Jumper’s Knee: Ankle Dorsiflexion (Fix Patellar Tendon Pain)

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Hit daily isometrics (single leg stand and iso lunge) to “Rewire” the ankle with the brain and hip. Over time, this should clear up issues at the ankle and open up dorsiflexion range (maybe because the brain feels safe to allow for it) without stretching.

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I wish i knew this 6 year's ago. I WAS a muay thai fighter untill patella tendonopathy plagued me. It was also after an ankle sprain. On return to training after the ankle sprain I developed the tendonopathy. I also have limited dorsi flexion in the left ankle to this day. I made the mistake of going to doctors and they told me to stop and that I would never train muay thai again because of the knee pain. If only I had seen your videos back then, 6 years on and I still get some knee pain. I havnt trained muay thai because even shadow boxing causes the knee to feel like it's on fire, however i am able to lift moderate weights in the gym . I am going to programme in all your excersizes you show on your videos now untill my knee feels better, your doing gods work! Most people would have to pay alot of money for this kind of information/physio


This series is amazing. Thanks for putting this together! You've got a new sub


This is exactly what happened to me and snowballed to patellar tendinopathy in both knees. Jumping athlete who played volleyball and basketball multiple times a week until multiple moderate to severe ankle sprains (first ones were just bad luck but they were reinjured quicker and easier after) since those injuries it feels like my balance isn't what it used to be and I've developed pretty serious PT that's sidelined me for weeks numerous times. I regret not taking my therapy during those injuries seriously, hopefully with Jake's exercises I can get some of my ability and durability back


What is the difference between the exercises you've shown and banded joint mobilisations for improving ankle dorsiflexion? Why do these work better in restoring dorsiflexion?


I’ll use this. Currently the coach at Midland.


Love this Jake! Would you say as well something like the Ben Patrick KOT split squats would fit into this to regain normal function again?


So can this help improve dorsiflexion?


What is your jumpers knee routine each week, or what did you do to cure them. And can it be healed with bodyweight? Can u give me a workout that maybe helps


Man this makes so much sense. I developed jumpers knee AFTER i had an ankle sprain, I did not think they were related. But of course they are.

I have been watching so many videos on other ways to fix it, I already am focusing on rehab my ankle, but I should focus more on it. Also it feels good to know that my knee will probably be better once my ankle gets better, it has just been 2 months.

So I have leg strength training twice a week. On those sessions I do include some ankle mobility training like calf raises, balance board squats, and bulgarian squat, or walking lunges. Do you recommend doing ankle training every day in addition to that? I mean 5 min every day is easy.


Maybe this is a bit of a stretch, BUT
I've seen multiple studies indicating improved ankle stiffness as an adaptation to plyometrics. Hurdlers in particular and elite sprinters in general have extremely stiff and inflexible ankles (as an example of some of the most elite adaptations to plyometrics).

So instead of less dorsiflexion decreasing the athletes' load tolerance in those two studies, another explanation would be that those with limited dorsiflexion are better jumpers (either better adapted to plyos from greater exposure, or just genetically predisposed), so they're experiencing higher forces on their jumps, and as a result have higher incidence of PT.

Would be easy to confirm or dismiss if either of those two studies also test or survey approach vertical jump (or another good measure of elasticity)


Didnt get the part why we shouldnt stretch the ankle to better dorsiflexion. I improved my own dorsiflexion ROM by stretching after a ankle sprain. Will these two exercises improve dorsiflexion? How?


How many days a week ( 3-5 minute per day as recommended) would you recommend doing these?


Do you have a full knee pain rehab workout?


Do you lift your heel on the front foot of the iso lunge


All my knee pain has went away after I worked out my glutes😁


hi thanks for the video ! during the one leg standing isometric, my foot can't stay as straight forward as you show it, is it a requisite or is it up to each anatomy ? thanks


the isometric lunge, should we raise our heel or keep it flat? heel raised for my ankle demand?

thank you


Should we lock out our knee (the one we are standing on) when doing the single leg raise?


do we allow the hip to drop on the single leg stand or resist dropping it
