You've Been Lied to About Hell.

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What if everything you knew about hell was wrong?

Join John and Arden Bevere as they confront one of the biggest lies about eternity. In this powerful episode, they uncover the reality of hell and the lasting consequences of rejecting God’s love. Don’t miss this eye-opening message that will challenge your beliefs and inspire you to live with eternal purpose!
I want to share the tool that I use when I’m preparing sermons, writing, or studying the Bible.
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Chapter Markers
0:00 - Introduction
1:35 - False Teachers Corrupting
5:09 - The Narrow Gate and The Biggest Lie
11:24 - Staying on Course: A Narrow Gate, A Narrow Target
13:19 - The Blackest Darkness
20:36 - We Cannot Be Quiet: Repentance Leads to Refreshing
25:37 - Hell Was Not Created for Mankind
36:43 - Near Death Experiences: Back to Old Ways
39:20 - Hell - the Holding Place, The Lake of Fire
41:42 - For God So Loved the World
44:50 - A Call to Repentance
45:37 - The Blackest Darkness for False Teachers
48:47 - Conclusion

Music Sync ID: MB018O1ZNDYS2ST + MB01BKY8LD29ZI8
Рекомендации по теме

What confuses you about eternity/hell?


There's a gentleman in South Africa causing a stir in the country. He's not a Pastor He's telling people to repent and turn away from their sinful lifestyles or they are going to miss Heaven and go to hell. Needless to say, some people Christian and non Christian alike are not too happy but some young people are repenting. He's even telling politicians, celebrities and Pastors to repent, his boldness is something else.


I met Jesus when I was at my lowest and said out loud "I just want to be HAPPY!" and I MEANT it 100%, and his face just flashed in my mind and I just accepted him right then and there after living in SIN and DEBAUCHERY for most of my life.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; the Kingdom of Heaven is NEAR; Jesus is coming back, we must all REPENT for our sins.


I grew up in church and stopped believing at 18. I started practicing tarot cards, going to psychics, and trying to open my “third eye”. At 21 I paid a psychic 2k to help open my third eye. I gave her my left shoes and a shirt which I still don't know what she had done with it to this day. She gave me a necklace to wear as well. All the sudden I start feeling like I wasn't alone and fear. Covering bedroom windows just to sleep at night and over the years it became worst and worse. I cut off the psychic from the fear. I started having sleep paralysis where I could talk or move and figures would enter my room and growl in my ear and a disgusting feeling would come over my body every time.

The dreams would become worst and worse. The dream that made me call my grandfather whose a pastor, I was sitting up in bed as if I was woke and I was in my room, didn't even know I was asleep until I woke up. A thing flung open my room doors and fire illuminated the room until the door was shut. It flung me do into laying position and stark towards me growling in my ear. I was crying trying to put the covers over my face but couldn't. I called my grandparents that morning. I gave my life to Go and start praying to God to equip me with armor to fight these dreams off and suddenly I was able to say “ the blood of Jesus Christ” and I would wake up. The Lord entered my life and as I grew spiritually God removed those dreams completely. He removed what I had been battling with for two years within 5 months. God is GOOD. His love is sweet as honey. Repent, give your life to God don't want him to prove it to you. At 23 I am not sleeping peacefully and not scared to lay my head down at night please don't wait until its to late


I listened to this podcast Tuesday... I preached on hell for the first time in my life this morning. It was remarkably well-received. One of our teens told me it was "eye-opening." Thanks so much for this podcast!


This is so so good!! I just started janitorial work at Asbury University where they had the revival and my heartcry is for GOD to use me there as I clean to pray for people tell them of JESUS and watch GOD save people and set them free!! Everyone is valuable everyone has purpose!! People need to know before it's to late!! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH!!


Small church pastors speak about hell, sin, and repentance all the time. It’s all these “big name” pastors that don’t talk about it.


Walking each day as a sinner even though I have given my self to Jesus is a never ending battle in my will and in my flesh! I stumble and my flesh is weak I realize I can not do this alone Christ is the only way the only answer capturing each thought, each time, each day is all I can do.
I cry out for his mercy and forgiveness daily.


There’s no such thing is RIP unless it’s through Christ Jesus


This is why it's hard for me to say to those who just lost someone close to them by saying, "He is at a better place, " when I don't know if that person was a believer or not and that seems like a bad time to ask them, "Was he a believer?" I will say, "May the Lord comfort you at this time."


Hi just wanted to share this verse with someone who may need it

Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

May God bless you all
(Amazing video btw 💝)


The part about funerals where pastors and people are always so sure that their loved ones are in “a better place” is so true. The sad reality is way more people are being led to hell than to heaven. Nobody likes to come to grasp with it though.


I was raised to n a pentecostal church as I grew up I drifted away and live without salvation!
I was in and out of fellowshipping in the building church ⛪️
Now that I’m 58 years old no one ever told me that this is a personal relationship btw me and God tho back then I know something wasn’t right when I turn my back on God felt a conviction but didn’t know till I myself open the Bible and started to read it and ask God for strength and discernment knowledge on how I can be saved and live for the Lord!
I thank God for salvation and keeping me .


Listened to this twice. Thank you for your service to the Lord. Last night i had a tough time going to sleep... I was led to Luke 12 vs 35 to 48 after reading dread came upon me. I knew God wanted me to understand the need for me to be serious about being His child and serving Him. I'm still shaken cause the idea of knowing Him yet missing His will in this life and ending up in hell is so scary.


After I read Johns book I was terrified, terrified of God my loving Father. It put me in religious OCD for three years where I was tormented daily. Terrified of God. Thankfully I understood that it’s not my own righteousness but Christs and now I can rest in the finished works of the cross and abide in my fathers love. His loving compassion and kindness, he knows I have weaknesses that I’m working through with The Holy Spirit. He is healing my soul. I haven’t even listened to this video in case it spirals me back into OCD. I love my ABBA for saving me my Lord for saving me and Holy Spirit from comforting me. If anyone has childhood trauma I advise seek Abba Father ask him to bind up your wounds and be carful what you listen too.


I had a heart attack and the subsequent operation put me into an NDE. I was sent for a short time to hell. Funnily enough I didn't experience a literal darkness and fire as such. What I did experience was being transported to a CONCENTRATION CAMP exactly as Auschwitz, Trebinka etc staffed by WWII Nazi concentration camp guards. Now the terrifying bit was the all the inmates as well as the guards were HIDEOUSLY EVIL and all possessed a SATANIC HATRED towards me that's impossible to adequately describe. It was like having the worst possible neighbours then multiplied a thousand times. And the worst part is that hatred and evil got worse and worse as God heaped more and more judgement upon them . I woke up absolutely terrified. I'm still petrified about going there and I heard God's judgement on me because despite being saved I had a spirit of unforgivenrss amd a spirit of vengeance. He clearly told me "I sent my son into the world and allowed Him to be crucified
so you may be saved from this. And you will not forgive your sister and father over a sum of money ? " And make no mistake, God was ENRAGED at me. Fortunately He enabled me to return and to repent. 9 months later I still shudder over it.


I have always believed Jesus but I was blinded by worldly things. I was a lukewarm. I have done so many things that if weren’t because of Jesus blood I am for sure going to hell. But He saved me. He even visited me in my dreams. I heard His voice commanding me to tell everyone that He is coming soon. This platform have been a blessing cause, I was able to reach out a lot of people. Shared my dreams and warning them. I truly believe that our Father in heaven loves us so much. So much that He had to send Jesus to redeemed us. Who does that? I can only imagine how He felt watching His son die on cross for us. He has a different kind of love. So peaceful. I can’t explain it. God truly is a loving father and He is merciful. I am so overwhelmed with his grace and presence right now. The gift of discernment is such a huge blessing that the Holy Spirit has given me. It’s just unbelievable. Jesus is coming back guys.




Whether he'll is literal or figurative, I don't want to find out. The fact that the most high could erase you from his memory is terrifying enough. I want him, and I want the renewed kingdom of Jerusalem!


When my Mother died we never had a service or funeral. She was cremated and burried somewhere on my brotherinlaws property.
I had dreams for 10 years that she was still alive. I'd wake up and it was like she had just been there.
Finally I drempt of a place where she was decorating a place for my Aunt where the paintings werebeautiful. Drapery and sconces were so real and appropriate for my aunts taste. One room was open and bright for greeting people, another room was for reading and personal meditation with one chair and a light for reading.
Iwoke up and knew my mother was in heaven and VERY MUCH ALIVE IN CHRIST!


Have you also noticed that in Hollywood movies they have been normalizing the statement, “Go to Hell/I’ll see you in Hell” when the good guys are fighting the bad guys. This normalization of a terrible curse might desensitize us from how terrible that statement is. Our words have power and wishing that on anyone should not be normalized. I’ve also slowly been discovering that when we curse/swear toward someone there may be real spiritual consequences, and we think it’s “just words.” Our words have so much more power than many have been lead to believe. Thanks for another amazing message!
