60 Characteristics of Complex Trauma - Part 24/33 - Fear of Change

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Why do people from Complex Trauma fear change? What tools are available to help them change?


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I just want to shout out love to everyone in this comment section.

We’ve all come from various backgrounds.

We all are likely experiencing overwhelming pain which has led to us researching this, and how to heal.

It is the most intense road imaginable.

We are true warriors and we will make it through. No matter how long it takes or how much we stumble.

We will make it.

Please don’t shame yourself.


Omgosh, for the first time in my 62 years, i feel like im normal. Normal in the sense that after the family i grew up with, i finally relate! Im a broken doll, but its not my fault. Im a survivor.


I've been listening to you for a couple of weeks. You are doing a great service to humanity by sharing your articulate understanding and a WAY OUT! You are giving people their life back. Invaluable. Thank you, Tim.


How does this guy know so much about me? When I feel panicked an have anxiety flooding brain. I started listening to this great man. An it brings me to a few conclusions. We're just starting to touch the surface how real CPTSD actually is.... And that I'm not alone an there more ppl out there with CPTSD than I thought. God Bless Everyone of us.
An I hope you all find a happy, safe place where you can feel free!


Thank you for explaining why I hate change so much.
In the 1960s, my friends said that life was change and I rejected it.
It wasn't until my late middle age that I realized that my first introduction to change was when my father died before I was three years old. The next change in my life that I remember was being removed from the city where I grew up, with all of my relatives - my support group - to move to a new city hundreds of miles away with a man that my sister and I hated.
It took me that long to realize that my friends might have been talking about change that you initiate.
Judith Lewis Herman says in her book Trauma and Recovery that the traumatized person needs to feel in control because control of the situation was taken away from them during the trauma. This is the explanation for fear of change: you're not in control.


“Well welcome to another Friday night” is a very comforting thing to keep hearing as I watch all these videos


You nailed that one, I have always been hyper tuned in to every nuance in my environment. I moved 13 times by the time I was 18 and grew up with an alcoholic father, oldest of 4 kids. I literally cannot function in the world if my home base is not secure. I hate renting, which I'm doing now, landlord can toss you out anytime. I need roots to cope with the world. A safe home is my rock, my retreat from the world. All I can manage is getting through the basics day to day and even that's a challenge. change? i just freeze😕


I wish I had this information 30 years ago, I am glad to see these things are being more widely spoke about. I am grateful for therapist and people like you who are giving out this information it helps me understand myself better.. Thank you


We are all stronger than we think. Each time we realize how much pain we were in and still are in, the soul feels relief. I can’t lie and say that healing is easy, because it is the most difficult thing I‘ve ever encountered. But I still want to find the beauty in it.

Wishing you all what you wish for yourselves.

Sending love ❤️


Omg this person knows everything possible, a cptsd person could go through


He is amazing...I literally feel like he lives in my head. I can relate to all of his videos.


angel, tim, Please continue, Because you are saving lives


In a way. When listening to this, it is very healing.


This resonated so much. I am so glad I'm not alone. Even slight changes cause me tremendous stress and upset.


Having so many issues with my husband after 20 years of marriage, after a stress event we have struggling with so many communication issues and going through your videos I can see the reason of why we do struggle. I do believe of change I want to change and grow. I have been looking inside myself and questioning my behavior, however my husband does not see the reason why to change and can not accept anything that comes from me and feels it as an attack and criticism. It is so hard that the person that I have shared my life with, does not trust and can not see what is going on.... he refuses to watch any videos about trauma or behavior, instead he avoids anything that have to be with resolution or feelings... stuck in this cycle for a year. I have been praying and asking God to guide me and give me the strength to take a decision if he does not commit to our family and see that change is the only way to have a safe and healthy family.


Thank you Tim for giving me more insight into my behaviour. Thank you too for adding the Christian bit.


Dissociation is were I go. For hours and hours & have a hyper radar.


This is precisely where I am in life. Mates health is declining rapidly, finances are dwindling, housing costs and medical bill are rising, and here we are. I’m no longer confident that my future is secure or that I’ll have adequate support. Change is inevitable, and yet…..


I just found your channel and am so greatful...THANK YOU!!!, I don't feel so alone now...much love & light to all you beautiful souls, I hope you all find out just how amazing you all truly are☮💜☯️🙏


Thank you Tim, great teaching. God will never leave me nor forsake me. Blessings to you.
