REFUTING THE PAPACY: Canons of the 7 Ecumenical Councils with SNEK

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#Logos #Orthodoxy #Papacy
In this video I'm joined by French Christian Orthodox scholar Snek, where we go over canons from the 7 ecumenical councils which directly refute the Papacy of Rome. This conversation is jam packed with info, so make sure to check it out and let me know what you think.
God bless 🙏

Thank you 🙏

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This is a huge help on some huge distinctions of East compared to West. Thanks for sharing guys!


Church of the Eternal Logos,

Great episode. The only way Roman Catholics can avoid these canons is by denying the Pope functions as a bishop when acting as pope but there's no evidence the Church considered being Pope apart from the realm of the bishop, which is why, at Chalcedon, they called St. Leo "archbishop of the world, " linking his role as universal primate to the role of a local primate - one of appelate jurisdiction.



The type of squabbling you see in our Church is the same type you see in the first millenium. The Meletian Schism is a prime example. The type of fall out immediately before and for two years after Ephesus I is another as numerous bishops were in communion with Rome and Alexandria as well as Antioch or Antioch being in communion with Nestorius on the one hand and Rome and Alexandria in the other prior to the council but after Rome and Alexandria's condemnations of Nestorius. The Photian Schism and the Acacian Schisms were likewise a mess, not to mention the fall out *in the West* over Constantinople II. These really only blew up when the Pope got involved because the popes didn't understand how to smooth things out within Eastern Greek culture. Keep in mind, those situations were ones that were actually deferred to the Pope - and Emperor - too and they were still more of a mess than the current MP/EP rift. Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, Jerusalem; they spent so much time in schism from one another in the first millenium that it begs the question of why you think the pope and emperor created unity. If we're the first millenium Church, we're going to have first millenium problems and those we do.

We've got on, just fine without an emperor since 1453 - or 1461 if we count Trabizon.

I'm unsure how the pope has created unity in the West when Rome's hardline views created the Photian and Great Schism (as well as causing Lyon and Florence to fail...) it's corruption created the Reformation, and it's ecclesiology created not only the Western Schism where you had three popes but Vatican II where the Church imploded and now, where's the unity? Uniates are saying one thing, SSPX another, diocesans are all over the board, and the FSSP saying yet another. I don't see any unity there.


can you do a video on the acts of each council?


Would it be a good analogy to say Rome was basically a court magistrate who could determine whether or not there was probable cause for a court hearing, which would be the actual council itself?


“Doctrine develops gradually”. “Organic growth and continuity of Doctrinal development”. Roman Catholic apologist seem to argue out of both sides of their mouths, especially when challenging Francis’, that the Roman Catholic Church is “constant and unchanging”. If this special role of the Pope developed over the centuries and presumably guided by the Holy Spirit in fact replacing the system defined by Scripture as pleasing to the Holy Spirit why are you so willing to suggest its failure in Francis? If homosexual union and the ordination of women become pages 850 and 851 of the Catechism, why is that gradual change any different to the development of the Papacy itself as just described?

Hypocrisy always reveals error. Both can’t be true and this conflict strongly suggest that the abandonment by the Papacy of the fundamental organizational principle of enduring Consensus defined by Scripture was a mistake. By the way, Irenaeus’ wasn’t supporting the Papacy he was acknowledging that the Bishop of Rome as first among equals had a role especially when dealing with an un controversial topic. But what happened after Irenaeus? Constantinople was made equal to Rome in the hierarchy of Bishops by the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451 and nothing ever prior to 1054 ever suggested that the Bishop of Rome or Constantinople or any other Bishop could self decree anything whatsoever at any time on any topic and more importantly couldn’t be overruled by the enduring voices of the many, I.e. the other bishops of the world.


What’s name of the opening chant at the beginning?


The Eastern Church split off from Rome and the Catholic Church on at least six occasions before 1054:

The Arian schisms (343-98);

The controversy over St. John Chrysostom (404-415);

The Acacian schism (484-519);

Concerning Monothelitism (640-681);

Concerning Iconoclasm (726-87 and 815-43).

This adds up to 231 out of 500 years in schism (46% of the time)! In every case, Rome was on the right side of the debate.


I find it adorable how they call themselves "Orthodox" and then refuse to follow Orthodoxy, such as the obvious reality of the Papacy and Papal Primacy .


Schismatic laymen talking about canons, now that's hilarious. Let's see what Pope Boniface says:

“The universal ordering of the Church at its birth took its origin from the office of Blessed Peter, *in which is found both its directing power and its supreme authority* . From him, as from a source, at the time when our religion was in the stage of growth, all churches received their common order. *This much is shown by the injunctions of the council of Nicaea, since it did not venture to make a decree in his regard, recognizing that nothing could be added to his dignity: in fact it knew that all had been assigned to him by the word of the Lord. So it is clear that THIS CHURCH is to all churches throughout the world as the head is to the members, and that whoever separates himself from it becomes an exile from the Christian religion, since he ceases to belong to its fellowship”* (Pope St. Boniface, Epistle 14)