What makes us feel good about our work? | Dan Ariely

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What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn't just money. But it's not exactly joy either. It seems that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward meaning in our work. (Filmed at TEDxRiodelaPlata.)

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I personally wish success and happiness for you and anyone reading this! You WILL overcome your tribulations by remaining that GREAT person that you are! I KNOW it! Just keep going.


We loved this sentence from Dan "By getting people to work harder, you actually got them to love what they're doing into a higher degree". Great video and thought-provoking ideas on "meaning" "efficiency" "talent".


Love the origami experiment. Working harder on something more complicated and finishing it successfully instills feelings of pride, accomplishment and attachment. To those disconnected, it's simply not interesting.


If you want people to build many more toys for less to no compensation, instead of taking the toy apart at the end, have them hand it to a child.

Actually making something someone else is going to use, actually providing a service someone needs or wants, is a huge factor in how fulfilling a job is. So many of our businesses don't actually add any real value to anyone's life, and that's more depressing than anything. I was a lot more proud of my work when I made tombstones than selling software that people can use to sell software to other people who want to sell software, even though I'm making twice as much money.


Watching this as part of school assigment...


Excellent talk. I've been saying much the same thing for years but people just look at me like I'm nuts. Glad to see another who thinks like I do and even has evidence to show how it actually works. I told my old boss years ago he could be away with paying me less if he was just a bit more appreciative of my efforts. He didn't get it then or ever.


Ariely's talk are always fascinating. Good things to know, and so broad that almost anyone can relate to them


Prof Ariely is one of the best psychology researchers in my opinion. He is just so awesome and his research so practical and insightful!


I learned so much from this talk and began to see things of higher value makes you more appreciative of it! Putting your thought into what little things people do is what makes you and them find meaning to be together for a purpose


The most awesome talk. I worked for a company and felt like in the situation with the shredder. Beautifully explained !!!


I had this one class at this community college where we're given the task to write a report and create a presentation within 2 weeks. It's a group work and worth about 30% of our final mark. We put full effort into it putting at least 20 hours of work every week. We submitted our report and presented in front of the class, after a few days or so we have gotten our marks and our report back. One thing we noticed is that our written report wasn't checked at all and we are marked based on our presentation. We had the same teacher the next semester, the attendance of the class decreases as weeks goes by and students seem to care less about the projects and assignment that his giving as they're not being evaluated.


I really relate to the ignored = shredded thing, when teachers give you homework, and then ignores it, and just carries on with class, I get really demotivated to do it next time.


Around 7:50... there is an exception...that is, IF I am building something for the sole purpose of having a toddler nephew destroy it (for the pure joy of the destruction) - I can build many many bionicles while watching him destroy with great joy the one I just built.  The exception is if there is meaning in the destruction.


I always love it when people with money say money is not the biggest motivator.


I really like these TEDtalks.... i feel smarter after watching them.


what I have gotten from this talk
1. It makes sense that even though I have poured countless hours into music, other people's lack of care for it has led me to feel like quitting
2. Since I made it I probably thought it was way better than it really was anyway


Nice TEC talk by Dan Ariely about what motivates to put effort and engagement into something - thanks Richards for sending the link.


I'd really like to meet Dan Ariely. The guy is so wise


I loved this! The cake mix experiment was on point !


I am a workaholic and loved work. Now I am retired and am bored, and so am planning a new project to help screw up the world.
