabbath is un-debatably Friday at sunset, til Saturday at sunset. When we heal this, we will have stepped back to the full truth of God. This will bring us into unity and the kingdom. This is coming now.


"It has completely displaced Passover with Easter..."

Dr. Brown, surely you know what they call Easter in almost every other language on planet Earth.


Well said. Thank you. A much needed clarification. Now if we could begin to get that same mindset distributed abroad amongst the Christians in Protestant versus Catholic versus Orthodox ... we might begin to get somewhere.


One God, One Law, & One Messiah, whether your Gentile or Jew. To say there is unity in division is speaking with a forked tongue. Jews and Gentiles are to keep the same set of commandments as laid out in Torah.


Two seperate religions yes. The faith is called THE WAY


Messianic Judaism or Jewish Christianity or Hebrew Christianity..

Michael Brown is Messianic Jew (Jewish Christian)


Perfectly and beautifully put, “in our distinctive we find our unity” great video we appreciate you letting The Lord lead and guide you


Thanks for explaining it in converting to messianic Judaism once I turn 18


I have attended a messianic synagogue for a year now. I am disheartened and not sure what to do, but the rabbi shared at Yom Kippur service that he did not believe in the rapture and then added I know some believe in being saved and know God personally. However, as with Yom Kippur it is about the cooperate body and repenting as a operate body. That stuck. A couple of people from the synagogue have now mentioned it. One saying I never knew the rapture wasn't going to happen. We were taught that, and glad he clarified that. I did not refute this person. They are regular attendees. I did not feel free in that moment to say, I think rabbi was giving his opinion and not stating truth, if what I wanted to say. I'm seeking guidance in various avenues on this subject. I don't want to leave. I love the connections made. I know I don't have to be in agreement with everything rabbi says, but this was something I cannot avoid.


The 7th-day sabbath IS the 4th commandment. The laws of the Lord cannot be changed by anyone. The apostle said being circumcised or uncircumcised means nothing, but keeping the commandments of God!


Very good discussion, I disagree with one statement you made. There cannot be one calling to the Jews and another calling for the Christians. God required all whom worship him to keep all his commands and there cannot be a set of rules for one group and another for another group. All Flesh will keep HIS Commands if they Love HIM. There is no Biblical justification to worship on Sunday, only on Shabbat (Saturday).
