Nutritionist: You've Been Lied To

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Richard talks about his journey on the carnivore diet.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and nothing in my videos should be taken as medical advice. Everything I talk about is my opinion and my experience only. You should never begin a weight loss program without consulting your own doctor first. You should never made a decision about taking or stopping medications without first getting professional advice of the potential pros and cons for you as an individual.
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Fantastic interview! I tried to eat healthy for years: homemade pesto, sourdough bread, fruits and vegetables, etc... Was still on many supplements and my first born was developing cavities. Since adding more and more animal products and eliminating plants we've all become so much healthier! My husband can work all day at his very physical job and still come home to chase the kids and spend time with me! I'm no longer stuck in the kitchen all day (cooking plants for 5 people daily is a *lot* of work!), and no more dental problems! Our third born is our most robust kid yet, and that first born is now doing second grade curriculum at kindergarten age and shot up to the 100th percentile for height! We can't wait to see how healthy our next kids will be! Life could not be better! 😊


Every time i think i can't hear anything new or more interesting, i get blown away by a new interview! This was a great one.


The only thing that’s bad about whole food like eggs and meat and fish is that it’s bad for the corporations that sell you boxes of crap with food like product in them


This interview is spot on! The sugar industries and the pharmaceutical industries are owned by the same wonder we are fat, obese, sick with diabetes, heart disease and cancer growing rapidly and very few doctors who know very little about how to make their patients's a sick cycle but as long as we are making billions off the sickness who cares! Thank you for this eye-opening interview!. I consumed a healthy diet for years and was always not feeling well. When I went keto, then carnivore I became my healthiest and feel 30 year younger.


I could listen to Richard for hours. He never ceases to amaze me with his depth of knowledge.


"it's just easier to fry a steak than cut vegetables". 💯


Wow, Richard has a wealth of knowledge and can explain everything so profoundly - I couldn‘t help but smile the entire time . . . and I‘m just halfway through the interview! He‘s definitely in his element and I‘m so glad he‘s healed up most of his ailments both physical and anxiety. I just want to scream from the rooftop „I was right to start this Ketogenic Lifestyle!!“ I too have since a few weeks adapted into Carnivore from Clean-Keto. Now back to the interview


OMFG Richard, you go to the doctor looking like Adonis and you're told that what you're eating is bad!!?? Naturally, considering he was obese himself! As Dr. Berry says, if your doc/nutritionist is obese, they don't know F^&*all about nutrition. The cognitive dissonance runs DEEP! I got rid of lifelong depression and anxiety too! Thanks Rich and Dave for this interview, much love from New Mexico USA!🥰🥰🥰


Thank you for interviewing Richard Smith.


Every time I see an interview with Richard announced, I block my agenda for the rest of the day. 😁 Top guy!


Richard is always very interesting to listen to. It is amazing how he rose so quickly in body building, a true testament to the carnivore lifestyle.


Saved this conversation with Richard! He's a goldmine of knowledge! Thank you both!


I just now shared this video and described Richard as the carnivore brainiac of the western world… fondly and with respect, of course, because he has been working diligently and sharing information for years now


I'm really enjoying both what he has to say and how he says it - such a great accent.


You say these fruits and veg are not found in nature, but neither is a tarmacked road for running marathons. Stressing your body to perform physical tasks like running isn't healthy either, you are not fit, just stress adapted.


Imagine training as a nutritionist, knowing everything you are being taught is fundamentally wrong? hahahah. Now that's strength of character!


This is your best interview yet, Dave! I love it. I'm gonna watch several times just to grab all that info.


The thing I love most about these interviews is that Dave let’s his guests talk, without interruption. Such a contrast with so many other channels. When he does ask questions, they’re concise and to the point.


one year carnivore-ish and I am learning still. I understood a lot of things from this guest, thank you. It will encourage me to drop the remaining carb in my eating because I have more understanding. We need a multitude of teachers because each one brings a different angle:) the digestive system is so complicated.


This guy is an absolute Thanks for having him on
